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Creative thinkers develop video game to prevent disease

It's not what you'd expect. A video game to get teens off the couch and physically active. But that's exactly what ECU researchers are doing.

Student at computer with teacher A video game that could prevent disease for Australians in the years to come.

It's not what you'd expect, a video game to get teens off the couch and physically active. But that's exactly what Edith Cowan University (ECU) researchers are doing.

With almost one million Aussies battling osteoporosis, a bone disease that usually strikes the elderly, ECU researchers decided to target young people, to prevent it. Targeting teens through their devices, the video game means users must complete physical activities to pass through the levels.

Lead researchers, Professor Amanda Devine and Dr Julie Boston are developing the game, combining medical science, educative gameplay and software design.

A video game that could prevent disease for Australians in the years to come – that's creative thinking!

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