Global impact
A new roadmap to save Australia's seagrasses
New ECU research has mapped risks to Australian seagrass meadows that underscore and assist in the crucial task of conservation.
New research from ECU shows that common bone density scans can also reveal plaque build-up in the abdominal aorta - which researchers have found is a reliable marker for developing dementia.
A world-first ECU study has confirmed the link between Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and gut health, which could lead to earlier detection and new potential treatments.
New research from ECU has found that a daily cuppa (among other things) could help you enjoy better cardiovascular health late in life.
New research from ECU has shown that exercise causes muscles to secrete proteins called myokines into our blood that can suppress tumour growth and even help actively fight cancerous cells.
ECU research has found 20 proteins in cricket-based food products that could trigger severe allergic reactions in those consuming these nutrient-rich insects.
For more than 15 years ECU's Exercise Medicine Research Institute has been at the forefront of the science and clinical practice behind exercise oncology.
Researchers from the Australian Centre for Research into Injury in Sport and its Prevention (ACRISP), are collaborating with sports bodies worldwide to turn elite-level research into practical benefits for sport and public health.
ECU's disaster expert Associate Professor Erin Smith's research into the impact on first responders has uncovered the startling psychological trauma that remains long after the crisis subsides.
New ECU research has mapped risks to Australian seagrass meadows that underscore and assist in the crucial task of conservation.
New research from ECU Associate Professor Amir Razmjou is developing a new generation of membranes from recycled PVC that will allow the processing of wastewater, minerals, and even lithium.
New internationally recognised research from ECU is developing 'smart' membranes to remove microplastics from aquatic and wastewater treatment systems.
New research from ECU is pushing lupins toward the mainstream as a sustainable, plant-based, gluten-free protein source.
Professor Hongqi Sun and his team are developing photocatalysts that can accelerate the process of producing green hydrogen whilst improving energy efficiency.
In world-first research, ECU's Dr Oscar Serrano and his team have accurately quantified the amount of greenhouse gases –or 'blue carbon' –being absorbed and emitted by Australian marine ecosystems.
ECU's ground-breaking marine science research will inform global climate change policy for years to come.
ECU's Professor Hongqi Sun is developing a treatment to filter microplastics and break down pharmaceutical contaminants in water.
According to lead researcher Dr Roberto Musotto, cybercrime organisations are more like traditional online retailers found on Amazon than the Cosa Nostra.
Fingerprints are rapidly losing their effectiveness as a secure method for smartphone access, as cyber criminals have discovered ways to bypass the technology.
New research from ECU has focused on birdsong, where native Western Australian birds are the composers, paired with experimental instruments in an engaging new music project.
New research from ECU has revealed childrens' books are perpetuating outdated stereotypes of gender roles including boys playing sport, doing physical work and girls as passive onlookers.
ECU literacy researcher Dr. Margaret Merga of ECU is creating strategies to prevent aliteracy—teens who can read but lack interest in reading for pleasure as adults.