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Mr Kevin Taddei

Research Associate

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 5107
Campus: Joondalup  
Room: JO17.320A  

Kevin is a Research Associate in Neuroscience within the School of Medical and Health Sciences.


  • Bachelor of Science, Curtin University of Technology, 1994.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Slee, MG., Rainey-Smith, S., Villemagne, V., Doecke, JD., Sohrabi, H., Taddei, K., Ames, D., Dore, V., Maruff, P., Laws, S., Masters, CL., Rowe, CC., Martins, R., Erickson, KI., Brown, B. (2023). Physical activity and brain amyloid beta: A longitudinal analysis of cognitively unimpaired older adults. Alzheimer's and Dementia, 2023(2023), TBD.
  • Chatterjee, P., Pedrini, S., Doecke, J., Thota, R., Villemagne, V., Doré, V., Singh, A., Wang, P., Rainey-Smith, S., Fowler, C., Taddei, K., Sohrabi, H., Molloy, M., Ames, D., Maruff, P., Rowe, C., Masters, C., Martins, R. (2023). Plasma Aβ42/40 ratio, p-tau181, GFAP, and NfL across the Alzheimer's disease continuum: A cross-sectional and longitudinal study in the AIBL cohort. Alzheimer's and Dementia, 19(4), 1117-1134.
  • Sewell, K., Rainey-Smith, S., Villemagne, V., Peiffer, J., Sohrabi, H., Taddei, K., Ames, D., Doré, V., Maruff, P., Laws, S., Masters, C., Rowe, C., Martins, R., Erickson, K., Brown, B. (2023). The interaction between physical activity and sleep on cognitive function and brain beta-amyloid in older adults. Behavioural Brain Research, 437(2 February 2023), Article number 114108.
  • Chatterjee, P., Dore, V., Pedrini, S., Krishnadas, N., Thota, R., Bourgeat, P., Ikonomovic, MD., Rainey-Smith, S., Burnham, SC., Fowler, C., Taddei, K., Mulligan, R., Ames, D., Masters, CL., Fripp, J., Rowe, CC., Martins, R., Villemagne, VL. (2023). Plasma Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein Is Associated With 18F-Smbt-1 Pet: Two Putative Astrocyte Reactivity Biomarkers For Alzheimer'S Disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 92(2), 615-628.
  • Sewell, KR., Rainey-Smith, S., Peiffer, J., Sohrabi, H., Taddei, K., Ames, D., Maruff, P., Masters, CL., Rowe, CC., Martins, R., Erickson, KI., Brown, B. (2023). The Relationship Between Objective Physical Activity And Change In Cognitive Function. Alzheimer's and Dementia, 19(7), 2984-2993.
  • Chatterjee, P., Vermunt, L., Gordon, B., Pedrini, S., Boonkamp, L., Armstrong, N., Xiong, C., Singh, A., Li, Y., Sohrabi, H., Taddei, K., Molloy, M., Benzinger, T., Morris, J., Karch, C., Berman, S., Chhatwal, J., Cruchaga, C., Graff-Radford, N., Day, G., Farlow, M., Fox, N., Goate, A., Hassenstab, J., Lee, J., Levin, J., McDade, E., Mori, H., Perrin, R., Sanchez-Valle, R., Schofield, P., Levey, A., Jucker, M., Masters, C., Fagan, A., Bateman, R., Martins, R., Teunissen, C. (2023). Plasma glial fibrillary acidic protein in autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease: Associations with Aβ-PET, neurodegeneration, and cognition. Alzheimer's and Dementia, 19(7), 2790-2804.

Journal Articles

  • Pedrini, S., Doecke, J., Hone, E., Wang, P., Thota, R., Bush, A., Rowe, C., Dore, V., Villemagne, V., Ames, D., Rainey-Smith, S., Verdile, G., Sohrabi, H., Raida, M., Taddei, K., Gandy, S., Masters, C., Chatterjee, P., Martins, R. (2022). Plasma high-density lipoprotein cargo is altered in Alzheimer's disease and is associated with regional brain volume. Journal of Neurochemistry, 163(1), 53-67.
  • Cadby, G., Giles, C., Melton, P., Huynh, K., Mellett, N., Duong, T., Nguyen, A., Cinel, M., Smith, A., Olshansky, G., Wang, T., Brozynska, M., Inouye, M., McCarthy, N., Ariff, A., Hung, J., Hui, J., Beilby, J., Dube, M., Watts, G., Shah, S., Wray, N., Lim, F., Chatterjee, P., Martins, I., Laws, S., Porter, T., Vacher, M., Bush, A., Rowe, C., Villemagne, V., Ames, D., Masters, C., Taddei, K., Arnold, M., Kastenmuller, G., Nho, K., Saykin, A., Han, X., Kaddurah-Daouk, R., Martins, R., Blangero, J., Meikle, P., Moses, E. (2022). Comprehensive genetic analysis of the human lipidome identifies loci associated with lipid homeostasis with links to coronary artery disease. Nature Communications, 13(1), Article number 3124.
  • Pedrini, S., Chatterjee, P., Nakamura, A., Tegg, M., Hone, E., Rainey-Smith, S., Rowe, C., Dore, V., Villemagne, V., Ames, D., Kaneko, N., Kirby, S., Taddei, K., Fernando, B., Martins, I., Bharadwaj, P., Sohrabi, H., Masters, C., Brown, B., Martins, R. (2022). The Association Between Alzheimer's Disease-Related Markers and Physical Activity in Cognitively Normal Older Adults. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 14(2022), article number 771214.
  • Seneviratne, R., Weinborn, M., Badcock, D., Gavett, B., Laws, M., Taddei, K., Martins, R., Sohrabi, H. (2022). The Western Australia Olfactory Memory Test: Reliability and Validity in a Sample of Older Adults. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 37(8), 1720-1734.
  • Wang, T., Huynh, K., Giles, C., Mellett, N., Duong, T., Nguyen, A., Lim, F., Smith, A., Olshansky, G., Cadby, G., Hung, J., Hui, J., Beilby, J., Watts, G., Chatterjee, P., Martins, I., Laws, S., Bush, A., Rowe, C., Villemagne, V., Ames, D., Masters, C., Taddei, K., Doré, V., Fripp, J., Arnold, M., Kastenmüller, G., Nho, K., Saykin, A., Baillie, R., Han, X., Martins, R., Moses, E., Kaddurah-Daouk, R., Meikle, P. (2022). APOE ε2 resilience for Alzheimer’s disease is mediated by plasma lipid species: Analysis of three independent cohort studies. Alzheimer's and Dementia, 18(11), 2151-2166.
  • Shirzadi, Z., Yau, W., Schultz, S., Schultz, A., Scott, M., Goubran, M., Mojiri-Forooshani, P., Joseph-Mathurin, N., Kantarci, K., Preboske, G., Wermer, M., Jack, C., Benzinger, T., Taddei, K., Sohrabi, H., Sperling, R., Johnson, K., Bateman, R., Martins, R., Greenberg, S., Chhatwal, J. (2022). Progressive White Matter Injury in Preclinical Dutch Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy. Annals of Neurology, 92(3), 358-363.
  • Chatterjee, P., Pedrini, S., Ashton, N., Tegg, M., Goozee, K., Singh, A., Karikari, T., Simrén, J., Vanmechelen, E., Armstrong, N., Hone, E., Asih, P., Taddei, K., Doré, V., Villemagne, V., Sohrabi, H., Zetterberg, H., Masters, C., Blennow, K., Martins, R. (2022). Diagnostic and prognostic plasma biomarkers for preclinical Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's and Dementia, 18(6), 1141-1154.
  • Drieu, A., Du, S., Storck, S., Rustenhoven, J., Papadopoulos, Z., Dykstra, T., Zhong, F., Kim, K., Blackburn, S., Mamuladze, T., Harari, O., Karch, C., Bateman, R., Perrin, R., Farlow, M., Chhatwal, J., Brosch, J., Buck, J., Farlow, M., Ghetti, B., Adams, S., Barthelemy, N., Benzinger, T., Brandon, S., Buckles, V., Cash, L., Chen, C., Chua, J., Cruchaga, C., Denner, D., Dincer, A., Donahue, T., Fagan, A., Feldman, B., Flores, S., Franklin, E., Joseph-Mathurin, N., Gonzalez, A., Gordon, B., Gray, J., Gremminger, E., Groves, A., Hassenstab, J., Hellm, C., Herries, E., Hoechst-Swisher, L., Holtzman, D., Hornbeck, R., Jerome, G., Keefe, S., Koudelis, D., Li, Y., Marsh, J., Martinez, R., Mawuenyega, K., McCullough, A., McDade, E., Morris, J., Norton, J., Shady, K., Sigurdson, W., Smith, J., Wang, P., Wang, Q., Xiong, C., Xu, J., Xu, X., Allegri, R., Mendez, P., Egido, N., Araki, A., Ikeuchi, T., Ishii, K., Kasuga, K., Bechara, J., Brooks, W., Schofield, P., Berman, S., Goldberg, S., Ikonomovic, S., Klunk, W., Lopez, O., Mountz, J., Nadkarni, N., Patira, R., Smith, L., Snitz, B., Thompson, S., Weamer, E., Bodge, C., Salloway, S., Carter, K., Duong, D., Johnson, E., Levey, A., Ping, L., Seyfried, N., Fitzpatrick, C., Chui, H., Ringman, J., Day, G., Graff-Radford, N., Graham, M., Stephens, S., Cruz, C., Goldman, J., Mejia, A., Neimeyer, K., Noble, J., Diffenbacher, A., Yakushev, I., Levin, J., Vöglein, J., Douglas, J., Fox, N., Grilo, M., Mummery, C., O’connor, A., Esposito, B., Goate, A., Renton, A., Fujii, H., Senda, M., Shimada, H., Gardener, S., Martins, R., Sohrabi, H., Taddei, K., Gräber-Sultan, S., Häsler, L., Hofmann, A., Jucker, M., Käser, S., Kuder-Buletta, E., Laske, C., Preische, O., Haass, C., Morenas-Rodriguez, E., Nuscher, B., Ihara, R., Nagamatsu, A., Niimi, Y., Jack, C., Koeppe, R., Mason, N., Masters, C., Obermüller, U., Hu, S., Randolph, G., Smirnov, I., Kipnis, J. (2022). Parenchymal border macrophages regulate the flow dynamics of the cerebrospinal fluid. Nature, 611(7936), 585-593.

Journal Articles

  • Chatterjee, P., Pedrini, S., Stoops, E., Goozee, K., Villemagne, V., Asih, P., Verberk, I., Dave, P., Taddei, K., Sohrabi, H., Zetterberg, H., Blennow, K., Teunissen, C., Vanderstichele, H., Martins, R. (2021). Plasma glial fibrillary acidic protein is elevated in cognitively normal older adults at risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Translational Psychiatry, 11(June 2021), Article number 27.
  • Kirby, S., Rainey-Smith, S., Villemagne, V., Fripp, J., Dore, V., Bourgeat, P., Taddei, K., Fowler, C., Masters, C., Maruff, P., Rowe, C., Ames, D., Martins, R. (2021). Higher coffee consumption is associated with slower cognitive decline and less cerebral Aβ-Amyloid accumulation over 126 months: Data from the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers, and Lifestyle Study. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 13(19 November 2021), Article number 744872.
  • Keret, O., Staffaroni, A., Ringman, J., Cobigo, Y., Goh, S., Wolf, A., Allen, I., Salloway, S., Chhatwal, J., Brickman, A., Reyes-Dumeyer, D., Bateman, R., Benzinger, T., Morris, J., Ances, B., Joseph-Mathurin, N., Perrin, R., Gordon, B., Levin, J., Voglein, J., Jucker, M., Fougere, C., Martins, R., Sohrabi, H., Taddei, K., Villemagne, V., Schofield, P., Brooks, W., Fulham, M., Masters, C., Ghetti, B., Saykin, A., Jack, C., Graff-Radford, N., Weiner, M., Cash, D., Allegri, R., Chrem, P., Yi, S., Miller, B., Rabinovici, G., Rosen, H. (2021). Pattern and degree of individual brain atrophy predicts dementia onset in dominantly inherited Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's and Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment and Disease Monitoring, 13(1), Article Number 12197.
  • Tan, S., Porter, T., Bucks, R., Weinborn, M., Milicic, L., Brown, A., Rainey-Smith, S., Taddei, K., Ames, D., Masters, C., Maruff, P., Savage, G., Rowe, C., Villemagne, V., Brown, B., Sohrabi, H., Laws, S., Martins, R. (2021). Androgen receptor CAG repeat length as a moderator of the relationship between free testosterone levels and cognition. Hormones and Behaviour, 131(May 2021), Article number 104966.
  • Chatterjee, P., Tegg, M., Pedrini, S., Fagan, A., Xiong, C., Singh, A., Taddei, K., Gardener, S., Masters, C., Schofield, P., Multhaup, G., Benzinger, T., Morris, J., Bateman, R., Greenberg, S., Van Buchem, M., Stoops, E., Vanderstichele, H., Teunissen, C., Hankey, G., Wermer, M., Sohrabi, H., Martins, R. (2021). Plasma amyloid‐beta levels in a pre‐symptomatic dutch‐type hereditary cerebral amyloid angiopathy pedigree: A cross‐sectional and longitudinal investigation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(6), Article number 2931.
  • Chatterjee, P., Fagan, A., Xiong, C., McKay, M., Bhatnagar, A., Wu, Y., Singh, A., Taddei, K., Martins, I., Gardener, S., Molloy, M., Multhaup, G., Masters, C., Schofield, P., Benzinger, T., Morris, J., Bateman, R., Greenberg, S., Wermer, M., Van Buchem, M., Sohrabi, H., Martins, R. (2021). Presymptomatic Dutch-type hereditary cerebral amyloid angiopathy related blood metabolite alterations. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 79(2), 895-903.
  • Chatterjee, P., Cheong, Y., Bhatnagar, A., Goozee, K., Wu, Y., McKay, M., Martins, I., Lim, F., Pedrini, S., Tegg, M., Villemagne, V., Asih, P., Dave, P., Shah, T., Dias, C., Fuller, S., Hillebrandt, H., Gupta, S., Hone, E., Taddei, K., Zetterberg, H., Blennow, K., Sohrabi, H., Martins, R. (2021). Plasma metabolites associated with biomarker evidence of neurodegeneration in cognitively normal older adults. Journal of Neurochemistry, 159(2), 389-402.
  • Fowler, C., Rainey-Smith, S., Bird, S., Bomke, J., Bourgeat, P., Brown, B., Burnham, S., Bush, A., Chadunow, C., Collins, S., Doecke, J., Dore, V., Ellis, K., Evered, L., Fazlollahi, A., Fripp, J., Kirby, S., Gibson, S., Grenfell, R., Harrison, E., Head, R., Jin, L., Kamer, A., Lamb, F., Lautenschlager, N., Laws, S., Li, Q., Lim, L., Lim, Yy., Louey, A., Macaulay, L., Mackintosh, L., Martins, R., Maruff, P., Masters, C., McBride, S., Milicic, L., Peretti, M., Pertile, K., Porter, T., Radler, M., Rembach, A., Robertson, J., Rodriguez, M., Rowe, C., Rumble, R., Salvado, O., Savage, G., Silbert, B., Soh, M., Sohrabi, H., Taddei, K., Taddei, T., Thai, C., Trounson, B., Tyrell, R., Vacher, M., Varghese, S., Villemagne, V., Weinborn, M., Woodward, M., Xia, Y., Ames, D. (2021). Fifteen years of the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle (AIBL) Study: Progress and observations from 2,359 older adults spanning the spectrum from cognitive normality to Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease Reports, 5(1), 443-468.
  • Kirby, S., Weinborn, M., Sohrabi, H., Doecke, J., Bourgeat, P., Rainey-Smith, S., Shen, K., Fripp, J., Taddei, K., Maruff, P., Salvado, O., Savage, G., Ames, D., Masters, C., Rowe, C., Martins, R. (2021). Longitudinal Trajectories in Cortical Thickness and Volume Atrophy: Superior Cognitive Performance Does Not Protect Against Brain Atrophy in Older Adults. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 81(3), 1039-1052.
  • Roe, J., Vidal-Piñeiro, D., Sørensen, ., Brandmaier, A., Düzel, S., Gonzalez, H., Kievit, R., Knights, E., Kühn, S., Lindenberger, U., Mowinckel, A., Nyberg, L., Park, D., Pudas, S., Rundle, M., Walhovd, K., Fjell, A., Westerhausen, R., Masters, C., Bush, A., Fowler, C., Darby, D., Pertile, K., Restrepo, C., Roberts, B., Robertson, J., Rumble, R., Ryan, T., Collins, S., Thai, C., Trounson, B., Lennon, K., Li, Q., Ugarte, F., Volitakis, I., Vovos, M., Williams, R., Baker, J., Russell, A., Peretti, M., Milicic, L., Lim, L., Rodrigues, M., Taddei, K., Taddei, T., Hone, E., Lim, F., Fernandez, S., Rainey-Smith, S., Pedrini, S., Martins, R., Doecke, J., Bourgeat, P., Fripp, J., Gibson, S., Leroux, H., Hanson, D., Dore, V., Zhang, P., Burnham, S., Rowe, C., Villemagne, V., Yates, P., Pejoska, S., Jones, G., Ames, D., Cyarto, E., Lautenschlager, N., Barnham, K., Cheng, L., Hill, A., Killeen, N., Maruff, P., Silbert, B., Brown, B., Sohrabi, H., Savage, G., Vacher, M. (2021). Asymmetric thinning of the cerebral cortex across the adult lifespan is accelerated in Alzheimer’s disease. Nature Communications, 12(1), Article number 721.

Journal Articles

  • Sohrabi, H., Goozee, K., Weinborn, M., Shen, K., Brown, B., Rainey-Smith, S., Salvado, O., Taddei, K., Bucks, R., Maruff, P., Laws, S., Lenzo, N., Laws, M., Deyoung, C., Speelman, C., Laske, C., Ames, D., Savage, G., Martins, R. (2020). Personality factors and cerebral glucose metabolism in community‑dwelling older adults. Brain Structure and Function, 225(5), 1511–1522.
  • Pedrini, S., Hone, E., Gupta, V., James, I., Teimouri, E., Bush, A., Rowe, C., Villemagne, V., Ames, D., Masters, C., Rainey-Smith, S., Verdile, G., Sohrabi, H., Raida, M., Wenk, M., Taddei, K., Chatterjee, P., Martins, I., Laws, S., Martins, R. (2020). Plasma High Density Lipoprotein Small Subclass is Reduced in Alzheimer’s Disease Patients and Correlates with Cognitive Performance. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 77(2), 733-744.
  • Jayakody, D., Menegola, H., Yiannos, J., Goodman-Simpson, J., Friedland, P., Taddei, K., Laws, S., Weinborn, M., Martins, R., Sohrabi, H. (2020). The peripheral hearing and Central Auditory Processing skills of individuals with subjective memory complaints. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 14(21 August 2020), Article 888.
  • Chatterjee, P., Mohammadi, M., Goozee, K., Shah, T., Sohrabi, H., Dias, C., Shen, K., Asih, P., Dave, P., Pedrini, S., Ashton, N., Hye, A., Taddei, K., Lovejoy, D., Zetterberg, H., Blennow, K., Martins, R. (2020). Serum Hepcidin Levels in Cognitively Normal Older Adults with High Neocortical Amyloid-β Load. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 76(1), 291-301.

Journal Articles

  • Sohrabi, H., Weinborn, M., Laske, C., Bates, K., Christensen, D., Taddei, K., Rainey-Smith, S., Brown, B., Kirby, S., Laws, S., Martins, G., Burnham, S., Bucks, R., Reisberg, B., Lautenschlager, N., Foster, J., Martins, R. (2019). Subjective memory complaints predict baseline but not future cognitive function over three years: results from the Western Australia Memory Study. International Psychogeriatrics, 31(4), 513-525.
  • Tan, S., Sohrabi, H., Weinborn, M., Tegg, M., Bucks, R., Taddei, K., Carruthers, M., Martins, R. (2019). Effects of Testosterone Supplementation on Separate Cognitive Domains in Cognitively Healthy Older Men: A Meta-analysis of Current Randomized Clinical Trials. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 27(11), 1232-1246.
  • Chatterjee, P., Zetterberg, H., Goozee, K., Lim, C., Jacobs, K., Ashton, N., Hye, A., Pedrini, S., Sohrabi, H., Shah, T., Asih, P., Dave, P., Shen, K., Taddei, K., Lovejoy, D., Guillemin, G., Blennow, K., Martins, R. (2019). Plasma neurofilament light chain and amyloid-β are associated with the kynurenine pathway metabolites in preclinical Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Neuroinflammation, 16(2019), Article number 186.
  • Hata, S., Omori, C., Kimura, A., Saito, H., Kimura, N., Gupta, V., Pedrini, S., Hone, E., Chatterjee, P., Taddei, K., Kasuga, K., Ikeuchi, T., Waragai, M., Nishimura, M., Hu, A., Nakaya, T., Meijer, L., Maeda, M., Yamamoto, T., Masters, C., Rowe, C., Ames, D., Yamamoto, K., Martins, R., Gandy, S., Suzuki, T. (2019). Decrease in p3-Alcb37 and p3-Alcb40, products of Alcadein b generated by g-secretase cleavages, in aged monkeys and patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer's & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions, 5(1), 740-750.
  • Chatterjee, P., Elmi, M., Goozee, K., Shah, T., Sohrabi, H., Dias, C., Pedrini, S., Shen, K., Asih, P., Dave, P., Taddei, K., Vanderstichele, H., Zetterberg, H., Blennow, K., Martins, R. (2019). Ultrasensitive Detection of Plasma Amyloid-β as a Biomarker for Cognitively Normal Elderly Individuals at Risk of Alzheimer's Disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 71(3), 775-783.
  • Dube, U., Del-Aguila, J., Li, Z., Budde, J., Jiang, S., Hsu, S., Ibanez, L., Fernandez, M., Farias, F., Norton, J., Gentsch, J., Wang, F., Allegri, R., Amtashar, F., Benzinger, T., Berman, S., Bodge, C., Brandon, S., Brooks, W., Buck, J., Buckles, V., Chea, S., Chrem, P., Chui, H., Cinco, J., Clifford, J., D’mello, M., Donahue, T., Douglas, J., Edigo, N., Erekin-Taner, N., Fagan, A., Farlow, M., Farrar, A., Feldman, H., Flynn, G., Fox, N., Franklin, E., Fujii, H., Gant, C., Kirby, S., Ghetti, B., Goate, A., Goldman, J., Gordon, B., Gray, J., Gurney, J., Hassenstab, J., Hirohara, M., Holtzman, D., Hornbeck, R., Dibari, S., Ikeuchi, T., Ikonomovic, S., Jerome, G., Jucker, M., Kasuga, K., Kawarabayashi, T., Klunk, W., Koeppe, R., Kuder-Buletta, E., Laske, C., Levin, J., Marcus, D., Martins, R., Mason, N., Maue-Dreyfus, D., McDade, E., Montoya, L., Mori, H., Nagamatsu, A., Neimeyer, K., Noble, J., Perrin, R., Raichle, M., Ringman, J., Roh, J., Schofield, P., Shimada, H., Shiroto, T., Shoji, M., Sigurdson, W., Sohrabi, H., Sparks, P., Suzuki, K., Swisher, L., Taddei, K., Wang, J., Wang, P., Weiner, M., Wolfsberger, M., Xiong, C., Xu, X., Salloway, S., Masters, C., Lee, J., Graff-Radford, N., Chhatwal, J., Bateman, R., Morris, J., Karch, C., Harari, O., Cruchaga, C. (2019). An atlas of cortical circular RNA expression in Alzheimer disease brains demonstrates clinical and pathological associations. Nature Neuroscience, 22(11), 1903-1912.
  • Schultz, A., Kloet, R., Sohrabi, H., Van Der Weerd, L., Van Rooden, S., Wermer, M., Moursel, L., Yaqub, M., Van Berckel, B., Chatterjee, P., Kirby, S., Taddei, K., Fagan, A., Benzinger, T., Morris, J., Sperling, R., Johnson, K., Bateman, R., Gurol, ME., Van Buchem, M., Martins, R., Chhatwal, J., Greenberg, S. (2019). Amyloid Imaging of Dutch-Type Hereditary Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy Carriers. Annals of Neurology, 86(4), 616-625.

Journal Articles

  • Rainey-Smith, S., Mazzucchelli, G., Villemagne, V., Brown, B., Porter, T., Weinborn, M., Bucks, R., Milicic, L., Sohrabi, H., Taddei, K., Ames, D., Maruff, P., Masters, C., Rowe, C., Salvado, O., Martins, R., Laws, S. (2018). Genetic variation in Aquaporin-4 moderates the relationship between sleep and brain Aβ-amyloid burden. Translational Psychiatry, 8(1), Article no. 47.
  • Doecke, J., Rembach, A., Villemagne, V., Varghesi, S., Rainey-Smith, S., Sarros, S., Evered, L., Fowler, C., Pertile, K., Rumble, R., Trounson, B., Taddei, K., Laws, S., Macaulay, SL., Bush, A., Ellis, K., Martins, R., Ames, D., Silbert, B., Vanderstichele, H., Masters, C., Darby, D., Li, Q., Collins, S. (2018). Concordance between cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers with Alzheimer's disease pathology between three independent assay platforms. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 61(1), 169-183.
  • Brown, B., Rainey-Smith, S., Dore, V., Peiffer, J., Burnham, S., Laws, S., Taddei, K., Ames, D., Masters, C., Rowe, C., Martins, R., Villemagne, V. (2018). Self-Reported Physical Activity is Associated with Tau Burden Measured by Positron Emission Tomography. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 63(4), 1299-1305.
  • Weinborn, M., Bucks, R., Sohrabi, H., Rainey-Smith, S., Brown, B., Kirby, S., Gozt, O., Christensen, D., Savage, G., Laws, S., Taddei, K., Maruff, P., Robertson, J., Ellis, K., Ames, D., Masters, C., Rowe, C., Martins, R. (2018). Trajectories of Irregular Word Reading Ability as a Proxy for Premorbid Intelligence in Alzheimer’s Disease, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Healthy Aging: A Longitudinal Study. Psychological Assessment, 30(10), 1308-1316.
  • Fernando, B., Rainey-Smith, S., Kirby, S., Villemagne, V., Burnham, S., Macaulay, SL., Brown, B., Gupta, V., Sohrabi, H., Weinborn, M., Taddei, K., Laws, S., Goozee, K., Ames, D., Fowler, C., Maruff, P., Masters, C., Salvado, O., Rowe, C., Martins, R. (2018). Associations of dietary protein and fiber intake with brain and blood amyloid-β. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 61(4), 1589-1598.
  • Martins, R., Villemagne, V., Sohrabi, H., Chatterjee, P., Shah, T., Verdile, G., Fraser, P., Taddei, K., Gupta, V., Rainey-Smith, S., Hone, E., Pedrini, S., Lim, F., Martins, I., Frost, S., Gupta, S., O'Bryant, S., Rembach, A., Ames, D., Ellis, K., Fuller, S., Brown, B., Kirby, S., Fernando, B., Bharadwaj, P., Burnham, S., Laws, S., Barron, A., Goozee, K., Wahjoepramono, EJ., Asih, P., Doecke, J., Salvado, O., Bush, A., Rowe, C., Gandy, S., Masters, C. (2018). Alzheimer’s Disease: A Journey from Amyloid Peptides and Oxidative Stress, to Biomarker Technologies and Disease Prevention Strategies—Gains from AIBL and DIAN Cohort Studies. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 62(3), 965-992.
  • Porter, T., Burnham, S., Savage, G., Lim, YY., Maruff, P., Milicic, L., Peretti, M., Ames, D., Masters, C., Martins, R., Rainey-Smith, S., Rowe, C., Salvado, O., Taddei, K., Groth, D., Verdile, G., Villemagne, V., Laws, S. (2018). A polygenic risk score derived from episodic memory weighted genetic variants is associated with cognitive decline in preclinical Alzheimer's disease. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 10(Dec 2018), Article number 423.
  • Chatterjee, P., Goozee, K., Sohrabi, H., Shen, K., Shah, T., Asih, P., Dave, P., Man Yan, C., Taddei, K., Chung, R., Zetterberg, H., Blennow, K., Martins, R. (2018). Association of Plasma Neurofilament Light Chain with Neocortical Amyloid-β Load and Cognitive Performance in Cognitively Normal Elderly Participants. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 63(2), 479-487.
  • Rainey-Smith, S., Gu, Y., Kirby, S., Doecke, J., Villemagne, V., Brown, B., Taddei, K., Laws, S., Sohrabi, H., Weinborn, M., Ames, D., Fowler, C., Macaulay, SL., Maruff, P., Masters, C., Salvado, O., Rowe, C., Scarmeas, N., Martins, R. (2018). Mediterranean diet adherence and rate of cerebral Aβ-amyloid accumulation: Data from the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle Study of Ageing. Translational Psychiatry, 8(2018), Article Number: 238.
  • Goozee, K., Chatterjee, P., James, I., Shen, K., Sohrabi, H., Asih, P., Dave, P., Manyan, C., Taddei, K., Ayton, S., Garg, M., Kwok, J., Bush, A., Chung, R., Magnussen, J., Martins, R. (2018). Elevated plasma ferritin in elderly individuals with high neocortical amyloid-β load. Molecular Psychiatry, 23(8), 1807-1812.
  • Porter, T., Villemagne, V., Savage, G., Milicic, L., Lim, YY., Maruff, P., Masters, C., Ames, D., Bush, A., Martins, R., Rainey-Smith, S., Rowe, C., Taddei, K., Groth, D., Verdile, G., Burnham, S., Laws, S. (2018). Cognitive gene risk profile for the prediction of cognitive decline in presymptomatic Alzheimer’s disease. Personalized Medicine in Psychiatry, 7-8(2018), 14-20.
  • McCabe, K., Woods, S., Weinborn, M., Sohrabi, H., Rainey-Smith, S., Brown, B., Kirby, S., Taddei, K., Martins, R. (2018). Personality characteristics are independently associated with prospective memory in the laboratory, and in daily Life, among older adults. Journal of Research in Personality, 76(Oct 2018), 32-37.
  • Chatterjee, P., Goozee, K., Lim, CK., James, I., Shen, K., Jacobs, K., Sohrabi, H., Shah, T., Asih, P., Dave, P., Manyan, C., Taddei, K., Lovejoy, D., Chung, R., Guillemin, G., Martins, R. (2018). Alterations in serum kynurenine pathway metabolites in individuals with high neocortical amyloid-B load: A pilot study. Scientific Reports, 8(2018), Article no. 8008.

Journal Articles

  • Goozee, K., Chatterjee, P., James, I., Shen, K., Sohrabi, H., Asih, P., Dave, P., Ball, B., Manyan, C., Taddei, K., Chung, R., Garg, M., Martins, R. (2017). Alterations in erythrocyte fatty acid composition in preclinical Alzheimer’s disease. Scientific Reports, 7(1), Article number 676.
  • Kirby, S., Rainey-Smith, S., Sohrabi, H., Weinborn, M., Verdile, G., Fernando, B., Lim, YY., Harrington, K., Burnham, S., Taddei, K., Masters, C., Macaulay, S., Rowe, C., Ames, D., Maruff, P., Martins, R. (2017). Increased carbohydrate intake is associated with poorer performance in verbal memory and attention in an APOE genotype-dependent manner. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 58(1), 193-201.
  • Bates, K., Sohrabi, H., Rainey-Smith, S., Weinborn, M., Bucks, R., Rodrigues, M., Beilby, J., Howard, M., Taddei, K., Martins, G., Paton, A., Shah, T., Dhaliwal, S., Foster, J., Martins, I., Lautenschlager, N., Mastaglia, L., Gandy, S., Martins, R. (2017). Serum high-density lipoprotein is associated with better cognitive function in a cross-sectional study of aging women. International Journal of Neuroscience, 127(3), 243-252.
  • Brown, B., Sohrabi, H., Taddei, K., Kirby, S., Rainey-Smith, S., Peiffer, J., Xiong, C., Fagan, A., Benzinger, T., Buckles, V., Erickson, K., Clarnette, R., Shah, T., Masters, C., Weiner, M., Cairns, N., Rossor, M., Graff-Radford, N., Salloway, S., Voglein, J., Laske, C., Noble, J., Schofield, P., Bateman, R., Morris, J., Martins, R. (2017). Habitual exercise levels are associated with cerebral amyloid load in presymptomatic autosomal dominant Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer's and Dementia, 13(11), 1197-1206.
  • Frost, S., Robinson, L., Rowe, C., Ames, D., Masters, C., Taddei, K., Rainey-Smith, S., Martins, R., Kanagasingam, Y. (2017). Evaluation of cholinergic deficiency in preclinical Alzheimer's disease using pupillometry. Journal of Ophthalmology, 2017(August 2017), Article no. 7935406.
  • Peters, K., Davis, W., Taddei, K., Martins, R., Masters, C., Davis, T., Bruce, D. (2017). Plasma amyloid-β Peptides in Type 2 Diabetes: A matched case-control study. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 56(3), 1127-1133.

Journal Articles

  • Barr, R., Verdile, G., Wijaya, L., Morici, M., Taddei, K., Gupta, V., Pedrini, S., Jin, L., Nicolazzo, JA., Knock, E., Fraser, P., Martins, R. (2016). Validation and characterization of a novel peptide that binds monomeric and aggregated β-Amyloid and inhibits the formation of neurotoxic oligomers. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 291(2), 547-559.
  • Kirby, S., Sohrabi, H., Shen, K., Rainey-Smith, S., Weinborn, M., Bates, K., Shah, T., Foster, J., Lenzo, N., Salvado, O., Laske, C., Laws, S., Taddei, K., Verdile, G., Martins, R. (2016). Cerebral Glucose Metabolism is Associated with Verbal but not Visual Memory Performance in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 52(2), 661-672.
  • Wahjoepramono, EJ., Asih, P., Aniwiyanti, V., Taddei, K., Dhaliwal, S., Fuller, S., Foster, J., Carruthers, M., Verdile, G., Sohrabi, H., Martins, R. (2016). The effects of testosterone supplementation on cognitive functioning in older men. CNS and Neurological Disorders, 15(3), 337-343.
  • Bird, S., Sohrabi, H., Sutton, T., Weinborn, M., Rainey-Smith, S., Brown, B., Patterson, L., Taddei, K., Gupta, V., Carruthers, M., Lenzo, N., Knuckey, N., Bucks, R., Verdile, G., Martins, R. (2016). Cerebral amyloid-β accumulation and deposition following traumatic brain injury-A narrative review and meta-analysis of animal studies. Neuroscience & Biobehavioural Reviews, 64(2016), 215-228.
  • Chatterjee, P., Lim, F., Shui, G., Gupta, V., James, I., Fagan, A., Xiong, C., Sohrabi, H., Taddei, K., Brown, B., Benzinger, T., Masters, C., Snowden, S., Wenk, M., Bateman, R., Morris, J., Martins, R. (2016). Plasma Phospholipid and Sphingolipid Alterations in Presnilin1 Mutation Carriers: A Pilot Study. Journal of Alzheimer's disease, 50(3), 887-894.
  • Brown, B., Rainey-Smith, S., Villemagne, V., Weinborn, M., Bucks, R., Sohrabi, H., Laws, S., Taddei, K., Macaulay, SL., Ames, D., Fowler, C., Maruff, P., Masters, C., Rowe, C., Martins, R. (2016). The relationship between sleep quality and brain amyloid burden. Sleep, 39(5), 1063-1068.

Journal Articles

  • Kirby, S., Rainey-Smith, S., Barnes, M., Sohrabi, H., Weinborn, M., Lim, Y., Harrington, K., Taddei, K., Gu, Y., Rembach, A., Szoeke, C., Ellis, K., Masters, C., Macaulay, S., Rowe, C., Ames, D., Keogh, J., Scarmeas, N., Martins, R. (2015). Dietary patterns and cognitive decline in an Australian study of ageing. Molecular Psychiatry, 20(7), 860-866.
  • Rembach, A., Evered, L., Li, Q., Nash, T., Vidaurre, L., Fowler, CJ., Pertile, KK., Rumble, RL., Trounson, BO., Maher, S., Mooney, F., Farrow, M., Taddei, K., Rainey-Smith, S., Laws, S., Macaulay, SL., Wilson, W., Darby, DG., Martins, R., Ames, D., Collins, S., Silbert, B., Masters, CL., Doecke, JD. (2015). Alzheimer's Disease cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers are not influenced by gravity drip or aspiration extraction methodology. Alzheimer's Research and Therapy, 7(2015), Article number 71.
  • Li, Q., Villemagne, V., Doecke, J., Rembach, A., Sarros, S., Varghese, S., McGlade, A., Laughton, K., Pertile, K., Fowler, C., Rumble, R., Trounson, B., Taddei, K., Rainey-Smith, S., Laws, S., Robertson, J., Evered, L., Silbert, B., Ellis, K., Rowe, C., Macaulay, S., Darby, D., Martins, R., Ames, D., Masters, C., Collins, S. (2015). Alzheimer’s Disease Normative Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers Validated in PET Amyloid-β Characterized Subjects from the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle (AIBL) study. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 48(1), 175-187.
  • Sohrabi, H., Bates, K., Weinborn, M., Bucks, R., Rainey-Smith, S., Rodrigues, M., Bird, S., Brown, B., Beilby, J., Howard, M., Criddle, A., Wraith, M., Taddei, K., Martins, G., Paton, A., Shah, T., Dhaliwal, S., Mehta, P., Foster, J., Martins, I., Lautenschlager, N., Mastaglia, F., Laws, S., Martins, R. (2015). Bone mineral density, adiposity, and cognitive functions. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 7(FEB), Article no. 16.
  • Cysique, LA., Hewitt, T., Croitoru-Lamoury, J., Taddei, K., Martins, R., Chew, CS., Davies, NN., Price, P., Brew, BJ. (2015). APOE e4 moderates abnormal CSF-abeta-42 levels, while neurocognitive impairment is associated with abnormal CSF tau levels in HIV+ individuals - A cross-sectional observational study. BMC Neurology, 15(1), Article no. 51.
  • Kirby, S., Rainey-Smith, S., Macaulay, SL., Taddei, K., Rembach, A., Maruff, P., Ellis, K., Masters, C., Rowe, C., Ames, D., Keogh, J., Martins, R. (2015). Comparative analysis of the Cancer Council of Victoria and the online Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation FFQ. The British Journal of Nutrition: an international journal of nutritional science, 114(10), 1683-1693.
  • Asih, P., Wahjoepramono, EJ., Aniwiyanti, V., Wijaya, L., De Ruyck, K., Taddei, K., Fuller, SJ., Sohrabi, H., Dhaliwal, SS., Verdile, G., Carruthers, M., Martins, R. (2015). Testosterone Replacement Therapy in Older Male Subjective Memory Complainers: Double-Blind Randomized Crossover Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial of Physiological Assessment and Safety. CNS and Neurological Disorders, 14(5), 576-586.
  • Chatterjee, P., Gupta, V., Fagan, A., Jasielec, M., Xiong, C., Sohrabi, H., Dhaliwal, S., Taddei, K., Bourgeat, P., Brown, B., Benzinger, T., Bateman, R., Morris, J., Martins, R. (2015). Decreased Platelet APP Isoform Ratios in Autosomal Dominant Alzheimer's Disease: Baseline Data from a DIAN Cohort Subset. Current Alzheimer Research, 12(2), 157-164.
  • Albrecht, MA., Szoeke, C., Maruff, P., Savage, G., Lautenschlager, NT., Ellis, KA., Taddei, K., Martins, R., Masters, CL., Ames, D., Foster, JK. (2015). Longitudinal cognitive decline in the AIBL cohort: The role of APOE e4 status. Neuropsychologia, 75(2015), 411-419.
  • Johnson, L., Sohrabi, H., Hall, J., Taddei, K., Edwards, M., O'Bryant, S., Martins, R. (2015). A depressive endophenotype of poorer cognition among cognitively healthy community-dwelling adults: results from the Western Australia memory study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 30(8), 881-886.

Journal Articles

  • Verdile, G., Laws, S., Henley, D., Ames, D., Bush, A., Ellis, K., Faux, N., Gupta, V., Li, Q., Masters, C., Pike, K., Rowe, C., Szoeke, C., Taddei, K., Villemagne, V., Martins, R. (2014). Associations between gonadotropins, testosterone and β amyloid in men at risk of Alzheimer's disease. Molecular Psychiatry, 19(1), 69-75.
  • Villemagne, V., Dore, V., Yates, P., Brown, B., Mulligan, R., Bourgeat, P., Veljanoski, R., Rainey-Smith, S., Ong, K., Rembach, A., Williams, R., Burnham, S., Laws, S., Salvado, O., Taddei, K., Macaulay, SL., Martins, R., Ames, D., Masters, C., Rowe, C. (2014). En Attendant Centiloid. Advances in Research, 2(12), 723-729.
  • Rembach, A., Faux, N., Watt, A., Pertile, K., Rumble, R., Trounson, B., Fowler, C., Roberts, B., Perez, K., Li, Q., Laws, S., Taddei, K., Rainey-Smith, S., Robertson, J., Vandijck, M., Vanderstichele, H., Barnham, K., Ellis, K., Szoeke, C., Macaulay, L., Rowe, C., Villemagne, V., Ames, D., Martins, R., Bush, A., Masters, C. (2014). Changes in plasma amyloid beta in a longitudinal study of aging and Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's and Dementia, 10(1), 53-61.
  • Brown, B., Bourgeat, P., Peiffer, J., Burnham, S., Laws, S., Rainey-Smith, S., Bartres-Faz, D., Villemagne, V., Taddei, K., Rembach, A., Bush, A., Ellis, K., Macaulay, SL., Rowe, C., Ames, D., Masters, C., Maruff, P., Martins, R. (2014). Influence of BDNF Val66Met on the relationship between physical activity and brain volume. Neurology, 83(15), 1345-52.

Journal Articles

  • Brown, B., Peiffer, J., Taddei, K., Lui, J., Laws, S., Gupta, V., Taddei, T., Ward, V., Rodrigues, M., Burnham, S., Rainey-Smith, S., Villemagne, V., Bush, A., Ellis, K., Masters, C., Ames, D., Macaulay, L., Szoeke, C., Rowe, C., Martins, R. (2013). Physical activity and amyloid-β plasma and brain levels: results from the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle Study of Ageing. Molecular Psychiatry, 18(8), 875-881.
  • Lim, F., Lam, SM., Shui, G., Mondal, A., Ong, D., Duan, X., Creegan, R., Martins, I., Sharman, M., Taddei, K., Verdile, G., Wenk, M., Martins, R. (2013). Effects of a high-fat, high-cholesterol diet on brain lipid profiles in apolipoprotein E E3 and E4 knock-in mice. Neurobiology of Aging, 34(9), 2217-2224.
  • Sharman, M., Moussavi Nik, S., Chen, M., Ong, D., Wijaya, L., Laws, S., Taddei, K., Newman, M., Lardelli, M., Martins, R., Verdile, G. (2013). The Guinea Pig as a Model for Sporadic Alzheimer's Disease (AD): The Impact of Cholesterol Intake on Expression of AD-Related Genes. PLoS One, 8(6), e66235.
  • Foster, J., Albrecht, M., Savage, G., Lautenschlager, N., Ellis, K., Maruff, P., Szoeke, C., Taddei, K., Martins, R., Masters, C., Ames, D. (2013). Lack of reliable evidence for a distinctive e4-related cognitive phenotype that is independent from clinical diagnostic status: findings from the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle Study. Brain: a journal of neurology, 136(7), 2201-16.
  • Frost, S., Kanagasingam, Y., Sohrabi, H., Taddei, K., Bateman, R., Morris, J., Benzinger, T., Goate, A., Masters, C., Martins, R. (2013). Pupil Response Biomarkers Distinguish Amyloid Precursor Protein Mutation Carriers from Non-Carriers. Current Alzheimer Research, 10(8), 790-796.

Journal Articles

  • Lau, S., Bates, K., Sohrabi, H., Rodrigues, M., Martins, G., Dhaliwal, S., Taddei, K., Laws, S., Martins, I., Mastaglia, F., Foster, J., Phillips, J., Martins, R. (2012). Functional effects of genetic polymorphism in inflammatory genes in subjective memory complainers. Neurobiology of Aging, 33(6), 1054-1056.
  • Brown, B., Peiffer, J., Sohrabi, H., Mondal, A., Gupta, V., Rainey-Smith, S., Taddei, K., Burnham, S., Ellis, K., Szoeke, C., Masters, CL., Ames, D., Rowe, C., Martins, R. (2012). Intense physical activity is associated with cognitive performance in the elderly. Translational Psychiatry, 2(2012), art. no. e191.
  • Kirby, S., Gu, Y., Rainey-Smith, S., Keogh, JB., Clifton, PM., Mathieson, SL., Taddei, K., Mondal, A., Ward, V., Scarmeas, N., Barnes, M., Ellis, K., Head, R., Masters, C0., Ames, D., Macaulay, S0., Rowe, C0., Szoeke, C., Martins, R. (2012). Adherence to a Mediterranean diet and Alzheimer's disease risk in an Australian population. Translational Psychiatry, 2(2012), e164.
  • Doecke, J., Laws, S., Faux, N., Wilson, W., Burnham, S., Lam, P., Mondal, A., Bedo, J., Bush, A., Brown, B., De Ruyck, K., Ellis, K., Fowler, C., Gupta, V., Head, R., Macaulay, SL., Pertile, K., Rowe, C., Rembach, A., Rodrigues, M., Rumble, R., Szoeke, C., Taddei, K., Taddei, T., Trounson, B., Ames, D., Masters, C., Martins, R. (2012). Blood-Based Protein Biomarkers for Diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease. Archives of Neurology, 69(10), 1318-1325.
  • Sona, A., Zhang, P., Ames, D., Bush, AI., Lautenschlager, NT., Martins, R., Masters, CL., Rowe, CC., Szoeke, C., Taddei, K., Ellis, KA. (2012). Predictors of rapid cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease: Results from the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle (AIBL) study of ageing. International Psychogeriatrics, 24(2), 197-204.
  • Sohrabi, H., Bates, K., Weinborn, M., Johnston, A., Bahramian, A., Taddei, K., Laws, S., Rodrigues, M., Morici, M., Howard, M., Martins, G., Mackay-Sim, A., Gandy, S., Martins, R. (2012). Olfactory discrimination predicts cognitive decline amongst community-dwelling older adults. Translational Psychiatry, 2(2012), art. no. e118.

Journal Articles

  • Gupta, V., Laws, S., Villemagne, V., Ames, D., Bush, A., Ellis, K., Lui, J., Masters, C., Rowe, C., Szoeke, C., Taddei, K., Martins, R. (2011). Plasma apolipoprotein e and Alzheimer disease risk: The AIBL study of aging. Neurology, 76(12), 1091-1098.
  • Kanyenda, L., Verdile, G., Boulos, S., Krishnaswamy, S., Taddei, K., Meloni, BP., Mastaglia, FL., Martins, R. (2011). The dynamics of CD147 in Alzheimer's disease development and pathology. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 26(4), 593-605.
  • Faux, NG., Ellis, KA., Porter, L., Fowler, CJ., Laws, S., Martins, R., Pertile, K., Rembach, A., Rowe, CC., Rumble, RL., Szoeke, C., Taddei, K., Taddei, T., Trounson, BO., Villemagne, VL., Ward, V., Ames, D., Masters, CL., Bush, A. (2011). Homocysteine, Vitamin B12, and Folic Acid Levels in Alzheimer's Disease, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Healthy Elderly: Baseline Characteristics in Subjects of the Australian Imaging Biomarker Lifestyle Study.. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 27(4), 909-922.
  • Wahjoepramono, EJ., Wijaya, L., Taddei, K., Bates, K., Howard, M., Martins, G., De Ruyck, K., Matthews, P., Verdile, G., Martins, R. (2011). Direct Exposure of Guinea Pig CNS to Human Luteinizing Hormone Increases Cerebrospinal Fluid and Cerebral Beta Amyloid Levels.. Neuroendocrinology: international journal for basic and clinical studies on neuroendocrine relationships, 94(4), 313-322.

Journal Articles

  • Sharman, M., Shui, G., Fernandis, A., Lim, WL., Berger, T., Hone, E., Taddei, K., Martins, I., Ghiso, J., Buxbaum, JD., Gandy, S., Wenk, M., Martins, R. (2010). Profiling brain and plasma lipids in human APOE ε2, ε3 and ε4 knock-in mice using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry.. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 20(1), 105-111.
  • Barron, A., Verdile, G., Taddei, K., Bates, K., Martins, R. (2010). Effect of Chronic hCG Administration on Alzheimer's-Related Cognition and Aβ accumulation in PS1KI mice. Endocrinology, 151(11), 5380–5388.
  • Sharman, M., Morici, M., Hone, E., Berger, T., Taddei, K., Martins, I., Lim, WL., Singh, S., Wenk, M., Ghiso, J., Buxbaum, JD., Gandy, S., Martins, R. (2010). APOE Genotype Results in Differential Effects on the Peripheral Clearance of Amyloid-ß42 in APOE Knock-in and Knock-out Mice. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 21(2), 403-409.
  • Kajiwara, Y., Franciosi, S., Takahashi, N., Krug, L., Schmeidler, J., Taddei, K., Haroutunian, V., Fried, U., Ehrlich, M., Martins, R., Gandy, S. (2010). Extensive proteomic screening identifies the obesity-related NYGGF4 protein as a novel LRP1-interactor, showing reduced expression in early Alzheimer's disease. Molecular Neurodegeneration, 5(1), Article No.1.
  • Lui, J., Laws, S., Li, Q., Villemagne, V., Ames, D., Brown, B., Bush, A., De Ruyck, K., Dromey, J., Ellis, K., Faux, N., Foster, J., Fowler, C., Gupta, V., Hudson, P., Laughton, K., Masters, C., Pertile, K., Rembach, A., Rimajova, M., Rodrigues, M., Rowe, C., Rumble, R., Szoecke, C., Taddei, K., Taddei, T., Trounson, B., Ward, V., Martins, R. (2010). Plasma amyloid-β as a biomarker in Alzheimer’s disease: the AIBL study of aging.. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 20(4), 1233-1242.

Journal Articles

  • Sohrabi, H., Bates, K., Rodrigues, M., Taddei, K., Laws, S., Lautenschlager, N., Dhaliwal, S., Johnston, A., Mackay-Sim, A., Gandy, S., Foster, J., Martins, R. (2009). Olfactory dysfunction is associated with subjective memory complaints in community-dwelling elderly individuals. Journal of Alzheimer's disease, 17(1), 135-142.
  • Sohrabi, H., Bates, K., Rodrigues, M., Taddei, K., Martins, G., Laws, S., Lautenschlager, N., Dhaliwal, S., Foster, J., Martins, R. (2009). The relationship between memory complaints, perceived quality of life and mental health in apolipoprotein eε4 carriers and non-carriers. Journal of Alzheimer's disease, 17(1), 69-79.
  • Ellis, K., Bush, A., Darby, D., De Fazio, D., Foster, J., Hudson, P., Lautenschlager, N., Lenzo, N., Martins, R., Maruff, P., Masters, C., Milner, A., Pike, K., Rowe, C., Savage, G., Szoeke, C., Taddei, K., Villemagne, V., Woodward, M., Ames, D., Aibl Research Group, T. (2009). The Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle (AIBL) study of aging: methodology and baseline characteristics of 1112 individuals recruited for a longitudinal study of Alzheimer's disease. International Psychogeriatrics, 21(4), 672-687.
  • Bates, K., Sohrabi, H., Rodrigues, M., Beilby, J., Dhaliwal, S., Taddei, K., Criddle, A., Wraith, M., Howard, M., Martins, G., Paton, A., Mehta, P., Foster, J., Martins, I., Launtenschlager, N., Mastaglia, F., Laws, S., Gandy, S., Martins, R. (2009). Association of Cardiovascular Factors and Alzhemer's Disease Plasma Amyloid-β Protein in subjective memory Complainers. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 17(2), 305-318.

Journal Articles

  • Wahjoepramono, EJ., Wijaya, L., Taddei, K., Martins, G., Howard, M., De Ruyck, K., Bates, K., Dhaliwal, S., Verdile, G., Carruthers, M., Martins, R. (2008). Distinct Effects of Testosterone on Plasma and Cerebrospinal Fluid Amyloid-beta Levels. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 15(1), 129-137.
  • Taddei, K., Laws, S., Verdile, G., Munns, S., D'costa, K., Harvey, A., Martins, I., Hill, F., Levy, E., Shaw, J., Martins, R. (2008). Novel phage peptides attenuate beta amyloid-42 catalysed hydrogen peroxide production and associated neurotoxicity. Neurobiology of Aging, n/a(n/a), 12 pages.
  • Gnjec, A., D'costa, K., Laws, S., Hedley, R., Balakrishnan, K., Taddei, K., Martins, G., Paton, A., Verdile, G., Gandy, S., Broe, A., Brooks, W., Bennett, H., Piguet, O., Price, P., Miklossy, J., Hallmayer, J., McGeer, P., Martins, R. (2008). Association of alleles carried at TNFA -850 and BAT1 -22 with Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Neuroinflammation, 5(36), 1-10.
  • Flicker, L., Martins, R., Thomas, J., Acres, J., Taddei, K., Vasikaran, S., Norman, P., Jamrozik, K., Almeida, O. (2008). B-Vitamins reduce plasma levels of beta amyloid. Neurobiology of Aging, 29(2), 303-305.

Journal Articles

  • Riemenschneider, M., Konta, L., Friedrich, P., Schwarz, S., Taddei, K., Neff, F., Padovani, A., Kolsch, H., Laws, S., Klopp, N., Bickeboller, H., Wagenpfeil, S., Mueller, J., Rosenberger, A., Diehl-Schmid, J., Archetti, S., Lautenschlager, N., Borroni, B., Muller, U., Illig, T., Heun, R., Egensperger, R., Schlegel, J., Forstl, H., Martins, R., Kurz, A. (2006). A functional polymorphism within plasminogen activator urokinase (PLAU) is associated with Alzheimer's disease. Human Molecular Genetics, 15(16), 2446-2456.

Journal Articles

  • Flicker, L., Martins, R., Thomas, J., Acres, J., Taddei, K., Norman, P., Jamrozik, K., Almeida, O. (2004). Homocysteine, Alzheimer genes and proteins, and measures of cognition and depression in older men. Journal of Alzheimer's disease, 6(3), 329-336.

Journal Articles

  • Dean, B., Laws, S., Hone, E., Taddei, K., Scarr, E., Thomas, E., Harper, C., McClean, C., Masters, C., Lautenschlager, N., Gandy, S., Martins, R. (2003). Increased levels of apolipoprotein E in the frontal cortex of subjects with schizophrenia. Biological Psychiatry, 54(6), 616-622.
  • Miklossy, J., Taddei, K., Suva, D., Verdile, G., Fonte, J., Fisher, C., Gnjec, A., Ghika, J., Suard, F., Mehta, P., McLean, C., Masters, C., Brooks, W., Martins, R. (2003). Two novel presenilin-1 mutations (Y256S and Q222H) are associated with early-onset Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol Aging, 24(5), 655-662.

Research Projects

  • AIBL: Agreement with Biogen for provision of AIBL Data and samples, Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Grant, 2022 ‑ 2024, $3,305,552.
  • Exploring genetic biomarkers associated with neurodegeneration in childhood dementia, Department of Health WA, FHRIF Research Excellence Awards 2022, 2022 ‑ 2024, $160,000.
  • Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network, Washington University, Grant, 2019 ‑ 2024, $474,340.
  • AIBL: Agreement with Biogen for provision of AIBL Data and samples, Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Grant, 2016 ‑ 2024, $3,278,875.
  • Sponsorship of Research Fellows (multiple roles), Australian Alzheimer's Research Foundation, Australian Alzheimer's Research Foundation - Sponsorship, 2022 ‑ 2023, $815,000.
  • Sponsorship of Research Fellow (multiple roles), Lions Alzheimer's Foundation, Sponsorship, 2022 ‑ 2023, $753,000.
  • Sponsorship Agreement for Research Associate (Kevin Taddei), Australian Alzheimer's Research Foundation, Australian Alzheimer's Research Foundation - Sponsorship, 2022 ‑ 2023, $327,000.
  • WA Memory Study (WAMS), Australian Alzheimer's Research Foundation, McCusker Alzheimer's Research Foundation - Grant, 2019 ‑ 2022, $357,468.
  • Sponsorship of Research Fellow (Eugene Hone, Prashant Bharadwaj, Steve Pedrini), Lions Alzheimer's Foundation, Sponsorship, 2021, $420,378.
  • Sponsorship of Research Fellow (Kevin Taddei), Australian Alzheimer's Research Foundation, Australian Alzheimer's Research Foundation - Sponsorship, 2021, $190,000.
  • Sponsorship of Research Fellow (Kevin Taddei), Australian Alzheimer's Research Foundation, Australian Alzheimer's Research Foundation - Sponsorship, 2020, $210,393.
  • Sponsorship of Research Fellow (Georgina Martins), Australian Alzheimer's Research Foundation, Australian Alzheimer's Research Foundation - Sponsorship, 2019, $25,468.
  • Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network, Washington University, Grant, 2009 ‑ 2019, $1,398,587.
  • Sponsorship of Research Fellow (Kevin Taddei), Australian Alzheimer's Research Foundation, Australian Alzheimer's Research Foundation - Sponsorship, 2019, $90,198.
  • Sponsorship of Research Fellow (Hamid Soharbi), Australian Alzheimer's Research Foundation, Australian Alzheimer's Research Foundation - Sponsorship, 2019, $47,130.
  • Sponsorship Agreement Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Australian Alzheimer's Research Foundation, Neuroscience Research Institute - Sponsorship, 2018 ‑ 2019, $94,922.
  • Head Injury and Testosterone (HIT), Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research, Neurotrauma Research Program, 2013 ‑ 2017, $148,701.
  • Ocular Imaging Project NeuroVision Imaging, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), NeuroVision Imaging, LLC Grant, 2013 ‑ 2015, $152,999.
  • Establishing a combined ocular and blood biomarker panel for Alzheimer’s disease., Australian National University, ANU - Dementia CRC - Grant, 2014 ‑ 2015, $517,977.
  • A study of the kinetics of biomarkers and their presumptive relationship with brain amyloid , Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Araclon Biotech , 2014 ‑ 2015, $132,200.
  • CSIRO/Janssen AIBL Neuroscience Program, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Janssen Neuroscience Program, 2014 ‑ 2015, $200,000.
  • Peripheral Clearance of Amyloid-beta (Aβ) using Novel Binding Peptides, Alzhyme Pty Ltd, Grant, 2011 ‑ 2014, $600,000.
  • Dementia Collaborative Research Council - Lipid Profiles in Alzheimer's Disease, Australian National University, ANU - Dementia CRC - Grant, 2011 ‑ 2014, $90,000.
  • Assess suitability of multiplexing, Australian National University, ANU - Dementia CRC - Grant, 2011 ‑ 2013, $198,755.
  • Proteomics for discovery of novel biomarkers, Australian National University, ANU - Dementia CRC - Grant, 2011 ‑ 2013, $74,045.
  • The Australian Imaging, Biomarker and Lifestyle Study of Ageing - Round 2, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Science Industry Endowment Fund Agreement, 2010 ‑ 2013, $2,013,000.
  • Enhancing Peripheral Clearance of Beta Amyloid as a Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease, National Health and Medical Research Council, Grant, 2010 ‑ 2013, $529,125.
  • Evaluation of candidate biomarkers in platelets, Australian National University, ANU - Dementia CRC - Grant, 2011 ‑ 2012, $67,990.
  • Neon Transfection System and Biomedical Research Grade -30oC Freezer for Alzheimer’s and Melanoma Research, National Health and Medical Research Council, Equipment Grant 2011, 2011 ‑ 2012, $10,927.
  • Dementia Collaborative Research Centre (Round2): Early Diagnosis and Prevention - PROJECT 2 (ECUPO2) - Plasma apoE Measurement, Department of Health and Aged Care, Grant, 2010 ‑ 2011, $100,674.
  • Dementia Collaborative Research Centre (Round2): Early Diagnosis and Prevention - PROJECT 3 (ECUPO3) - Plasma IDE Measurement, Department of Health and Aged Care, Grant, 2010 ‑ 2011, $187,075.
  • -30C Freezer for Increased Tissue/Blood Storage Capacity in the Alzheimer's Disease Research Laboratory, Edith Cowan University, Grant, 2007 ‑ 2008, $12,266.

Research Student Supervision

No data available

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Impact of nutrition on cognition and its association with blood and brain alzheimer disease related biomarkers
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