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International Sampler Comparison Group

Improving how we measure dust exposure

Many people work in environments where dust is created, and sometimes the type and amount of dust can lead to harm.  To work out if exposure to dust is problematic Occupational Hygienists conduct surveys to measure the dust which are then used in their risk assessments.  A wide variety of measurement techniques are available, and the Occupational Hygienist is trained to identify which techniques are most suitable for specific workplace situations.

The technology used to measure dust is advancing, however, the approved measurement processes have not kept up to date with these developments.

The International Sampler Comparison Group has been established to coordinate independent research in the devices used to measure exposure, and the techniques Occupational Hygienists use to measure exposure.

The ISCG aim is to conduct research to enhance the science of workplace aerosol measurements and practice, and it does so with the objectives:

  1. Develop and implement a plan to coordinate and communicate research
  2. Identify funding needs and funding agencies to enable research
  3. Identify and engage with stakeholder organisations
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