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Impact and recovery from light reduction in an Amphibolis seagrass ecosystem

This project aims to develop criteria for dredging (timing, duration, intensity of shading) to minimise impact to seagrass ecosystems. Sub-lethal indicators of stress will be developed for use as monitoring tools in dredging operations. In addition, the ecological significance of impacts from dredging will be assessed by examining seagrass, algae and fauna. These aims will be achieved through a three factor experimental manipulation of the effect of timing, duration and intensity of shading on Amphibolis griffithii meadows, & the subsequent recovery of these meadows.

A subset of student projects

Michael Mulligan

Masters Project
Title: Indicators of sub-lethal stress following imposed light reduction to the seagrass Amphibolis griffithii.
Commenced: March 2005

Helen Barwick

Honours Project
Title: The effects of light reduction treatments on motile epifauna in an Amphibolis griffithii (Black) den Hartog seagrass ecosystem.
Commenced: March 2006

Adam Gartner

PhD Project
Title: Trophic implications of reduced light environment on macroinvertebrate communities
Commenced: May 2006

Paul Mackey

Honours Project
Title: The effects of temporary PAR reduction on the seagrass Amphibolis griffithii (Black) den Hartog
Completed: November 2004


Dr Kathyn McMahon
Professor Paul Lavery
Michael Mulligan
Andrew Tennyson
Anne Brearley
Helen Barwick
Adam Gartner
Department of Environment and Conservation, Ray Masini
CSIRO, Russ Babcock
Geraldton Port Authority

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