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Thesis submission

As your Thesis nears completion you should ensure your Examiners have been agreed upon and the Nomination of Examiners Form submitted to your School Honours Coordinator at least four weeks prior to submission.

When submitting your Thesis, ensure you:

  • have two Examiners (preferably at least one external examiner, however in some instances, both examiners can be internal);
  • nominate the examiners once they have agreed to undertake the marking and have confirmed their availability;
  • submit the Nomination of Examiner Form to the School Honours Coordinator for approval four weeks prior to submitting the thesis. Return the signed form to the School Honours Coordinator. Thesis and projects should be submitted to the Honours Coordinator for examination with a memorandum signed by the student and their supervisor indicating that it is ready for examination;
  • lodge one copy of the thesis or project for each examiner. The prescribed number of copies should be submitted in a temporary bound form such as thermo or spiral binding. Light card or heavy paper may be used for covers; and
  • note that where the thesis or project, in whole or part, contains materials that cannot be presented in conformity with the digital submission criteria (eg. art works, drawings, three dimensional objects such as models or sculpture) then the form of presentation should be approved by the supervisor in consultation with the School Librarian.
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