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Centre for People, Place & Planet - ECU Strategic Research Centre

Centre for People, Place and Planet - ECU Strategic Research Centre
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Our research programs and outcomes

Centre activities focus on collaborative transdisciplinary research projects, special events (for example research forums, symposia, seminars), training workshops and short courses, and performances and exhibitions as they relate to Human and Environment Interactions.

Katijin Bidi

To restore relations with people and place, the Centre has established Katitjin Bidi – an experimental and emerging methodological project that engages in On Country activities based on processes that will be reciprocal, relational, restorative and responsive, to demonstrate being-by-doing Indigenous-supported research. Katitjin Bidi contributes to all our research.

Katitjin Bidi means “knowledge pathway” in Noongar – the language of the Noongar peoples of Southwestern Australia

Programs of Research

The CPPP has three programs of research which work towards our vision for reconnecting people, ecosystems and place-based knowledges for universal well-being.

Informing and promoting transformative systems change for the flourishing of people and planet

Research in POR 3 supports and promotes interdisciplinary interventions that are participatory, informed by Indigenous knowledge systems, principles of climate justice, and action-oriented. Our research aims to challenge existing paradigms to advance understanding of human-environment interactions, and to inform and promote transformative systems change. In partnership with communities, institutions and places, our research will create and construct new ways of knowing and being at the intersection of people and nature.

More about POR 3

Sustainability of agricultural production systems

This research program focuses on the ecosystem contexts of soil and water, and the systems of food production and food security. The research seeks to support sustainable food systems, in part by investigating how soils gain and lose organic carbon, and how soil and landscape water content is maintained, particularly in the context of climate change. The research also explores food production, access, and policy to enable better food in regional Western Australian communities.

More about POR 1

Using feminisms, the arts, and more-than-human methods PoR #2  develops place-based literacies for ecosocial justice

The present environmental conditions require a radical shift in how people reimagine and reconfigure the future survival of the planet. This involves relearning how to be a part of the planet’s ecological community, including how people should live, learn, and connect with place. Part of this relearning is through attuning to and developing place-based literacies. Place-based literacies involve attending to past and present histories, thinking more deeply about human relations with worlds, engaging with the entanglement of people, place, and planet, and working with the materiality of these complex and uneven relations.

More about POR 2

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