There are several sources of assistance to help you as you undertake your postgraduate research degree.
You may claim assistance towards expenses relating to consumables, services and travel that have been incurred directly and solely in the course of research, or in presenting research findings at a conference. For specific details, please read the Guidelines for Postgraduate funding allowances.
Your main source of assistance is your supervisor. If you have questions, problems or uncertainties about any aspect of your research, your supervisor can either help you or direct you to somebody who can.
The Student Services Centre will service issues related to admissions, scholarships and assessments. Enquiries related to these matters can be made as follows:
Level 4, Building 31
Joondalup campus
270 Joondalup Drive
Joondalup WA 6027
Professional Doctorate candidates requiring learning advice can seek assistance from the Postgraduate Learning Advisor.
A Research Consultant is available to discuss statistical requirements of your research, and assist with independent learning and direct you to training materials, web links, reading and other resources to support the development of your research skills.
Dr Amanda Harris is available to assist you on editing and writing advice, particularly for students from non-English speaking backgrounds. This includes writing your research proposal, writing the thesis, and general editing and academic writing skills.
Each year a number of scholarships are offered to full-time Masters by Research, PhD or Professional Doctorate candidates. Scholarships are offered on the basis of academic merit and research performance.
For more information, visit the ECU Scholarships web pages.
Postgraduate study suites are available for postgraduate research students. These suites include:
The Postgraduate Coordinator within the school can help with access to these suites.
The library provides a wide range of services to facilitate postgraduate research. Research materials not held in the collection may be obtained through the library’s inter-library loan network covering major libraries in both Australia and overseas.
The library’s digital collection provides an extensive range of databases in all subject areas. Many of these can be accessed through the ECU library web pages.
Other library services that support postgraduate studies include:
For more information, view the Information Technology Services web pages.
Many important University communications are delivered only to your ECU student email. All students must access student email via the Student Portal.
If you are facing difficulties you should discuss them with your supervisor or with members of the counselling service. Getting help early with a problem can help with it being resolved and preventing what could otherwise lead to serious issues with your research project.
If you need assistance with any matters that could affect your academic program, contact a counsellor. All discussions with counsellors are treated in the strictest confidence.
For more information, visit the Student Counselling Services web pages via the Student Portal.