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Activism and Digital Culture in Australia
Rodan, D. (2024). Casualising the Use of Nonhuman Animals’ Bodies in ‘Meat Porn’ Television Programs and Websites. M/C Journal, 27(4), 9 pages.
Rodan, D., Mummery, J. (2021). Re-branding animal activists and branding Australians: An investigation into the public relations work of Animals Australia's activist campaigns. Asia Pacific Public Relations Journal, 23(2021), 13p..
Mummery, J., Rodan, D. (2019). Digitising kids with chooks to supercharge one online activism campaign. Digitising Early Childhood (319-336). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Journal Articles
Mhanna, M., Rodan, D. (2019). Ungrievable lives: Australian print media portrayals of Palestinian casualties during the Gaza War of 2014. Australian Journalism Review, 41(1), 117-130.
Mummery, J., Rodan, D. (2019). Becoming activist: the mediation of consumers in Animals Australia’s Make it Possible campaign. Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy: quarterly journal of media research and resources, 172(1), 48-60.
Rodan, D., Mummery, J. (2017). Activism and Digital Culture in Australia. Media, Culture and Communication in Asia-Pacific Societies, 192. Rowman & Littlefield.
Journal Articles
Mummery, J., Rodan, D. (2017). Mediation for affect: coming to care about factory-farmed animals. Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy: quarterly journal of media research and resources, 165(1), 37-50.
Conference Publications
Rodan, D., Mummery, J., Henkel, C. (2017). The charity model is broken: Crowdfunding as a way to democratise, diversify and grow funding for social change?. Refereed Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Conference 2017 - Communication Worlds: Access, Voice, Diversity, Engagement (16p.). Australian and New Zealand Communication Association.
Rodan, D., Mummery, J. (2016). Doing animal welfare activism everyday: questions of identity. Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, 30(4), 381-396.
Mummery, J., Rodan, D., Nolton, M. (2016). Making Change: Digital Activism and Public Pressure Regarding Livestock Welfare. Ctrl-Z: new media philosophy, 6(6), 15p..
Conference Publications
Mhanna, M., Rodan, D. (2016). Power and Silence: Australian Media Portrayal of Israeli and Palestinian Casualties during the Gaza War of 2014. The Asian Conference on Media & Mass Communication 2015 Official Conference Proceedings (181-195). The International Academic Forum.
Rodan, D. (2015). Bringing Sexy Back: To What Extent Do Online Television Audiences Contest Fat-Shaming?. M/C Journal: A Journal of Media and Culture, 18(3), 1-14.
Rodan, D., Ellis, K., Lebeck, P. (2014). Disability, Obesity and Ageing: Popular Media Identifications. Ashgate Publishing Limited.
Journal Articles
Rodan, D., Mummery, J. (2014). The 'Make It Possible' Multimedia campaign: Generating a New 'Everyday' in Animal Welfare. Media International Australia, 153(2014), 78-87.
Conference Publications
Rodan, D., Mummery, J. (2014). Platforms and Activism: Sharing 'My Make it Possible Story' Narratives. Refereed Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Conference: The digital and the social: communication for inclusion and exchange (1-22). Australian and New Zealand Communication Association.
Uridge, L., Green, L., Rodan, D., Cullen, T. (2014). A vulnerable community of heart patients re/constructs media stories about cardiovascular disease. Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Annual Conference, 2014 (1). ANZCA.
Mummery, J., Rodan, D., Ironside, K., Nolton, M. (2014). Mediating Legal Reform: Animal Law, Livestock Welfare and Public Pressure. Refereed Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Conference: The digital and the social: communication for inclusion and exchange (1-16). Australian and New Zealand Communication Association.
Mummery, J., Rodan, D. (2013). The role of blogging in public deliberation and democracy. Discourse, Context and Media, 2(1), 22-39.
Rodan, D., Uridge, L., Green, L. (2012). Negotiating a new identity online and off-line: The HeartNET experience. New Media and Intercultural Communication: Identity, Community and Politics (139-154). Peter Lang Publishing.
Mummery, J., Rodan, D. (2011). Chewing the Communal Cud: Community Deliberation in Broadsheet Letters and Political Blogs. Technologies for Supporting Reasoning Communities and Collaborative Decision Making: Cooperative Approaches (296-318). Information Science Reference.
Rodan, D., Balnaves, M. (2010). Media activist websites: the nature of e-participation spaces.. Australian Journalism Review, 32(1), 27-39.
Conference Publications
Rodan, D. (2010). Tactics for mobilising participation and action: GetUp! a case study of communicative spaces.. Record of Communications Policy & Research Forum 2010 (29-40). Network Insight Institute.
Rodan, D., Uridge, LK., Green, L. (2010). Using nicknames, psuedonyms and avatars on HeartNET: A snapshot of an online health support community.. Media Democracy and Change: Refereed Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communications Association Annual Conference (16p.). Australian and New Zealand Communication Association.
Uridge, LK., Rodan, D., Green, L. (2010). Negotiating conflict and negativity in an online community for recovering heart patients.. Cultural attitudes towards technology and communication. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on cultural attitudes towards technology and communication (231-246). School of Information Technology, Murdoch University.
Rodan, D. (2010). Remaking the obese 'self' in The biggest loser: Couples (Australia).. Media, Democracy and Change: Refereed Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Conference 2010 (17p.). University of Canberra.
Rodan, D., Balnaves, M. (2009). Democracy to Come: Active Forums as Indicator Suites for e-Participation and e-Governance. Electronic Participation (175-185). Springer Verlag.
Journal Articles
Rodan, D. (2009). Large, sleek, slim, stylish flat screens: Privatized space and the televisual experience. Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, 23(3), 367-382.
Conference Publications
Uridge, L., Green, L., Rodan, D. (2009). Enhancing wellness: HeartNET an online interactive community supporting people with cardiovascular disease. 2008 Vario Health Conference Physical and Mental Wellness Integrative Approaches to Health Conference Proceedings (145-150). Edith Cowan University.
Rodan, D., Lange, C. (2008). Going Overboard? Representing Hazara Afghan Refugees as Just Like Us. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 29(2), 153-169.
Conference Publications
Uridge, L., Rodan, D., Green, L. (2008). HeartNET: Moving Towards a Transformative Space?. Proceedings of the Transforming Information & Learning Conference (On Line). Edith Cowan University.
Mummery, J., Rodan, D. (2007). Discursive Australia: Refugees, Australianness, and the Australian public sphere. Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, 21(3), 347-360.
Rodan, D. (2007). Desperate Housewives: the popularising of a Western global postfeminism. Illumina, 1, 1-10.
Rodan, D., Toye, C., Chambers, Z. (2006). Constituting identity of older people in retirement village advertising in Western Australia. The Reinvention of everyday life: Culture in the twenty-first century (143-154). Canterbury University Press.
Rodan, D., Mummery, J. (2005). Discursive Australia: Public discussion of refugees in the early Twenty-First Century. Mobile Boundaries/Rigid Worlds: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference of the CRSI (0). Centre for Research on Social Inclusion, Macquarie University.
Rodan, D. (2004). Identity and justice: Conflicts, contradictions and contingencies. Peter Lang.
Conference Publications
Rodan, D. (2004). Seeking educational excellence: Developing self assessment for analytical essays. Proceedings of the 13th Annual Teaching Learning Forum (0). Murdoch University.
Mummery, J., Rodan, D. (2003). Discourses of democracy in the aftermath of 9/11 and other events: Protectivism versus humanitarianism. Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, 17(4), 433-443.
Rodan, D. (2003). Book Review: Reel racism: Confonting Hollywood's construction of Afro-American culture. Australian Journal of Communication, 30(1), 127-130.
Research Projects
Construction of the subject as heart patient in the context of the gift economy, Australian Research Council, Grant - Linkage (APAI), 2007 ‑ 2012, $110,047.
Doctor of Philosophy, The rise of regionalisation in the asian television industry: A case study of trendy drama 2000-2012
Doctor of Philosophy, The identity of the heart patient in the context of gift economy: Heartnet and media framing.
Doctor of Philosophy, Caught in the frame: A critical analysis of Australian media representations of the israeli-palestinian conflict 2014–2015
Master of Communication, Australia, march 2003: The print media, democracy and the decision to invade iraq.
Doctor of Philosophy, Muslim women in Australia and the netherlands: A multimodal enquiry into television documentary representations
Doctor of Philosophy, Forging a new consensus: Numsa and anc hegemony in flux in South Africa
Co-principal Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy, Representations of Afro Taino Puerto Rican American Women's Identities and Connections to Place: The Cultural Productions of Nitty Scott 2016-2018
Associate Supervisor
Master of Communications by Research, The Australian football league and the closet
Doctor of Philosophy, Participation in isolation: Female Indonesian migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong and media activism
Doctor of Philosophy, Women's magazine editors: Our story tellers and their cultural roles.
Doctor of Philosophy, The afternoon walks of Violet Kong: a collection of satirical works -and- Polishing the Spoof: Using rhetorical genre theory to build a problem-solving PLR method, and its application in the context of Menippean Satire
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