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Professor Elizabeth Watkin

Associate Dean

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 2479
Campus: Joondalup  
Room: JO19.347  

Elizabeth is a Professor and the Associate Dean (Science and Maths) of the School of Science.


Elizabeth Watkin has over 20 years of experience in the field of microbial ecology of environmental systems and covers the fields of mining biotechnology, mineral resource recovery and microbial fouling of water (particularly within mining systems). She has industry contacts with a number of mining companies and has a long-term collaboration with CSIRO-Land and Water and CSIRO-Mineral Resources.

Her research team investigates biotechnological processes for environmental and industrial applications and approaches to mitigate microbially caused problems such as biocorrosion, biofouling and bioclogging. Prior to 2005 her main area of research was symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria in both agricultural and native legume species. She maintains a minor research interest in this area.

  • 2021:           Professor in Microbiology and Deputy Dean (Pharmacy, Biomedical Sciences and Medical Radiation Science), Curtin Medical School, Curtin University
  • 2018-2020:  Professor in Microbiology and Deputy Head of School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences, Curtin University
  • 2016-2017:  Professor in Microbiology, School of Biomedical Sciences, Curtin University
  • 2002-2016:  Lecturer, Senior Lecturer and Associate Professor in Microbiology, School of Biomedical Sciences, Curtin University
  • 1999-2002:  Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Centre for Rhizobium Studies, Murdoch University
  • 1998-1999:  Postdoctoral Research Fellow, CSIOR-Plant Industry, Canberra

Professional Memberships

  • International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium International Scientific Committee
  • Fellow of the Australian Society for Microbiology

Research Areas and Interests

  • Mineral leaching; mineral resource recovery
  • Haloacidiphilic iron and sulfur oxidizing bacteria.
  • The application of phosphate solubilising bacteria in Rare Earth Element recovery.
  • Microbial ecology of environmental systems.
  • Mining biotechnology.
  • Microbial fouling of water (particularly within mining systems).
  • Root nodule bacteria of Australian indigenous legumes.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Murdoch University, 1999.

Research Outputs

Book Chapters

  • Khaleque, HN., Vergara, E., Holmes, D., Watkin, E. (2024). Acidihalobacter. Bergey’s Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria (). John Wiley & Sons, Inc., in association with Bergey’s Manual Trust.

Journal Articles

  • Boase, K., Santini, T., Watkin, E. (2024). Microbes of biotechnological importance in acidic saline lakes in the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia. Frontiers in Microbiology, 15(Article in press), 11 pages.
  • Khaleque, HN., Fathollahzadeh, H., Kaksonen, AH., Valdés, J., Vergara, E., Holmes, DS., Watkin, E. (2024). Genomic insights into key mechanisms for carbon, nitrogen, and phosphate assimilation by the acidophilic, halotolerant genus Acidihalobacter members. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 100(12), article number fiae145.

Journal Articles

  • Corbett, MK., Watkin, E. (2023). Bioprospecting For And The Applications Of Halophilic Acidophiles In Bioleaching Operations. Microbiology Australia, 2023(article in press), TBD.
  • Van Alin, A., Corbett, MK., Fathollahzadeh, H., Tjiam, MC., Rickard, WD., Sun, X., Putnis, A., Eksteen, J., Kaksonen, AH., Watkin, E. (2023). Biofilm Formation On The Surface Of Monazite And Xenotime During Bioleaching. Microbial Biotechnology, 2023(Article in Press), TBD.
  • Corbett, M., Gifford, A., Fimognari, N., Watkin, E. (2023). Analysis of element yield, bacterial community structure and the impact of carbon sources for bioleaching rare earth elements from high grade monazite. Research in Microbiology, 2023(Article in press), article number 104133.
  • Van Alin, A., Corbett, MK., Fathollahzadeh, H., Tjiam, MC., Putnis, A., Eksteen, J., Kaksonen, AH., Watkin, E. (2023). Klebsiella Aerogenes Adhesion Behaviour During Biofilm Formation On Monazite. Microorganisms, 11(5), article number 1331.

Book Chapters

  • Quatrini, R., Watkin, E., Johnson, DB. (2022). Biomolecular and Cultivation Tools. Biomining Technologies: Bioprocessing Options for Extracting and Recovering Metals from Ores and Wastes (111-131). Springer.

Journal Articles

  • Tuck, B., Watkin, E., Somers, A., Forsyth, M., Machuca, L. (2022). Conditioning of metal surfaces enhances Shewanella chilikensis adhesion. Biofouling: the journal of bioadhesion and biofilm research, 38(3), 207-222.
  • Corbett, M., Anstiss, L., Gifford, A., Graham, R., Watkin, E. (2022). Examining the osmotic response of acidihalobacter aeolianus after exposure to salt stress. Microorganisms, 10(1), article number 22.
  • Tuck, B., Leinecker, N., Watkin, E., Somers, A., Forsyth, M., Machuca, L. (2022). Efficiency of a Novel Multifunctional Corrosion Inhibitor Against Biofilms Developed on Carbon Steel. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 10(2022), article number 803559.
  • Tuck, B., Watkin, E., Somers, A., Machuca, L. (2022). A critical review of marine biofilms on metallic materials. Npj Materials Degradation, 6(1), article number 25.
  • Tuck, B., Salgar-Chaparro, S., Watkin, E., Somers, A., Forsyth, M., Machuca, L. (2022). Extracellular DNA: A Critical Aspect of Marine Biofilms. Microorganisms, 10(7), article number 1285.
  • Tuck, B., Watkin, E., Somers, A., Forsyth, M., Machuca, L. (2022). Enhancing Biocide Efficacy: Targeting Extracellular DNA for Marine Biofilm Disruption. Microorganisms, 10(6), article number 1227.
  • Boase, K., González, C., Vergara, E., Neira, G., Holmes, D., Watkin, E. (2022). Prediction and Inferred Evolution of Acid Tolerance Genes in the Biotechnologically Important Acidihalobacter Genus. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13(2022), article number 848410.

Journal Articles

  • Hartnell, D., Hollings, A., Ranieri, A., Lamichhane, H., Becker, T., Sylvain, N., Hou, H., Pushie, M., Watkin, E., Bambery, K., Tobin, M., Kelly, M., Massi, M., Vongsvivut, J., Hackett, M. (2021). Mapping sub-cellular protein aggregates and lipid inclusions using synchrotron ATR-FTIR microspectroscopy. Analyst, 146(11), 3516-3525.
  • Maria Ranieri, A., Vezzelli, M., Leslie, K., Huang, S., Stagni, S., Jacquemin, D., Jiang, H., Hubbard, A., Rigamonti, L., Watkin, E., Ogden, M., New, E., Massi, M. (2021). Structure illumination microscopy imaging of lipid vesicles in live bacteria with naphthalimide-appended organometallic complexes. Analyst, 146(12), 3818-3822.
  • Silva-Bedoya, L., Watkin, E., Machuca, L. (2021). Deep-sea corrosion rusticles from iron-hulled shipwrecks. Materials and Corrosion, 72(7), 1138-1151.
  • Davison, E., Giustiniano, D., Bougher, N., McGurk, L., Watkin, E. (2021). Additions to Amanita (Amanitaceae, Agaricales) section Arenariae from south-western Australia. Australian Systematic Botany, 34(6), 541-569.
  • Tuck, B., Watkin, E., Forsyth, M., Somers, A., Ghorbani, M., Machuca, L. (2021). Evaluation of a novel, multi-functional inhibitor compound for prevention of biofilm formation on carbon steel in marine environments. Scientific Reports, 11(1), article number 15697.

Journal Articles

  • Khaleque, H., González, C., Johnson, D., Kaksonen, A., Holmes, D., Watkin, E. (2020). Genome-based classification of acidihalobacter prosperus f5 (=dsm 105917=jcm 32255) as acidihalobacter yilgarnensis sp. nov.. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 70(12), 6226-6234.
  • Khaleque, H., Fathollazadeh, H., González, C., Shafique, R., Kaksonen, A., Holmes, D., Watkin, E. (2020). Unlocking survival mechanisms for metal and oxidative stress in the extremely acidophilic, halotolerant acidihalobacter genus. Genes, 11(12), 1-18.
  • Khaleque, HN., Fathollahzadeh, H., Gonzalez, C., Shafique, R., Kaksonen, A., Holmes, D., Watkin, E. (2020). Unlocking Survival Mechanisms for Metal and Oxidative Stress in the Extremely Acidophilic, Halotolerant Acidihalobacter Genus. Genes, 11(12), 1392.

Journal Articles

  • Fathollahzadeh, H., Eksteen, J., Kaksonen, A., Watkin, E. (2019). Role of microorganisms in bioleaching of rare earth elements from primary and secondary resources. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 103(3), 1043-1057.
  • Khaleque, H., González, C., Kaksonen, A., Boxall, N., Holmes, D., Watkin, E. (2019). Genome-based classification of two halotolerant extreme acidophiles, acidihalobacter prosperus V6 (=DSM 14174 =JCM 32253) and’acidihalobacter ferrooxidans’ V8 (=DSM 14175 =JCM 32254) as two new species, acidihalobacter aeolianus sp. nov. and acidihalobacter ferrooxydans sp. nov., respectively. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 69(6), 1557-1565.
  • Ranieri, A., Caporale, C., Fiorini, V., Hubbard, A., Rigby, P., Stagni, S., Watkin, E., Ogden, M., Hackett, M., Massi, M. (2019). Complementary Approaches to Imaging Subcellular Lipid Architectures in Live Bacteria Using Phosphorescent Iridium Complexes and Raman Spectroscopy. Chemistry - A European Journal, 25(45), 10566-10570.
  • Fathollahzadeh, H., Khaleque, H., Eksteen, J., Kaksonen, A., Watkin, E. (2019). Effect of glycine on bioleaching of rare earth elements from Western Australian monazite by heterotrophic and autotrophic microorganisms. Hydrometallurgy, 189(2019), article number 105137.
  • Khaleque, H., González, C., Shafique, R., Kaksonen, A., Holmes, D., Watkin, E. (2019). Uncovering the mechanisms of halotolerance in the extremely acidophilic members of the acidihalobacter genus through comparative genome analysis. Frontiers in Microbiology, 10(FEB), article number 155.

Journal Articles

  • Khaleque, H., Kaksonen, A., Boxall, N., Watkin, E. (2018). Chloride ion tolerance and pyrite bioleaching capabilities of pure and mixed halotolerant, acidophilic iron- and sulfur-oxidizing cultures. Minerals Engineering, 120(2018), 87-93.
  • Dhami, N., Mukherjee, A., Watkin, E. (2018). Microbial diversity and mineralogical-mechanical properties of calcitic cave speleothems in natural and in vitro biomineralization conditions. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9(FEB), article number 40.
  • Permala, R., Glady-Croue, J., Watkin, E., Ramsay, J., Croue, J. (2018). Complete genome sequence of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia AB550, an environmental solar radiation- and multidrug-resistant strain isolated in Western Australia. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 7(5), article number e00914-18.
  • Fathollahzadeh, H., Hackett, M., Khaleque, H., Eksteen, J., Kaksonen, A., Watkin, E. (2018). Better together: Potential of co-culture microorganisms to enhance bioleaching of rare earth elements from monazite. Bioresource Technology Reports, 3(2018), 109-118.
  • Fathollahzadeh, H., Becker, T., Eksteen, J., Kaksonen, A., Watkin, E. (2018). Microbial contact enhances bioleaching of rare earth elements. Bioresource Technology Reports, 3(2018), 102-108.
  • Corbett, M., Eksteen, J., Niu, X., Watkin, E. (2018). Syntrophic effect of indigenous and inoculated microorganisms in the leaching of rare earth elements from Western Australian monazite. Research in Microbiology, 169(10), 558-568.
  • Khaleque, H., Shafique, R., Kaksonen, A., Boxall, N., Watkin, E. (2018). Quantitative proteomics using SWATH-MS identifies mechanisms of chloride tolerance in the halophilic acidophile Acidihalobacter prosperus DSM 14174. Research in Microbiology, 169(10), 638-648.
  • Glady-Croue, J., Niu, X., Ramsay, J., Watkin, E., Murphy, R., Croue, J. (2018). Survival of antibiotic resistant bacteria following artificial solar radiation of secondary wastewater effluent. Science of the Total Environment, 626(2018), 1005-1011.
  • Corbett, M., Watkin, E. (2018). Microbial cooperation improves bioleaching recovery rates. Microbiology Australia, 39(1), 50-52.

Journal Articles

  • Dhami, N., Alsubhi, W., Watkin, E., Mukherjee, A. (2017). Bacterial community dynamics and biocement formation during stimulation and augmentation: Implications for soil consolidation. Frontiers in Microbiology, 8(JUL), article number 1267.
  • Dopson, M., Holmes, D., Lazcano, M., McCredden, T., Bryan, C., Mulroney, K., Steuart, R., Jackaman, C., Watkin, E. (2017). Multiple osmotic stress responses in acidihalobacter prosperus result in tolerance to chloride ions. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7(JAN), article number 2132.
  • Davison, E., Giustiniano, D., McGurk, L., Watkin, E., Bougher, N. (2017). Neotypification and redescription of Amanita preissii (Basidiomycota), and reconsideration of the status of A. Griseibrunnea. Nuytsia, 28(2017), 193-204.
  • Khaleque, H., Corbett, M., Ramsay, J., Kaksonen, A., Boxall, N., Watkin, E. (2017). Complete genome sequence of Acidihalobacter prosperus strain F5, an extremely acidophilic, iron- and sulfur-oxidizing halophile with potential industrial applicability in saline water bioleaching of chalcopyrite. Journal of Biotechnology, 262(2017), 56-59.
  • Corbett, M., Eksteen, J., Niu, X., Croue, J., Watkin, E. (2017). Interactions of phosphate solubilising microorganisms with natural rare-earth phosphate minerals: a study utilizing Western Australian monazite. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 40(6), 929-942.
  • Khaleque, H., Ramsay, J., Murphy, R., Kaksonen, A., Boxall, N., Watkin, E. (2017). Draft genome sequence of the acidophilic, halotolerant, and iron/sulfur-oxidizing Acidihalobacter prosperus DSM 14174 (strain V6). Microbiology Resource Announcements, 5(3), article number e01469-16.
  • Khaleque, H., Ramsay, J., Murphy, R., Kaksonen, A., Boxall, N., Watkin, E. (2017). Draft genome sequence of Acidihalobacter ferrooxidans DSM 14175 (strain V8), a new ironand sulfur-oxidizing, halotolerant, acidophilic species. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 5(21), article number e00413-17.

Conference Publications

  • Corbett, M., Eksteen, J., Niu, X., Watkin, E. (2017). Incorporation of Indigenous Microorganisms Increases Leaching Rates of Rare Earth Elements from Western Australian Monazite. Solid State Phenomena (294-298). Trans Tech Publications Ltd.

Book Chapters

  • Zammit, C., Watkin, E. (2016). Adaptation to Extreme Acidity and Osmotic Stress. Acidophile: Life in Extremely Acidic Environments (49-62). Caister Academic Press.

Journal Articles

  • Watling, H., Collinson, D., Corbett, M., Shiers, D., Kaksonen, A., Watkin, E. (2016). Saline-water bioleaching of chalcopyrite with thermophilic, iron(II)- and sulfur-oxidizing microorganisms. Research in Microbiology, 167(7), 546-554.
  • McGurk, L., Giustiniano, D., Davison, E., Watkin, E. (2016). Amanita wadulawitu (Basidiomycota), a new species from Western Australia, and an expanded description of A. Kalamundae. Nuytsia, 27(2016), 21-30.
  • Christel, S., Fridlund, J., Watkin, E., Dopson, M. (2016). Acidithiobacillus ferrivorans SS3 presents little RNA transcript response related to cold stress during growth at 8 °C suggesting it is a eurypsychrophile. Extremophiles, 20(6), 903-913.
  • Christel, S., Fridlund, J., Buetti-Dinh, A., Buck, M., Watkin, E., Dopson, M. (2016). RNA transcript sequencing reveals inorganic sulfur compound oxidation pathways in the acidophile Acidithiobacillus ferrivorans. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 363(7), article number fnw057.

Research Projects

  • Biological Heap Leaching of a Western Australian Nickel Laterite with Elemental Sulphur and Native Halophilic Acidophiles, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Industry PhD (iPhD) Program, 2025 ‑ 2030, $249,193.
  • Green H2 production from ammonia recovery in wastewater, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), CSIRO - Scholarship, 2024 ‑ 2027, $158,200.
  • Sponsorship Agreement for Research Fellow in Analytical Chemistry/Proteomics, Chemistry Centre WA T/A ChemCentre, Research Fellowship Grant, 2023 ‑ 2026, $473,619.
  • Bio-recovery of rare earth elements from Australian soils and mine tailings, Australian Research Council, Grant - Discovery Projects, 2022 ‑ 2025, $167,143.
  • Identifying the ecological roles, values and functions of intertidal benthic communities and habitat, Western Australian Marine Science Institution, Grant, 2023 ‑ 2025, $1,046,000.
  • Saline Water Biomining of Low-Grade Minerals and Mine Wastes, Unearthed Solutions Pty Ltd, Challenge, 2024 ‑ 2025, $80,000.
  • SALINE WATER BIOMINING OF CRITICAL MINERALS, Unearthed Solutions Pty Ltd, Challenge, 2024, $100,000.

Research Student Supervision

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Ammonia recovery from wastewater by bipolar membrane electrodialysis (BPMED): a source of green energy

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Multi-omics driven engineering of an extremophile for enhanced bioleaching and production of high value bioproducts and biocatalysts

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Microbial diversity and ecological functions of cyanobacterial mats in intertidal coastal ecosystems, and environmental drivers influencing their photosynthesis

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Delineation of Selected Western Australian Amanita Mycoflora by Macroscopic, Microscopic and DNA Sequence Analysis
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Biomining of Rare Earth Elements from Phosphate Ores and Minerals
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The effect of chloride on bioleaching microorganisms: implications for biomining
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Investigating the effects of continuous electrochlorination on bacteria, bacteriophage and DNA.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Leptospirillium: a study of the nitrogen fixing capabilities
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Investigations into the therapeutic potential of antimicrobial peptides: applications for treating topical Staphylococcus aureus infections
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Acidihalobacter: Novel Halotolerant Iron- and Sulfur-oxidizing Acidophiles with Potential for Saline Water Bioleaching
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Modelling the composition and structure of Campylobacter jejuni biofilms
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Molecular analysis of genes encoding resistance to Cationic Biocides in staphylococci
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Characterisation of novel Burkholderia isolates associated with the Leguminosae

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Antimicrobial Novel Plant Protein Edible Films for Packaging Chilled Beef
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Millettia pinnata (L.) Panigrahi a biodiesel tree, characterisation of traits for production on marginal land
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Plant mechanisms contributing to acid impairment of nodulation of Medicago murex and Medicago sativa by Sinorhizobium medicae
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Investigating Multispecies Biofilms on Steel Surfaces in Seawater and Biofilm Inhibition by a Novel, Multifunctional Inhibitor
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Investigation of the symbiotic associations of Acacia ligulata and Acacia tetragonophylla: the potential for use in the rehabilitation of excavated sites at Shark Bay Salt Pty Ltd
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Luminescent Metal-Based Markers for Bacterial Imaging
  • Masters by Research, Investigation of the impact of nitrate injection to control sourcing problem in oil reservoir : benefit and side effects on steel materials
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion of Common Alloys Used For Subsea Applications
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