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Professor Zora Singh


Staff Member Details

Foundation Professor Horticultural Science

Zora Singh is a Foundation Professor Horticultural Science in the School of Science with noteworthy expertise in Production technology and Postharvest physiology of fresh horticultural produce, undergraduate teaching and research training to domestic and international MSc and PhD students.


  • 2009 - 2018: Foundation Professor Postharvest Horticulture, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia
  • 2001 - 2008:  Foundation Associate Professor Postharvest Horticulture, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia
  • 1997 - 2001: Inaugural Curtin Research Fellow, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia
  • 1995 - 1996: Visiting Professor of Horticulture, University of Bologna, Italy.
  • 1992 - 1995: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Murdoch University, Western Australia, Australia.
  • 1988 - 1992: Assistant Horticulturist (Assistant Professor Horticulture), Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India.
  • 1986 - 1987: Commonwealth Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Horticultural Research, East Malling, U.K.

Professional Memberships

  • 2018 - 2022 - International Society of Horticultural Science (Elected as a Vice-Chairperson Division Tropical and Subtropical Fruit and Nuts).
  • 2021 - present - Australian Society for Horticultural Science (Elected Member of Executive Committee, WA representative).
  • 2019 - 2021 - West Australian Olive Council Inc (Elected as a Board Director Research and Development).
  • 2021-2024: American Society for Horticultural Science (ASHS) Outstanding Graduate Educator Award Committee (Chair)
  • 2018 – 2021 - Member ASHS Outstanding Graduate Educator Award Committee (Chair, Member)
  • 2013-2016 - Member ASHS Outstanding Undergraduate Educator Award Committee (Member)
  • 2013 - ASHS Outstanding Graduate Educator Award Committee (Chair)
  • 2010- 2013 - ASHS Outstanding Graduate Educator Award Committee (Member)
  • 2010- 2013 - ASHS Cross Commodity Publication Award Committee (Member)
  • 2008 - 2014 - Australian Society for Horticultural Science (Elected Member of Executive Committee).
  • 1997 - present - Member International Society for Horticultural Science (Member)
  • 1993 – present - Member American Society of Horticultural Science
  • 1996 – present - Australian Society for Horticultural Science (Member)
  • 2000 – 2013 - Member Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology
  • 2005 – 2010 - Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (Member).
  • 2008 – 2009 - American Pomological Society (Member)
  • 2012 – present - Member International Society of Citriculture
  • 1980 - present Indian Academy of Horticultural Science formerly Horticultural Society of India (Life Member)
  • 1990 – present - Indian Science Congress Association (Life Member)
  • 1991 – to present - Elected member of Institute of Biology, UK

Awards and Recognition

National and International Awards

  • 2022- Elected as a Fellow American Society for Horticultural Science considering my original and outstanding global contributions to research and innovation, teaching and supervision MSc and PhD students in Horticulture.
  • 2012- Elected as a Fellow of The Indian Academy of Horticultural Science considering my significant contributions to research, teaching and supervision MSc and PhD students in the field of Horticulture.
  • 2018 - Prime Minister’s Prize for Innovation, Curtin University nominated for PM’s Prize for Innovation.
  • 2017 - Awarded Overall Winner of the Mitsubishi Corporation Western Australian Innovator of the Year Award for the research on the development of ‘Ethylene Antagonists’. This award carries $75000 cash prize.
  • 2016 - Curtin University awarded “Curtin Commercial Innovation Award: Climate‐Kic Prize” jointly with Dr Alan Payne for our joint research on the development of ‘Ethylene Antagonists’. This award carries a citation and 5000 A$ cash prize.
  • 2013 - International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS) awarded me a citation, “Outstanding Researcher in Postharvest Horticulture” for my excellent career and contributions to global Postharvest Horticulture during the Second Southeast Asia Symposium on Quality Management in Postharvest Systems held in Lao PDR.
  • 2008 - The American Pomological Society, USA has awarded U.P. Hedrick Award  (First Place Winner) to our joint research paper entitled "Major Flavor Components in Some Commercial Cultivars of Japanese Plum" authored by my PhD student (S.P. Singh) and myself (Zora Singh). This - prestigious award carries a cash prize and a citation.
  • 1991 - Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA) awarded Pran Vohra Award for my outstanding research contributions in the field of Agricultural Science (Horticulture). This award is bestowed on an annual basis to one scientist (age below 35 years) from the whole country. This prestigious award carries a cash prize and a citation.
  • 1989 - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation awarded UNESCO/ROSTSCA Young Scientist Award for original and outstanding research contributions to the field of Horticulture. This award is presented to one scientist within the Asian region. This award carries a cash prize and citation.
  • 1988 - The Indian National Science Academy (INSA) awarded INSA Young Scientist Medal in the field of Agricultural Science (Horticulture). This highest national award which is presented on an annual basis to one scientist (age below 32 years) from any research institute or one of the all universities in the country. This award carries a cash prize, gold medal, a citation and a research grant to the medallist.
  • 1988 - INSA awarded me Professor L.S.S. Kumar Memorial Award (Agriculture). This award is conferred on a recipient of INSA Medal for Young Scientist, who has been rated the best among all the INSA medallists. The award carries a cash prize and a citation.
  • 1987 – Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi conferred Jawahar Lal Nehru Award for original and outstanding PhD research. The highest national award in the field of horticulture which is presented on an annual basis to one scientist for his outstanding Ph.D. research from any research institute or one of the all universities in the country. This nationally prestigious research award carries a cash prize, a gold medal and a citation.
  • University and National Teaching Awards
  • 2013 - Awarded an honorary mention of the Curtin Students Guild’s Supervisor Award for Excellence in Teaching at Curtin University.
  • 2009 - Awarded Australian Learning and Teaching Council Citations award - 2009 for my exceptional contributions in sustained excellence and innovation in student-focused undergraduate teaching and postgraduate research supervision in Horticulture and Viticulture over two decades. This national prestigious award recognises and support quality teaching in Australia and carries 10,000 A$ and a citation.
  • 2007 - The Vice-Chancellor’s award for excellence in teaching by Curtin University.
  • 2005 - Nominated for Curtin Student Guild’s Supervisor Award for Excellence in Teaching at Curtin University.
  • 2004 - International Society Horticultural for Science (ISHS) awarded ISHS Medal and a citation in recognition of international meritorious service in Horticulture Education and Training.
  • 2003 - Nominated for Australian Awards for University Teaching (Team) by Curtin University.
  • 2003 - Curtin Excellence and Innovation in Teaching Team Award by Curtin University.
  • 2002 - Awarded an honorary mention of the Curtin Students Guild’s Supervisor Award for Excellence in Teaching at Curtin university.
  • 2001 - Nominated for Australian Awards for University Teaching-2001 by Curtin University.
  • 2001 - Curtin Innovative Teaching Practice Award by Curtin University.
  • 2000 - Awarded the Curtin Students Guild Award for Excellence in Teaching at Curtin University.
  • 2000 - Nominated for Australian Awards for University Teaching by Curtin University.
  • National and International Research Positions
  • 2020 - present - Adjunct Professor, Murdoch University, Western Australia
  • 2018 - 2020 - Visiting Professor at University Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia.
  • 2010 – 2013 - Visiting Professor at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India.
  • 1995 – 1996 - Visiting Professor Horticulture by the National Research Council, Italy at The University of Bologna.

Research Areas and Interests

My research interests focus on developing innovative production and postharvest technologies, minimising losses during production and supply chain, ensuring improve productivity, the provision of high-quality horticultural fresh produce to consumers and profitability of Australian Horticulture growers.

Major topics include:

  • Improving horticulture production, sustainability, market access and profitability of the Horticulture industry
  • Developing innovative novel approaches to manage ethylene, fruit ripening, quality and safety of fresh horticultural produce
  • Improving cold, controlled and modified atmosphere storage life of horticultural produce
  • Developing novel packaging and post-harvest technologies to maintaining the quality during extended storage in order to replace airfreight with sea freight for export of fresh horticultural produce.
  • Reducing postharvest losses by developing innovative production and postharvest technologies to ensure food and nutritional security.
  • Capacity building through education and research training to MSc and PhD students, and training staff from primary industries, and international scientists.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, India, 1986.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Kaur, J., Singh, Z., Mazhar , MS., Shah, S., Afrifa-Yamoah, E., Woodward, A. (2025). Postharvest melatonin application attenuates browning, delays softening, and maintains the antioxidant potential of jackfruit bulbs. Food Chemistry, 465(Part 1), Article number 141957.
  • Ul Hasan, M., Singh, Z., Shah, S., Kaur, J., Woodward, A., Afrifa-Yamoah, E., Vithana, M. (2025). Preharvest methyl jasmonate application regulates ripening, colour development and improves phytochemical quality of fruits: A review. Scientia Horticulturae, 339(January 2025), Article number 113909.
  • Shah, S., Singh, Z., Ul Hasan, M., Afrifa-Yamoah, E., Woodward, A. (2025). Copolyamide-Based Modified Atmosphere Packaging Attenuates Phenolic Degradation and Maintains Postharvest Quality of Rubus Berries. Horticulturae, 11(1), Article number 47.

Book Chapters

  • Ul Hasan, M., Singh, Z., Shah, S., Malik, AU. (2024). Modified Atmosphere Packaging and Individual Shrink Wrapping for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Sustainable Postharvest Technologies for Fruits and Vegetables (244-262). CRC Press.

Journal Articles

  • Shah, S., Singh, Z., Ul Hasan, M., Woodward, A., Afrifa-Yamoah, E. (2024). Preharvest methyl jasmonate application delays cell wall degradation and upregulates phenolic metabolism and antioxidant activities in cold stored raspberries. Food Chemistry, 462(Article in press), Article number 141020.
  • Mahmood Ul Hasan, H., Singh, Z., Shah, S., Kaur, J., Woodward, A. (2024). Water Loss: A Postharvest Quality Marker in Apple Storage. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2024(Article in press), TBD.
  • Vithana, M., Singh, Z., Ul Hasan, M. (2024). Pre- and Post-harvest Elicitation with Methyl Jasmonate and Salicylic Acid Followed by Cold Storage Synergistically Improves Red Colour Development and Health-Promoting Compounds in Blood Oranges. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2024(Article in press), 15 pages.
  • Kaur, J., Singh, Z., Mazhar, MS., Afrifa-Yamoah, E., Sangha, KK., Woodward, A. (2024). Mineral profiling of diverse genotypes of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) grown in Australia. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2024(Article in press), Article number 106599.
  • Shah, S., Singh, Z., Ul Hasan, M., Kaur, J., Afrifa-Yamoah, E., Woodward, A. (2024). Melatonin application suppresses oxidative stress and maintains fruit quality of cold stored ‘Esperanza’ raspberries by regulating antioxidant system. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 207(Article in press), Article number 112597.
  • Jashanpreet Kaur, JK., Singh, Z., Mazhar, MS., Shah, S., Woodward, A. (2024). Changes In Physical Attributes, Activities Of Fruit Softening Enzymes, Cell Wall Polysaccharides And Fruit Quality Of Jackfruit (Artocarpus Heterophyllus Lam.) As Influenced By Maturation And Ripening. Horticulturae, 10(12), article number 1264.
  • Shah, S., Singh, Z., Ul Hasan, M., Kaur, J., Afrifa-Yamoah, E., Woodward, A. (2024). Methyl Jasmonate Application Downregulates Drupelet Reversion and Enhances Phenolic Biosynthesis and Antioxidant Potential of Blackberries. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2024(Article in press), 14 pages.
  • Tokala, VY., Afrifa-Yamoah, E., Singh, Z. (2024). Impact analysis of ethylene antagonists, storage environments and storage periods on postharvest physiology of ‘Cripps Pink’ apple fruit. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 46(Article in press), Article number 102.
  • Ul Hasan, M., Singh, Z., Shah, S., Woodward, A., Afrifa-Yamoah, E. (2024). Methyl jasmonate advances fruit ripening, colour development, and improves antioxidant quality of ‘Yoho’ and ‘Jiro’ persimmon. Food Chemistry, 459(Article in press), Article number 140360.
  • Kaur, J., Singh, Z., Mazhar, MM., Afrifa-Yamoah, E., Woodward, A. (2024). Variability in fruit quality traits of tropical Australian jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) genotypes. Scientia Horticulturae, 338(Article in press), Article number 113771.
  • Tokala, VY., Singh, Z., Kyaw, PN. (2024). Photocatalytic Oxidation Technology Installed in Controlled Atmosphere Storage and Ethylene Antagonist Treatments Affect Apple Fruit Quality. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2024(Article in press), TBD.

Book Chapters

Journal Articles

  • Kyaw, PN., Singh, Z., Tokala, VY. (2023). 1 H-Cyclopropa[B]Naphthalene: A Novel Ethylene Antagonist For Extending Storage Life And Maintaining Quality Of Climacteric And Suppressed Climacteric Plums. Plant Growth Regulation, 2023(Article in Press), TBD.
  • Kaur, J., Singh, Z., Shah, S., Mazhar, MS., Mahmood Ul Hasan, H., Woodward, A. (2023). Insights Into Phytonutrient Profile And Postharvest Quality Management Of Jackfruit: A Review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2023(article in press), TBD.
  • Asif, A., Ali, M., Qadir, M., Karthikeyan, R., Singh, Z., Khangura, R., Di Gioia, F., Ahmed, ZF. (2023). Enhancing crop resilience by harnessing the synergistic effects of biostimulants against abiotic stress. Frontiers in Plant Science, 14(2023), article number 1276117.
  • Shah, S., Singh, Z., Ul Hasan, M., Afrifa-Yamoah, E., Woodward, A. (2023). Preharvest melatonin application alleviates red drupelet reversion, improves antioxidant potential and maintains postharvest quality of ‘Elvira’ blackberry. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 203(2023), Article number 112418.
  • Shah, S., Khan, A., Singh, Z., Ayyub, S. (2023). Postharvest Biology and Technology of Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.). Foods, 12(6), article number 1329.
  • Shah, S., Singh, Z., Kaur, J., Mahmood Ul Hasan, H., Woodward, A., Afrifa-Yamoah, E. (2023). Trends in maintaining postharvest freshness and quality of Rubus berries. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 2023(Article in press), 44 pages.
  • Shah, S., Singh, Z., Afrifa-Yamoah, E., Mahmood Ul Hasan, H., Kaur, J., Woodward, A. (2023). Insight into the Role of Melatonin in Mitigating Chilling Injury and Maintaining the Quality of Cold- Stored Fruits and Vegetables. Food Reviews International, 2023(Article in press), 1-28.
  • Mahmood Ul Hasan, H., Singh, Z., Shah, S., Kaur, J., Woodward, A., Afrifa-Yamoah, E., Malik, AU. (2023). Oxalic acid: A blooming organic acid for postharvest quality preservation of fresh fruit and vegetables. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 206(Article in press), Article number 112574.

Journal Articles

  • Oladzadabbasabadi, N., Nafchi, A., Ghasemlou, M., Ariffin, F., Singh, Z., Al-Hassan, A. (2022). Natural anthocyanins: Sources, extraction, characterization, and suitability for smart packaging. Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 33(September 2022), Article number 100872.
  • Tokala, VY., Singh, Z., Kyaw, PN. (2022). Postharvest quality of ‘Cripps Pink’apple fruit influenced by ethylene antagonists during controlled atmosphere storage with photocatalytic oxidation. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 102(11), 4484-4490.
  • Aldhanhani, A., Ahmed, Z., Tzortzakis, N., Singh, Z. (2022). Maturity stage at harvest influences antioxidant phytochemicals and antibacterial activity of jujube fruit (Ziziphus mauritiana Lamk. and Ziziphus spina-christi L.). Annals of Agricultural Science, 67(2), 196-203.
  • Malekipoor, R., Singh, Z., Johnson, Sk., Payne, A. (2022). Fumigation with lemon and cinnamon oils suppresses ethylene production and maintains the fruit quality of controlled atmosphere-stored organic apples. Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 34(December 2022), article number 100958.

Conference Publications

  • Singh, Z. (2022). Interventions to minimise postharvest losses, ensure the quality and safety of tropical and subtropical fruits: an overview. PROCEEDINGS OF THE V International Conference on Postharvest and Quality Management of Horticultural Products of Interest for Tropical Regions (1-12). Interntional Society Horticultural Science.

Journal Articles

  • Kyaw, P., Singh, Z., Tokala, V. (2021). Aqueous formulations of 1H-cyclopropabenzene modulate ethylene production and fruit quality in Japanese plums. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 180(October 2021), Article number 111625.
  • Rehman, M., Singh, Z., Khurshid, T., Malekipoor, R., Tokala, V. (2021). Preharvest spray application of methyl jasmonate promotes fruit colour and regulates quality in M7 Navel orange grown in a Mediterranean climate. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 15(3), 387-393.
  • Baswal, A., Dhaliwal, HS., Singh, Z., Mahajan, BV. (2021). Post-harvest application of methyl jasmonate, 1-methylcyclopropene and salicylic acid elevates health-promoting compounds in cold-stored of ‘Kinnow’ mandarin (Citrus nobilis Lour x C. deliciosa Tenora) fruit. International Journal of Fruit Science, 21(1), 147-157.
  • Tokala, V., Singh, Z., Kyaw, P. (2021). 1H-cyclopropabenzene and 1H-cyclopropa[b]naphthalene fumigation downregulates ethylene production and maintains fruit quality of controlled atmosphere stored ‘Granny Smith’ apple. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 176(June 2021), Article number 111499.
  • Tokala, V., Singh, Z., Kyaw, P. (2021). Postharvest fruit quality of apple influenced by ethylene antagonist fumigation and ozonized cold storage. Food Chemistry, 341(30 March 2021), Article number 128293.
  • Tokala, V., Singh, Z., Kyaw, P. (2021). 1H-cyclopropabenzene and 1H-cyclopropa[b]naphthalene fumigation suppresses climacteric ethylene and respiration rates and modulates fruit quality in long-term controlled atmosphere-stored ‘gold rush’ pear fruit. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 40(6), 2276-2285.
  • Baswal, AK., Dhaliwal, HS., Singh, Z., Mahajan, BV., Kalia, A. (2021). Edible coatings maintain the phytochemicals in cold-stored ‘Kinnow’ mandarin (Citrus nobilis Lour x C. deliciosa Tenora) fruit. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 15(10), 1332-1338.

Conference Publications

  • Malekipoor, R., Singh, Z., Payne, A. (2021). Management of ethylene production, superficial scald and fruit quality in ‘Granny Smith’ apple using organic oils and ozonised cold storage. Proceedings of the V International Symposium on Postharvest Pathology: From Consumer to Laboratory-Sustainable Approaches to Managing Postharvest Pathogens (47-54). International Society for Horticultural Science.

Journal Articles

  • Baswal, AK., Dhaliwal, HS., Singh, Z., Mahajan, BV. (2020). Influence of Types of Modified Atmospheric Packaging (MAP) Films on Cold-Storage Life and Fruit Quality of ‘Kinnow’ Mandarin (Citrus nobilis Lour X C. deliciosa Tenora). International Journal of Fruit Science, 20(S3), S1552-S1569.
  • Baswal, AK., Dhaliwal, HS., Singh, Z., Mahajan, BV., Gill, KS. (2020). Postharvest application of methyl jasmonate, 1-methylcyclopropene and salicylic acid extends the cold storage life and maintain the quality of ‘Kinnow’ mandarin (Citrus nobilis L. X C. deliciosa L.) fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 161(March 2020), Article number 111064.
  • Baswal, AK., Dhaliwal, HS., Singh, Z., Mahajan, BV., Kalia, A., Gill, KS. (2020). Influence of carboxy methylcellulose, chitosan and beeswax coatings on cold storage life and quality of Kinnow mandarin fruit. Scientia Horticulturae, 260(27 January 2020), Article number 108887.
  • Tokala, V., Singh, Z., Kyaw, P. (2020). Fumigation and dip treatments with 1H-cyclopropabenzene and 1Hcyclopropa[ b]naphthalene suppress ethylene production and maintain fruit quality of cold-stored ‘Cripps Pink’ apple. Scientia Horticulturae, 272(15 October 2020), Article number 109597.
  • Adhikari, P., Singh, Z., Tokala, V., Kyaw, P., Walsh, B. (2020). Fruit canopy position and harvest date influence on colour and quality of imperial mandarin (citrus reticulata blanco). Australian Journal of Crop Science, 14(4), 660-666.
  • Hussain, Z., Singh, Z. (2020). Role of aminoethoxyvinylglycine in creasing of sweet orange [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck] fruit. Journal of Pure and Applied Agriculture, 5(1), 1-10.

Book Chapters

  • Tokala, V., Singh, Z., Payne, A. (2019). Postharvest uses of ozone application in fresh horticultural produce. Postharvest Biology and Nanotechnology (129-170). John Wiley & Sons.

Journal Articles

  • Vithana, M., Singh, Z., Johnson, S. (2019). Regulation of the levels of health promoting compounds: lupeol, mangiferin and phenolic acids in the pulp and peel of mango fruit: a review. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 99(8), 3740-3751.
  • Sun, Y., Singh, Z., Tokala, V., Heather, B. (2019). Harvest maturity stage and cold storage period influence lemon fruit quality. Scientia Horticulturae, 249(30 April 2019), 322-328.
  • Vithana, M., Singh, Z., Johnson, S., Gupta, R. (2019). Concentrations of health-promoting phytochemicals in ripe mango fruit triggered by postharvest application of elicitors. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 99(3), 1126-1134.
  • Rehman, M., Singh, Z., Khurshid, T. (2019). Nitric oxide fumigation alleviates chilling injury and regulates fruit quality in sweet orange stored at different cold temperatures. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 13(12), 1975-1982.
  • Vithana, M., Singh, Z., Johnson, S. (2019). Harvest maturity stage affects the concentrations of health-promoting compounds: Lupeol, mangiferin and phenolic acids in the pulp and peel of ripe ‘Kensington Pride’ mango fruit. Scientia Horticulturae, 243(3 January 2019), 125-130.

Book Chapters

  • Singh, Z., Khan, A. (2018). Nitric Oxide Treatments. Novel Postharvest Treatments of Fresh Produce (1-34). CRC Press.

Journal Articles

  • Abdalghani, S., Singh, Z., Seaton, K., Payne, A. (2018). (S)-(-)-limonene fumigation protects waxflowers (Chamelaucium spp.) from detrimental effects of ethylene on abscission of flowers/buds. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 12(12), 1875-1881.
  • Rehman, M., Singh, Z., Khurshid, T. (2018). Pre-harvest spray application of prohexadione-calcium and paclobutrazol improves rind colour and regulates fruit quality in M7 Navel oranges. Scientia Horticulturae, 234(14 April 2018), 87-94.
  • Khalid, S., Malik, A., Singh, Z., Ullah, S., Saleem, B., Malik, O. (2018). Tree age influences nutritional, pectin, and anatomical changes in developing ‘Kinnow’ mandarin (Citrus nobilis Lour × Citrus deliciosa Tenora) fruit. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 41(14), 1786-1797.
  • Vithana, M., Singh, Z., Johnson, S. (2018). Dynamics in the concentrations of health‐promoting compounds: lupeol, mangiferin and different phenolic acids during postharvest ripening of mango fruit. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 98(4), 1460-1468.
  • Shafiq, M., Singh, Z. (2018). Pre-harvest spray application of phenylpropanoids influences accumulation of anthocyanin and flavonoids in ‘Cripps Pink’ apple skin. Scientia Horticulturae, 233(15 March 2018), 141-148.
  • Vithana, M., Singh, Z., Johnson, S. (2018). Cold storage temperatures and durations affect the concentrations of lupeol, mangiferin, phenolic acids and other health-promoting compounds in the pulp and peel of ripe mango fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 139(May 2018), 91-98.
  • Rehman, M., Singh, Z., Khurshid, T. (2018). Methyl jasmonate alleviates chilling injury and regulates fruit quality in ‘Midknight’ Valencia orange. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 141(July 2018), 58-62.
  • Vithana, M., Singh, Z., Johnson, S. (2018). Levels of terpenoids, mangiferin and phenolic acids in the pulp and peel of ripe mango fruit influenced by pre-harvest spray application of FeSO4 (Fe2+), MgSO4 (Mg2+) and MnSO4 (Mn2+). Food Chemistry, 256(1 August 2018), 71-76.
  • Rehman, M., Singh, Z., Khurshid, T. (2018). Alleviation of chilling injury induced by cold quarantine treatment in Midknight Valencia and Lane Late sweet orange fruit. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 12(10), 1616-1625.
  • Alowaiesh, B., Singh, Z., Fang, Z., Kailis, S. (2018). Harvest time impacts the fatty acid compositions, phenolic compounds and sensory attributes of Frantoio and Manzanilla olive oil. Scientia Horticulturae, 234(14 April 2018), 74-80.
  • Rehman, M., Singh, Z., Khurshid, T. (2018). Pre-harvest spray application of abscisic acid (S-ABA) regulates fruit colour development and quality in early maturing M7 Navel orange. Scientia Horticulturae, 229(9 February 2018), 1-9.

Journal Articles

  • Ludong, D., Nio, S., O'Malley, P., Singh, Z., Gibberd, M. (2017). Ascorbic acid, carotenoid contents and antioxidant properties of Australian summer carrot with different irrigation amounts on a free-draining, sandy soil. Bioscience Research, 14(4), 768-775.
  • Sumual, MF., Singh, Z., Singh, SP., Tan, SC. (2017). Fruit ripening and quality of 'Kensington Pride' mangoes following the controlled atmosphere storage. Journal of Agricultural Technology, 8(1), 1-11.
  • Tareen, M., Singh, Z., Khan, A., Abbasi, N., Naveed, M. (2017). Combined Applications of Aminoethoxyvinylglycine with Salicylic Acid or Nitric Oxide Reduce Oxidative Stress in Peach During Ripening and Cold Storage. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 36(4), 983-994.
  • Dung, C., Seaton, K., Singh, Z. (2017). Influence of type and concentration of sugars, supplemented with 8-hydroxyquinoline sulphate, on the vase life of waxflower. Folia Horticulturae, 29(1), 39-49.

Journal Articles

  • Alowaiesh, B., Singh, Z., Kailis, S. (2016). Harvesting time influences fruit removal force, moisture, oil content, free fatty acids and peroxide in the oil of Frantoio and Manzanilla olive cultivars. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 10(12), 1662-1668.
  • Dung, C., Seaton, K., Singh, Z. (2016). Factors affecting variation in the vase life response of waxflower cultivars (Myrtaceae: Chamelaucium Desf. and Verticordia spp. Desf.) tested under various vase solutions. Folia Horticulturae, 28(1), 41-50.
  • Khan, S., Singh, Z., Musa, M., Payne, A. (2016). 1-Hexylcyclopropene in retarding tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) fruit ripening and its mode of action. Scientia Horticulturae, 213(14 December 2016), 410-417.
  • Ullah, S., Singh, Z., Khan, A., Khan, S., Razzaq, K., Payne, A. (2016). Postharvest application of 1-MCP and ethylene influences fruit softening and quality of 'Arctic Pride' nectarine at ambient conditions. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 10(9), 1257-1265.
  • Razzaq, K., Singh, Z., Khan, A., Khan, S., Ullah, S. (2016). Role of 1-MCP in regulating ‘Kensington Pride’ mango fruit softening and ripening. Plant Growth Regulation: an international journal on plant growth and development, 78(3), 401-411.
  • Ahmad, S., Singh, Z., Iqbal, Z. (2016). Tree and cold storage influence on incidence of albedo breakdown, textural properties of the rind and fruit quality in 'Washington Navel' orange. Fruits: fruit and horticultural productions in tropical and Mediterranean regions, 71(3), 131-139.
  • Dung, C., Seaton, K., Singh, Z. (2016). The vase life of waxflower (Chamelaucium Desf.) is affected by the weight ratio of flowers to stem. Folia Horticulturae, 28(2), 201-207.

Conference Publications

  • Alrashedi, M., Singh, Z. (2016). Efficacy of lime sulphur alone and in combination with olive oil on blossom thinning in organically grown 'Cripps Pink' and 'Gala' apples. XXIX International Horticultural Congress on Horticulture: Sustaining Lives, Livelihoods and Landscapes (IHC2014): International Symposia on Abscission Processes in Horticulture and Non-Destructive Assessment of Fruit Attributes (25-34). International Society for Horticultural Science.

Research Projects

  • Investigating the control of fruit drop in mango to support solutions for northern Australian growers, CRC for Developing Northern Australia, Grant, 2022 ‑ 2026, $99,000.
  • Mitigation of chilling injury and maintenance of quality in cold stored stone fruits, Valent BioSciences LLC, Grant, 2022 ‑ 2025, $328,562.
  • Evaluation of selected clones of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) produced in different preharvest settings, CRC for Developing Northern Australia, Grant, 2021 ‑ 2025, $112,500.

Research Student Supervision

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Maturity determination and postharvest quality management of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.)
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Regulations of fruit set and retention in mango (Mangifera indica L.)
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Pre- and postharvest interventions for regulating ripening, extending storage life, and maintaining quality of persimmon fruit
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Postharvest quality management of Rubus berries

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy: Regulation of vase life of wax flowers (Chamelaucium Desf.) with new ethylene antagonists
  • Doctor of Philosophy: Effect of type of irrigation system on productivity and income of date palm growers in Sebha, Libya
  • Master of Science: Regulation of fruit colour and quality in Nules mandarin with a pre-harvest spray application of methyl jasmonate and paclobutrazol
  • Doctor of Philosophy: Regulation of health benefit compounds in ripe mango fruit
  • Doctor of Philosophy: Modulation of fruit ripening, storage time and quality of fruits with the emulsion of chitosan alone and loaded with salicylic acid or oxalic acid
  • Doctor of Philosophy: Manipulation of fruit ripening, quality and storage life in Pome fruits using novel ethylene antagonists
  • Doctor of Philosophy: Pre-and post-harvest regulation of fruit quality in sweet orange
  • Doctor of Philosophy: Regulation of fruit softening, colour development and quality in controlled atmosphere stored mango
  • Master of Science: Changes in colour development and quality in the fruit at various positions in the tree canopy at different ripening stages in Imperial mandarin
  • Doctor of Philosophy: Regulation of storage life and maintenance of fruit quality in peach and plum with different formulations of new ethylene antagonists
  • Doctor of Philosophy: Postharvest interventions involving novel ethylene antagonists and ozone in prolonging storage life and maintaining the quality of apple and pear fruits

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy: Effect of postharvest treatments and packagings on storage life and quality of Kinnow fruit
  • Doctor of Philosophy: Structure-activity relationship studies of the ethylene receptor in plants and the rational design of new antagonist to prevent fruit ripening
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