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From Neo-Middleman Minorities to Global Innovators - Identifying and Understanding New Typologies of Migrant Entrepreneurs

Project Outline

Migrant entrepreneurs have traditionally been portrayed as middleman minorities, as in the majority they have historically operated in the trading and commerce sectors within a localised ethnic enclave in their host countries. However, with globalisation, the moment of human capital is now much more complex and this has now resulted in many types of migrant entrepreneurs. Using appropriate qualitative and quantitative methods, this research aims to understand in-depth, the heterogenous nature of these migrant entrepreneurs, and how and why new types like neo-middleman minorities, transnational traders and global innovators emerge and grow in different contexts (e.g. developed and emerging economies). In so doing, it hopes to extend our knowledge of how the traditional concept of middleman and enclave migrant entrepreneurs have changed and diverged into different entrepreneurial paths.

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