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Metabolomics Facility

Modern analytical chemistry instrumentation supports world class proteomics research at ECU. The proteomics laboratory group is well-equipped with two complementary liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry platforms that enable the discovery and quantitation of proteins in complex samples. Our high-resolution accurate mass QTOF instrument is coupled with a nanoLC system and integrates comprehensive qualitative exploration, rapid profiling, and high-resolution quantitation of low-abundance analytes in very complex matrices. When quantifying trace amounts of analyte, our triple quadrupole LC-MS system offers multiple reaction monitoring experiments that offer lower limits of detection at higher throughputs. We specialise in food and agricultural proteomics and have ongoing projects investigating allergens and nutritional proteins in cereal grains, the physiology of lupin and related legumes, and bioactive peptides in milk and other functional food matrices.

List of equipment

  • Eksigent nanoLC425 liquid chromatography system
  • AB Sciex 6600 TripleTOF mass spectrometer
  • Exion liquid chromatography system
  • QTRAP 6500+ mass spectrometer
  • Varioscan LUX multimode microplate reader

The human metabolome is estimated to contain more than 6,000 known endogenous and exogenous metabolites (and many thousands of uncharacterised metabolites). These comprise of many classes, each with unique chemical properties. As such, there is no single analytical platform that can be used to measure the entire metabolome in a single assay. The most effective technology, in terms of coverage, is mass spectrometry (MS). Due to the chemical diversity of the metabolome, truly comprehensive metabolomic research requires two complementary technologies: Gas Chromatography (GC) and Liquid Chromatography (LC). The metabolomics faculty is equipped with two Thermo Scientific™ hybrid quadrupole-Orbitrap mass spectrometers (GC-MS & LC-MS) that enable both targeted and non-targeted screening and sample characterization. With the combination of scan speed, high resolution, mass accuracy, spectral quality, and sensitivity one can achieve quantifiable certainty. For more targeted quantification, the Centre also houses a Thermo Scientific™ Quantiva™ Triple-Stage Quadrupole LC-MS platform, which provides unsurpassed ultra-low-level quantitation of complex small molecule analytes. The facility also has expertise in the state-of-the-art Thermo Scientific™ Chromeleon™, Xcalibur™, TraceFinder™, & Compound Discover™ software packages.

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