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Marketing influence when using a customer management model versus the influence of Finance and Accounting


Professor Steven D’Alessandro

Professor Domenico Gasbarro (Murdoch University)


Brand management and customer management models are two ways to show the value of intangible marketing assets on the balance sheet. Brand management creates willingness to pay more for a firm’s product or services because the product or service comes from the brand rather than some generic source. Customer management seeks to increase the value of the firm’s customer base by identifying the customers that the firm can serve most profitably and tailoring offerings to those customers. The CMO and CFO can also roll up the value of individual customers to a measure of overall firm value. This PhD will examine if marketing has more influence in the C-suite with finance and accounting when following a customer management model?  All candidates should prepare a short 10-page proposal with budget as to how they would complete this thesis in around three years.  Skills in R and Python are recommended also for this PhD.

Please refer to the PDF for further information

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