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Dr Alexia Bivoltsis

Post Doctoral Research Fellow

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 3343
Campus: Joondalup  
Room: JO31.473H  

Alexia is a Post Doctoral Research Fellow in the School of Medical and Health Sciences, within the Nutrition & Health Innovation Research Institute, Food Environments Team. Her research is working to understand how the surrounding food environment influences health and behaviour, providing evidence for policy and planning changes to create healthier food environments.


Alexia is a Registered Nutritionist and Accredited Practicing Dietitian. She has a clinical background in chronic disease management and has previously worked in teaching roles within the discipline of Public Health at The University of Notre Dame and The University of Western Australia. Alexia’s PhD examined the evolution of food environments over time in Perth, Western Australia, and the impact this had on people’s dietary intake. During her time at the Kids Research Institute Australia, Alexia contributed to several projects in food access and held various research and governance roles supporting the ORIGINS Project. In her last role, Alexia was involved in building a state-wide uniform and centralised, geospatial database of all food businesses in WA as part of the WA Food Atlas. This project aims to create an online, interactive web-based tool to visualise and quantify the location of all food businesses across WA.

Professional Associations

  • Dietitians Australia
  • Nutrition Australia
  • Nutrition Society of Australia

Research Areas and Interests

  • Public health nutrition
  • Geographic information systems
  • Food environments


  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Western Australia, 2021.
  • Master of Nutrition and Dietetics, Griffith University, 2016.
  • Bachelor of Science with First Class Honours, Murdoch University, 2008.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Mandzufas, J., Lombardi, K., Johnston, RS., Bivoltsis, A., Howard, J., Hooper, P., Trapp, G. (2024). Where are the alcohol advertising hotspots near schools?. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 2024(Article in press), pp.

Journal Articles

  • Trapp, G., Reid, N., Hickling, S., Bivoltsis, A., Mandzufas, J., Howard, J. (2023). Nutritional quality of children's menus in restaurants: does cuisine type matter?. Public Health Nutrition, 26(7), 1451-1455.
  • Bivoltsis, A., Christian, H., Ambrosini, G., Hooper, P., Pulker, C., Thornton, L., Trapp, G. (2023). The community food environment and its association with diet, health or weight status in Australia: A systematic review with recommendations for future research. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 34(2), 328-365.

Journal Articles

  • Trapp, G., Hooper, P., Kennington, K., Satori, A., Billingham, W., Bivoltsis, A. (2022). Does fast-food outlet density differ by area-level disadvantage in metropolitan Perth, Western Australia?. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 33(S1), 262-265.
  • Trapp, G., Hooper, P., Billingham, W., Thornton, L., Sartori, A., Kennington, K., Devine, A., Godrich, S., Sambell, R., Howard, J., Bivoltsis, A. (2022). Would you like fries with that? Investigating fast‐food outlet availability near schools in Perth, Western Australia. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 33(S1), 262-265.

Journal Articles

  • Bivoltsis, A., Trapp, G., Knuiman, M., Hooper, P., Ambrosini, G. (2020). The influence of the local food environment on diet following residential relocation: Longitudinal results from RESIDential Environments (RESIDE). Public Health Nutrition, 23(12), 2132-2144.
  • Bivoltsis, A., Trapp, G., Knuiman, M., Hooper, P., Ambrosini, G. (2020). Do changes in the local food environment within new residential developments influence the diets of residents? Longitudinal results from RESIDE. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(18), Article number 6778.

Journal Articles

  • Bivoltsis, A., Trapp, G., Knuiman, M., Hooper, P., Ambrosini, G. (2019). The evolution of local food environments within established neighbourhoods and new developments in Perth, Western Australia. Health & Place, 57(May 2019), 204-217.

Research Projects

  • Pioneering a national 'Food Atlas' to map, measure and monitor food access across Australia , National Health and Medical Research Council, Ideas Grants (2023), 2024 ‑ 2028, $2,878,533.
  • Implementing local government policies to restrict unhealthy food advertising, Healthway (WA Health Promotion Foundation), Healthy Communities Grant, 2024 ‑ 2026, $922,241.
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