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Dr Mary Kennedy

Post Doctoral Research Fellow

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 6910

Mary is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Implementation Science at the Nutrition & Health Innovation Research Institute in the School of Medical and Health Sciences.


  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Nutrition & Health Innovation Research Institute.
  • Adjunct Associate Research Scientist, Institute of Lifestyle Medicine

Professional Associations

  • Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA)
  • American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
  • The Society for Implementation Research Collaboration (SIRC)
  • The Health Services Research Association of Australia & New Zealand (HSRAANZ)

Research Areas and Interests

  • Implementation Science
  • Exercise Oncology
  • Lifestyle Medicine


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Edith Cowan University, 2021.
  • Master of Science, United States of America, 2007.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Dalla Via, J., Andrew, C., Baguley, BJ., Stewart, N., Hodgson, J., Lewis, J., Stanley, M., Kennedy, M. (2024). Exercise and diet support in breast and prostate cancer survivors: findings from focus groups. Supportive Care in Cancer, 32(7), Article number 440.
  • Schmitz, KH., Demanelis, K., Crisafio, ME., Kennedy, M., Schwartz, AL., Campbell, A., Gorzelitz, J., Wood, KC., Wilson, CM., Scalise, RL., Vincent, A. (2024). Proximity to cancer rehabilitation and exercise oncology by geography, race, and socioeconomic status. Cancer, 2024(Article in press), pp.
  • Fairman, CM., Harrington, SE., Schumpp, AR., Brooks, AM., Jones, MJ., Kim, J., Kennedy, M. (2024). Planning and evaluating an integrated clinical exercise oncology service: an exploratory mixed-methods study. BMC Health Services Research, 24(1), article number 1318.
  • Pojednic, R., O'Neill, DP., Flanagan, MG., Bartlett, A., Carter, BL., Kennedy, M. (2024). Exercise professional education, qualifications, and certifications: a content analysis of job postings in the United States. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 6(2024), article number 1338658.
  • Kennedy, M., Wood, KC., Campbell, A., Potiaumpai, M., Wilson, CM., Schwartz, AL., Gorzelitz, J., Caru, M., Schmitz, KH. (2024). Identification of core competencies for exercise oncology professionals: A Delphi study of United States and Australian participants. Cancer Medicine, 13(14), article number e70004.

Journal Articles

  • Dalla Via, J., Stewart, N., Kennedy, M., Cehic, D., Purnell, P., Toohey, J., Morton, J., Ramchand, S., Lewis, J., Zissiadis, Y. (2023). Protocol: Can coronary artery calcium score identified on thoracic planning CT scans be used and actioned to identify cancer survivors at high risk of cardiac events: A feasibility study in cancer survivors undergoing radiotherapy in Australia. BMJ Open, 13(7), article number e072376.
  • Kennedy, M., Fortington, L., Penney, M., Hart, N., D'hemecourt, PA., Sugimoto, D. (2023). Running Marathons in High School: A 5-Year Review of Injury in a Structured Training Program. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(5), Article number 4426.
  • Thornton, M., Sim, M., Kennedy, M., Blodgett, K., Joseph, R., Pojednic, R. (2023). Nutrition Interventions on Muscle-Related Components of Sarcopenia in Females: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials. Calcified Tissue International, 2023(Article in press), 15 pages.
  • Anokye, R., Jackson, B., Dimmock, J., Dickson, J., Kennedy, M., Schultz, CJ., Blekkenhorst, L., Hodgson, J., Stanley, M., Lewis, J. (2023). Impact Of Vascular Screening Interventions On Perceived Threat, Efficacy Beliefs And Behavioural Intentions: A Systematic Narrative Review. Health Promotion International, 38(3), article number daad040.
  • Kennedy, M., Potiaumpai, M., Maitin-Shepard, M., Wilson, C., Campbell, A., Schwartz, A., Gorzelitz, J., Caru, M., Grimmett, C., Schmitz, K. (2023). Looking back: a review of policy implications for exercise oncology. Journal of the National Cancer Institute Monographs, 2023(61), 140-148.
  • Kung, C., Skiba, M., Crosby, E., Gorzelitz, J., Kennedy, M., Kerr, B., Li, Y., Nash, S., Potiaumpai, M., Kleckner, A., James, D., Coleman, M., Fairman, C., Galván, G., Garcia, D., Gordon, M., His, M., Hornbuckle, L., Kim, S., Kim, T., Kumar, A., Mahé, M., McDonnell, K., Moore, J., Oh, S., Sun, X., Irwin, M. (2023). Key takeaways for knowledge expansion of early-career scientists conducting Transdisciplinary Research in Energetics and Cancer (TREC): a report from the TREC Training Workshop 2022. Journal of the National Cancer Institute Monographs, 2023(61), 149-157.

Journal Articles

  • Kennedy, M., Bayes, S., Newton, R., Zissiadis, Y., Spry, N., Taaffe, D., Hart, N., Galvao, D. (2022). Implementation barriers to integrating exercise as medicine in oncology: an ecological scoping review. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 16(4), 865-881.
  • Kennedy, M., Bayes, S., Newton, R., Zissiadis, Y., Spry, N., Taaffe, D., Hart, N., Galvao, D. (2022). Building the plane while it’s flying: implementation lessons from integrating a co-located exercise clinic into oncology care. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1), article number 1235.
  • Radavelli Bagatini, S., Gebre, A., Kennedy, M., Sim, M., Blekkenhorst, L., Bondonno, C., Jackson, B., Dimmock, J., Schlaich, MP., Hodgson, J., Lewis, J. (2022). Provision of non-invasive coronary and carotid vascular imaging results on changes in diet and physical activity in asymptomatic adults: A scoping review. Frontiers in Nutrition, 9(2022), Article Number 946378.

Journal Articles

  • Newton, R., Kennedy, M., Singh, F., Taaffe, D., Spry, N., Chee, R., Zissiadis, Y., Davis, M., O'Brien, P., Galvao, D. (2020). Safety, Effectiveness, and Uptake of Exercise Medicine Integrated Within a Cancer Care Center. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 36(5), Article 151073.
  • Kennedy, M., Bayes, S., Newton, R., Zissiadis, Y., Spry, N., Taaffe, D., Hart, N., Davis, M., Eiszele, A., Galvao, D. (2020). We have the program, what now? Development of an implementation plan to bridge the research-practice gap prevalent in exercise oncology. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 17(1), Article number 128.
  • Kennedy, M., Bayes, S., Galvao, D., Singh, F., Spry, N., Davis, M., Chee, R., Zissiadis, Y., Hart, N., Taaffe, D., Newton, R. (2020). If you build it, will they come? Evaluation of a co-located exercise clinic and cancer treatment centre using the RE-AIM framework. European Journal of Cancer Care, 29(4), Article number e13251.

Journal Articles

  • Pojednic, R., Bantham, A., Arnstein, F., Kennedy, M., Phillips, E. (2018). Bridging the gap between clinicians and fitness professionals: a challenge to implementing exercise as medicine. BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, 4(1), article number e000369.

Journal Articles

  • Pojednic, R., Polak, R., Arnestein, F., Kennedy, M., Bantham, A., Phillips, E. (2017). Practice patterns, counseling and promotion of physical activity by sports medicine physicians. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 20(2), 123-127.

Journal Articles

  • Nawaz, H., Petraro, P., Via, C., Ullah, S., Lim, L., Wild, D., Kennedy, M., Phillips, E. (2016). Lifestyle medicine curriculum for a preventive medicine residency program: Implementation and outcomes. Medical Education Online: an electronic journal, 21(1), article number 29339.
  • Pojednic, R., Peabody, S., Carson, S., Kennedy, M., Bevans, K., Phillips, E. (2016). The effect of before school physical activity on child development: A study protocol to evaluate the Build Our Kids Success (BOKS) Program. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 49(Jul-16), 103-108.

Research Projects

  • Printing an appetite for life: developing three-dimensional printed texture modified foods for aged care residents, National Health and Medical Research Council, Ideas Grants (2023), 2024 ‑ 2028, $1,108,065.
  • Getting to the heart of healthy aging: a behaviour change program to promote dietary pattern changes, National Health and Medical Research Council, MRFF - Dementia, Ageing and Aged Care Mission, 2022 ‑ 2026, $626,963.
  • Standardising Clinical Oncology Pathways for Exercise (SCOPE), Cancer Council of WA Inc, Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2024 ‑ 2026, $520,785.
  • Exploring the gap in supportive cancer care in rural and remote WA, Department of Health WA, Future Health Research and Innovation Fund - Implementation Science Fellowship, 2022 ‑ 2025, $731,186.
  • Value-based assessment and cost-effectiveness analysis of two models of exercise oncology implementation, Exercise & Sports Science Australia, ESSA Research Grants 2023, 2024 ‑ 2025, $21,276.
  • Effective Exercise Implementation for the Future: Value assessment for sustainable translation of exercise oncology interventions, University of Queensland, 2023 BEL Connect Grant, 2023 ‑ 2024, $2,320.

Research Student Supervision

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