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Professor Dennis Taaffe

Professor in Exercise Gerontology

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 5476
Campus: Joondalup  
Room: JO21.223  

Co-lead, Exercise and Gastrointestinal Cancers Research Group.

Dennis is Professor of Exercise Gerontology and a Vice-Chancellor’s Professorial Research Fellow in the Exercise Medicine Research Institute and School of Medical and Health Sciences.


After initial teacher training Dennis completed his BSc and MSc in physical education, and PhD in the area of exercise physiology from the University of Oregon with postdoctoral training undertaken in the Division of Endocrinology, Gerontology, and Metabolism at Stanford University School of Medicine. Dennis has also received a DSc for work in exercise and ageing from Charles Sturt University and a MPH in epidemiology from the University of Hawai'i at Manoa, and is a Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine and Exercise and Sports Science Australia.

Unit Coordination and Teaching

EXS6405 Physical Activity, Exercise and Cancer

EXS6415 Clinical Exercise Oncology

Professional Associations

  • American College of Sports Medicine
  • American Society for Clinical Oncology
  • Gerontological Society of America
  • European Society for Medical Oncology
  • Sports Medicine Australia
  • Exercise and Sports Science Australia
  • Clinical Oncology Society of Australia
  • Australian and New Zealand Urogenital and Prostate (ANZUP) Cancer Trials Group

Awards and Recognition

  • 2008 ASICS Best Paper – Clinically Relevant Conditions, Sports Medicine Australia, Australian Conference of Science and Medicine in Sport ’08, Hamilton Island, 16-18 October
  • 2008 Teaching Excellence Award (2nd year), School of Human Movement Studies, University of Queensland
  • 2007 Delta Omega Honorary Society for Public Health (USA)
  • 2007 ASICS Medal – Best Paper Overall, Sports Medicine Australia, Australian Conference of Science and Medicine in Sport, be active ’07, Adelaide, 13-16 October
  • 2007 ASICS Best Paper – Performance Enhancement and Basic Science, Sports Medicine Australia, Australian Conference of Science and Medicine in Sport, be active ’07, Adelaide, 13-16 October
  • 2003 Faculty of Arts “Most Effective Teacher” Nomination, University of Queensland
  • 2003 Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport Award for Best Poster – Injury Prevention and Health Promotion, Australian Conference of Science and Medicine in Sport, Canberra

Research Areas and Interests

  • Exercise gerontology and exercise oncology


  • Doctor of Science, Charles Sturt University, 2007.
  • Master of Public Health, United States of America, 2006.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, United States of America, 1989.
  • Master of Science, United States of America, 1982.
  • Bachelor of Science, United States of America, 1981.
  • Diploma of Teaching, Riverina College of Advanced Education, 1980.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Bettariga, F., Taaffe, D., Galvao, D., Newton, R. (2025). Effects of short- and long-term exercise training on cancer cells in vitro: Insights into the mechanistic associations. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 2024(December 2025), Article number 100994.

Journal Articles

  • Fairman, C., Kendall, K., Newton, R., Hart, N., Taaffe, D., Lopez, P., Chee, R., Tang, C., Galvao, D. (2024). Creatine supplementation does not add to resistance training effects in prostate cancer patients under androgen deprivation therapy: A double-blind randomized trial. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 2024(Article in press), pp.
  • Crespo Garcia, C., Campbell, J., Taaffe, D., McIntyre, C., Jeffery, E., Galvao, D., Redfern, AD., Newton, R. (2024). Unleashing anti-tumour immunity: dietary restriction and exercise interventions adjunct to chemotherapy for cancer patients. Exercise Immunology Review, 30(2024), 26-48.
  • Huang, MJ., Chen, T., Singh, F., Taaffe, D., Nosaka, K. (2024). Acute effects of eccentric versus concentric exercise on executive function and attention of older adults. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism, 2024(Article in press), 11 pages.
  • Western, B., Ivarsson, A., Vistad, I., Demmelmaier, I., Aaronson, NK., Radcliffe, G., Van Beurden, M., Bohus, M., Courneya, KS., Daley, AJ., Galvao, D., Garrod, R., Goedendorp, MM., Griffith, KA., Van Harten, WH., Hayes, SC., Herrero-Roman, F., Hiensch, AE., Irwin, ML., James, E., Kenkhuis, M., Kersten, MJ., Knoop, H., Lucia, A., May, AM., McConnachie, A., Van Mechelen, W., Mutrie, N., Newton, R., Nollet, F., Oldenburg, HS., Plotnikoff, R., Schmidt, ME., Schmitz, KH., Schulz, K., Short, CE., Sonke, GS., Steindorf, K., Stuiver, MM., Taaffe, D., Thorsen, L., Velthuis, MJ., Wenzel, J., Winters-Stone, KM., Wiskemann, J., Berntsen, S., Buffart, LM. (2024). Dropout from exercise trials among cancer survivors—An individual patient data meta-analysis from the POLARIS study. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 34(2), article number e14575.
  • Schofield, C., Taaffe, D., Newton, R., Galvao, D., Cohen, P., Kim, J., Meniawy, T., McIntyre, C. (2024). Assessing Sarcopenia in Advanced-Stage Ovarian Cancer Patients Undergoing Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: A Case Series. Cancer Reports, 7(8), article number e2155.
  • Taaffe, D., Newton, R., Chambers, S., Nelson, C., Spry, N., Luo, H., Schumacher, O., Joseph, D., Gardiner, R., Hayne, D., Galvao, D. (2024). Immediate Versus Delayed Exercise on Health-related Quality of Life in Patients Initiating Androgen Deprivation Therapy: Results from a Year-long Randomised Trial. European Urology Oncology, 2024(Article in press), 7 pages.
  • Kim, J., Taaffe, D., Galvao, D., Clay, T., Redfern, AD., Gray, E., Newton, R. (2024). Enhancing circulatory myokines and extracellular vesicle uptake with targeted exercise in patients with prostate cancer (the MYEX trial): a single-group crossover study. BMC Cancer, 24(1), article number 784.
  • Bettariga, F., Taaffe, D., Galvao, D., Lopez, P., Bishop, C., Markarian, A., Natalucci, V., Kim, J., Newton, R. (2024). Exercise training mode effects on myokine expression in healthy adults: A systematic review with meta-analysis. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 2024(Article in press), pp.
  • Bettariga, F., Taaffe, D., Crespo Garcia, C., Clay, T., Galvao, D., Newton, R. (2024). Effects of resistance training vs high intensity interval training on body composition, muscle strength, cardiorespiratory fitness, and quality of life in survivors of breast cancer: a randomized trial. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 2024(Article in press), TBD.
  • Tait, JL., Duckham, RL., Rantalainen, T., Milte, CM., Main, LC., Nowson, CA., Sanders, KM., Taaffe, D., Hill, KD., Abbott, G., Daly, RM. (2024). Effects of a 6-month dual-task, power-based exercise program on cognitive function, neurological and inflammatory markers in older adults: secondary analysis of a cluster randomised controlled trial. GeroScience, 2024(Article in press), pp.

Journal Articles

  • Fleay, B., Singh, F., Saunders, C., Taaffe, D., Galvao, D., Newton, R., Fox-Harding, C. (2023). Exercise medicine considerations for pregnancy-associated breast cancer: Characteristics, prognosis and treatment. Women's Health, 19(Article in press), 10 pages.
  • Mavropalias, G., Cormie, P., McIntyre, C., Galvao, D., Taaffe, D., Schofield, C., Ray, S., Zissiadis, Y., Newton, R. (2023). The effects of home-based exercise therapy for breast cancer-related fatigue induced by radical radiotherapy. Breast Cancer, 30(1), 139-150.
  • Luo, H., Galvao, D., Newton, R., Tang, C., Spry, N., Taaffe, D. (2023). Multimodal Exercise in Older Patients with Advanced Pancreatic Cancer Undergoing First-Line Chemotherapy: A Case Series Examining Feasibility and Preliminary Efficacy. European Journal of Cancer Care, 2023(Article in press), Article number 1179848.
  • Luo, H., Galvao, D., Newton, R., Tang, C., Hart, N., Singh, F., Dean, A., Jasas, K., Johansson, M., Yusoff, I., Spry, N., Taaffe, D. (2023). Evaluation of a Clinic-Based Exercise Program in Patients with Pancreatic Cancer Undergoing Nonsurgical Treatment. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 55(1), 9-19.
  • Bettariga, F., Taaffe, D., Galvao, D., Bishop, C., Kim, J., Newton, R. (2023). Suppressive effects of exercise-conditioned serum on cancer cells: A narrative review of the influence of exercise mode, volume, and intensity. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 2023(Article in press), 16 pages.
  • Lopez Da Cruz, P., Newton, R., Taaffe, D., Winters-Stone, K., Galvao, D., Buffart, L. (2023). Moderators of resistance-based exercise programs' effect on sarcopenia-related measures in men with prostate cancer previously or currently undergoing androgen deprivation therapy: An individual patient data meta-analysis. Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 14(5), Article number 101535.
  • Hiensch, A., Beckhaus, J., Witlox, L., Monninkhof, E., Schagen, S., Van Vulpen, J., Sweggers, M., Newton, R., Aaronson, N., Galvao, D., Steindorf, K., Stuiver, M., Mesters, I., Knoop, H., Goedendorp, M., Bohus, M., Thorsen, L., Schulz, K., Schmidt, M., Ulrich, C., Sonke, G., Van Harten, W., Winters-Stone, K., Velthuis, M., Taaffe, D., Van Mechelen, W., Kersten, M., Nollet, F., Wiskemann, J., Buffart, L., May, A. (2023). Moderators of exercise effects on self-reported cognitive functioning in cancer survivors: an individual participant data meta-analysis. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 2023(Article in press), 12 pages.
  • Lopez Da Cruz, P., Taaffe, D., Newton, R., Spry, N., Joseph, D., Tang, C., Buffart, L., Galvao, D. (2023). Reporting Attendance and Resistance Exercise Compliance in Men with Localized Prostate Cancer. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 55(3), 354-364.
  • Schofield, C., Lopez Da Cruz, P., Cohen, P., Taaffe, D., Newton, R., Galvao, D., Jeffery, E., Meniawy, T., McIntyre, C. (2023). Skeletal muscle morphology in patients receiving primary versus interval cytoreductive surgery for advanced high-grade serous ovarian cancer. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, 33(10), 1587-1594.
  • Schofield, C., Newton, R., Taaffe, D., Galvao, D., Cohen, P., Meniawy, T., McIntyre, C. (2023). Supervised resistance exercise for women with ovarian cancer who have completed first-line treatment: a pragmatic study. Supportive Care in Cancer, 31(5), Article number 304.
  • Crosby, B., Newton, R., Galvao, D., Taaffe, D., Lopez Da Cruz, PL., Meniawy, T., Khattak, A., Lam, W., Gray, E., Singh, F. (2023). Feasibility of supervised telehealth exercise for patients with advanced melanoma receiving checkpoint inhibitor therapy. Cancer Medicine, 12(13), 14694-14706.
  • Kim, J., Taaffe, D., Galvao, D., Saad, F., Newton, R. (2023). Exercise Mediates Myokine Release and Tumor Suppression in Prostate Cancer Independent of Androgen Signaling. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews, 51(4), 161-168.
  • Singh, F., Newton, R., Taaffe, D., Lopez Da Cruz, P., Thavaseelan, J., Brown, M., Ooi, E., Nosaka, K., Hayne, D., Galvao, D. (2023). Prehabilitation versus rehabilitation exercise in prostate cancer patients undergoing prostatectomy. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, 2023(article in press), 11.
  • Kudiarasu, C., Lopez, P., Galvao, D., Newton, R., Taaffe, D., Mansell, L., Fleay, B., Saunders, C., Fox-Harding, C., Singh, F. (2023). What are the most effective exercise, physical activity and dietary interventions to improve body composition in women diagnosed with or at high-risk of breast cancer? A systematic review and network meta-analysis. Cancer, 2023(Article in press), TBD.
  • Bettariga, F., Bishop, C., Taaffe, D., Galvao, D., Maestroni, L., Newton, R. (2023). Time to consider the potential role of alternative resistance training methods in cancer management?. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 2023(Article in press), 11 pages.
  • Taaffe, D., McCombie, S., Galvao, D., Newton, R., La Bianca, S., Chambers, S., Spry, N., Singh, F., Lopez Da Cruz, P., Schumacher, O., Hawks, C., Hayne, D. (2023). Efficacy and Feasibility of Presurgical Exercise in Bladder Cancer Patients Scheduled for Open Radical Cystectomy. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 55(7), 1123-1132.
  • Lopez Da Cruz, P., Newton, R., Taaffe, D., Winters-Stone, K., Buffart, L., Galvao, D. (2023). Effects and moderators of exercise medicine on cardiometabolic outcomes in men with prostate cancer previously or currently undergoing androgen deprivation therapy: An individual patient data meta-analysis. Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology, 186(June 2023), Article number 103995.

Journal Articles

  • Kim, J., Taaffe, D., Galvao, D., Hart, N., Gray, E., Ryan, C., Kenfield, S., Saad, F., Newton, R. (2022). Exercise in advanced prostate cancer elevates myokine levels and suppresses in-vitro cell growth. Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases, 25(1), 86-92.
  • Wilson, R., Taaffe, D., Newton, R., Hart, N., Lyons-Wall, P., Galvao, D. (2022). Obesity and prostate cancer: a narrative review. Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology, 169(January 2022), Article number 103543.
  • Kim, J., Wilson, R., Taaffe, D., Galvao, D., Gray, E., Newton, R. (2022). Myokine Expression and Tumor-suppressive Effect of Serum following 12 Weeks of Exercise in Prostate Cancer Patients on ADT. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 54(2), 197-205.
  • Lopez Da Cruz, PL., Newton, R., Taaffe, D., Singh, F., Lyons-Wall, P., Buffart, L., Tang, C., Hayne, D., Galvao, D. (2022). Interventions for Improving Body Composition in Men with Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 54(5), 728-740.
  • Kennedy, M., Bayes, S., Newton, R., Zissiadis, Y., Spry, N., Taaffe, D., Hart, N., Galvao, D. (2022). Implementation barriers to integrating exercise as medicine in oncology: an ecological scoping review. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 16(4), 865-881.
  • Baumann, F., Reimer, N., Gockeln, T., Reike, A., Hallek, M., Ricci, C., Zopf, E., Schmid, D., Taaffe, D., Newton, R., Galvao, D., Leitzmann, M. (2022). Supervised pelvic floor muscle exercise is more effective than unsupervised pelvic floor muscle exercise at improving urinary incontinence in prostate cancer patients following radical prostatectomy - a systematic review and meta-analysis. Disability and Rehabilitation, 44(19), 5374-5385.
  • Mavropalias, G., Sim, M., Taaffe, D., Galvao, D., Spry, N., Kraemer, W., Häkkinen, K., Newton, R. (2022). Exercise Medicine for Cancer Cachexia: Targeted Exercise To Counteract Mechanisms And Treatment Side-Effects. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, 148(2022), 1389–1406.
  • Cecins, E., Cavalheri, V., Taaffe, D., Hill, A., Hug, S., Hill, K. (2022). Prevalence of suspected poor bone health in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease – a cross-sectional exploratory study. Chronic Respiratory Disease, 19(2022), TBD.
  • Lopez Da Cruz, P., Rech, A., Petropoulou, M., Newton, R., Taaffe, D., Galvao, D., Turella, D., Freitas, S., Radaelli, R. (2022). Does High-Velocity Resistance Exercise Elicit Greater Physical Function Benefits Than Traditional Resistance Exercise in Older Adults? A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis of 79 Trials. Journal of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 2022(Article in press), 1-12.
  • Lopez Da Cruz, PL., Taaffe, D., Galvao, D., Newton, R., Nonemacher, E., Wendt, V., Bassanesi, R., Turella, D., Rech, A. (2022). Resistance training effectiveness on body composition and body weight outcomes in individuals with overweight and obesity across the lifespan: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews, 23(5), article number e13428.
  • Kim, J., Taaffe, D., Galvao, D., Clay, T., Redfern, A., Hart, N., Gray, E., Ryan, C., Kenfield, S., Saad, F., Newton, R. (2022). Acute effect of high-intensity interval aerobic exercise on serum myokine levels and resulting tumour-suppressive effect in trained patients with advanced prostate cancer. Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases, 2022(Article in Press), TBD.
  • Luo, H., Schumacher, O., Galvao, D., Newton, R., Taaffe, D. (2022). Adverse Events Reporting of Clinical Trials in Exercise Oncology Research (ADVANCE): Protocol for a Scoping Review. Frontiers in Oncology, 12(16 February 2022), Article number 841266.
  • Galvao, D., Taaffe, D., Chambers, S., Fairman, C., Spry, N., Joseph, D., Newton, R. (2022). Exercise intervention and sexual function in advanced prostate cancer: a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care, 12(1), 29-32.
  • Lopez Da Cruz, P., Newton, R., Taaffe, D., Singh, F., Buffart, L., Spry, N., Tang, C., Saad, F., Galvao, D. (2022). Associations of fat and muscle mass with overall survival in men with prostate cancer: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases, 25(4), 615-626.
  • Newton, R., Hart, N., Galvao, D., Taaffe, D., Saad, F. (2022). Prostate Cancer Treatment With Exercise Medicine. Trends in Urology and Men's Health, 13(6), 14-19.
  • Galvao, D., Taaffe, D., Hayne, D., Lopez Da Cruz, PL., Lyons-Wall, P., Tang, C., Chambers, S., Devine, A., Spry, N., Jeffery, E., A S Kudiarasu, C., Joseph, D., Newton, R. (2022). Weight loss for overweight and obese patients with prostate cancer: a study protocol of a randomised trial comparing clinic-based versus Telehealth delivered EXercise and nutrition intervention (the TelEX trial). BMJ Open, 12(6), article number e058899.
  • Schumacher, O., Galvao, D., Taaffe, D., Spry, N., Hayne, D., Tang, C., Chee, R., Newton, R. (2022). Nationwide Industry-Led Community Exercise Program for Men With Locally Advanced, Relapsed, or Metastatic Prostate Cancer on Androgen-Deprivation Therapy. JCO Oncology Practice, 18(8), e1334–e1341.
  • Wang, T., Zhang, Y., Taaffe, D., Kim, J., Luo, H., Yang, L., Fairman, C., Qiao, Y., Newton, R., Galvao, D. (2022). Protective effects of physical activity in colon cancer and underlying mechanisms: A review of epidemiological and biological evidence. Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology, 170(February 2022), Article number 103578.
  • Lopez Da Cruz, P., Radaelli, R., Taaffe, D., Galvao, D., Newton, R., Nonemacher, E., Wendt, V., Bassanesi, R., Turella, D., Rech, A. (2022). Moderators of Resistance Training Effects in Overweight and Obese Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 54(11), 1804-1816.
  • Stelten, S., Schofield, C., Hartman, Y., Lopez Da Cruz, P., Kenter, G., Newton, R., Galvao, D., Hoedjes, M., Taaffe, D., Van Lonkhuijzen, L., McIntyre, C., Buffart, L. (2022). Association between Energy Balance-Related Factors and Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Ovarian Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Cancers, 14(19), article number 4567.
  • Kennedy, M., Bayes, S., Newton, R., Zissiadis, Y., Spry, N., Taaffe, D., Hart, N., Galvao, D. (2022). Building the plane while it’s flying: implementation lessons from integrating a co-located exercise clinic into oncology care. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1), article number 1235.

Journal Articles

  • Lopez Da Cruz, P., Radaelli, R., Taaffe, D., Newton, R., Galvao, D., Trajano, G., Teodoro, J., Kraemer, W., Häkkinen, K., Pinto, R. (2021). Resistance training load effects on muscle hypertrophy and strength gain: Systematic review and network meta-analysis. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 53(6), 1206-1216.
  • Wilson, R., Taaffe, D., Newton, R., Hart, N., Lyons-Wall, P., Galvao, D. (2021). Using exercise and nutrition to alter fat and lean mass in men with prostate cancer receiving Androgen Deprivation Therapy: A narrative review. Nutrients, 13(5), Article number 1664.
  • Luo, H., Galvao, D., Newton, R., Tang, C., Dean, A., Jasas, K., Johansson, M., Yusoff, I., Spry, N., Taaffe, D. (2021). Feasibility and efficacy of a multi-component exercise medicine program in pancreatic cancer patients undergoing neoadjuvant therapy (the EXPAN trial): study protocol of a dual-centre, two-armed phase I randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open Gastroenterology, 8(1), Article number e000642.
  • Kim, J., Galvao, D., Newton, R., Gray, E., Taaffe, D. (2021). Exercise-induced myokines and their effect on prostate cancer. Nature Reviews Urology, 18(9), 519-542.
  • Edmunds, K., Scuffham, P., Reeves, P., Galvao, D., Taaffe, D., Newton, R., Spry, N., Joseph, D., Tuffaha, H. (2021). Demonstrating the value of early economic evaluation alongside clinical trials: Exercise medicine for men with metastatic prostate cancer. European Journal of Cancer Care, 30(5), article number e13479.
  • Galvao, D., Newton, R., Chambers, S., Spry, N., Joseph, D., Gardiner, R., Fairman, C., Taaffe, D. (2021). Psychological distress in men with prostate cancer undertaking androgen deprivation therapy: modifying effects of exercise from a year-long randomized controlled trial. Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases, 24(3), 758-766.
  • Schumacher, O., Galvao, D., Taaffe, D., Spry, N., Joseph, D., Tang, C., Chee, R., Newton, R. (2021). Effect of Exercise Adjunct to Radiation and Androgen Deprivation Therapy on Patient-Reported Treatment Toxicity in Men With Prostate Cancer: A Secondary Analysis of 2 Randomized Controlled Trials. Practical Radiation Oncology, 11(3), 215-225.
  • Luo, H., Galvao, D., Newton, R., Lopez Da Cruz, P., Tang, C., Fairman, C., Spry, N., Taaffe, D. (2021). Exercise medicine in the management of pancreatic cancer: A systematic review. Pancreas, 50(3), 280-292.
  • Wilson, R., Taaffe, D., Newton, R., Hart, N., Lyons-Wall, P., Galvao, D. (2021). Maintaining Weight Loss in Obese Men with Prostate Cancer Following a Supervised Exercise and Nutrition Program—A Pilot Study. Cancers, 13(14), 3411.
  • Newton, R., Mavropalias, G., Fragala, M., Kraemer, W., Hakkinen, K., Taaffe, D., Spry, N., Joseph, D., Galvao, D. (2021). Radiotherapy before or during androgen-deprivation therapy does not blunt the exercise-induced body composition protective effects in prostate cancer patients: A secondary analysis of two randomized controlled trials. Experimental Gerontology, 151(Aug 2021), Article number 111427.
  • Lopez Da Cruz, PL., Taaffe, D., Newton, R., Buffart, L., Galvao, D. (2021). What is the minimal dose for resistance exercise effectiveness in prostate cancer patients? Systematic review and meta-analysis on patient-reported outcomes. Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases, 24(2), 465-481.
  • Cecins, E., Hill, K., Taaffe, D., Manners, D., Hill, A., Newton, R., Galvao, D., Cavalheri, V. (2021). Feasibility, tolerance and effects of adding impact loading exercise to pulmonary rehabilitation in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: study protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 7(December 2021), Article number 151.
  • Wilson, R., Newton, R., Taaffe, D., Hart, N., Lyons-Wall, P., Galvao, D. (2021). Weight loss for obese prostate cancer patients on androgen deprivation therapy. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 53(3), 470-478.
  • Schumacher, O., Luo, H., Taaffe, D., Galvao, D., Tang, C., Chee, R., Spry, N., Newton, R. (2021). Effects of exercise during radiotherapy on physical function and treatment-related side effects in men with prostate cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Radiation: Oncology - Biology - Physics, 111(3), 716-731.
  • Crosby, B., Lopez Da Cruz, P., Galvao, D., Newton, R., Taaffe, D., Meniawy, T., Warburton, L., Khattak, A., Gray, E., Singh, F. (2021). Associations of Physical Activity and Exercise with Health-related Outcomes in Patients with Melanoma During and After Treatment: A Systematic Review. Integrative Cancer Therapies, 20(January-December 2021), Article Number: 15347354211040757.
  • Radaelli, R., Taaffe, D., Newton, R., Galvao, D., Lopez Da Cruz, P. (2021). Exercise effects on muscle quality in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Scientific Reports, 11(1), Article Number 21085.
  • Zhang, Y., Kim, J., Wang, T., Newton, R., Galvao, D., Gardiner, R., Hill, M., Taaffe, D. (2021). Potential role of exercise induced extracellular vesicles in prostate cancer suppression. Frontiers in Oncology, 11(14 September 2021), Article number 746040.
  • Lopez Da Cruz, P., Taaffe, D., Newton, R., Galvao, D. (2021). Resistance Exercise Dosage in Men with Prostate Cancer: Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Meta-regression. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 53(3), 459-469.
  • Schumacher, O., Galvao, D., Taaffe, D., Chee, R., Spry, N., Newton, R. (2021). Exercise modulation of tumour perfusion and hypoxia to improve radiotherapy response in prostate cancer. Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases, 24(1), 1-14.
  • Lopez Da Cruz, P., Galvao, D., Taaffe, D., Newton, R., Souza, G., Trajano, G., Pinto, R. (2021). Resistance training in breast cancer patients undergoing primary treatment: a systematic review and meta‑regression of exercise dosage. Breast Cancer, 28(1), 16-24.

Journal Articles

  • Kennedy, M., Bayes, S., Galvao, D., Singh, F., Spry, N., Davis, M., Chee, R., Zissiadis, Y., Hart, N., Taaffe, D., Newton, R. (2020). If you build it, will they come? Evaluation of a co-located exercise clinic and cancer treatment centre using the RE-AIM framework. European Journal of Cancer Care, 29(4), Article number e13251.
  • Newton, R., Kennedy, M., Singh, F., Taaffe, D., Spry, N., Chee, R., Zissiadis, Y., Davis, M., O'Brien, P., Galvao, D. (2020). Safety, Effectiveness, and Uptake of Exercise Medicine Integrated Within a Cancer Care Center. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 36(5), Article 151073.
  • Wilson, R., Shannon, T., Calton, E., Galvao, D., Taaffe, D., Hart, N., Lyons-Wall, P., Newton, R. (2020). Efficacy of a weight loss program prior to robot assisted radical prostatectomy in overweight and obese men with prostate cancer. Surgical Oncology, 35(December 2020), 182-188.
  • Newton, R., Galvao, D., Spry, N., Joseph, D., Chambers, S., Gardiner, R., Hayne, D., Taaffe, D. (2020). Timing of exercise for muscle strength and physical function in men initiating ADT for prostate cancer. Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases, 23(3), 457-464.
  • Fairman, C., Nilsen, T., Newton, R., Taaffe, D., Spry, N., Joseph, D., Chambers, S., Robinson, Z., Hart, N., Zourdos, M., Focht, B., McIntyre, C., Galvao, D. (2020). Reporting of Resistance Training Dose, Adherence, and Tolerance in Exercise Oncology. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 52(2), 315-322.
  • Van Vulpen, J., Sweegers, M., Peeters, P., Courneya, K., Newton, R., Aaronson, N., Jacobsen, P., Galvao, D., Chinapaw, M., Steindorf, K., Irwin, M., Stuiver, M., Hayes, S., Griffith, K., Mesters, I., Knoop, H., Goedendorp, M., Mutrie, N., Daley, A., McConnachie, A., Bohus, M., Thorsen, L., Schulz, K., Short, C., James, E., Plotnikoff, R., Schmidt, M., Ulrich, C., Van Beurden, M., Oldenburg, H., Sonke, G., Van Harten, W., Schmitz, K., Winters-Stone, K., Velthuis, M., Taaffe, D., Van Mechelen, W., Kersten, M., Nollet, F., Wenzel, J., Wiskemann, J., Verdonck-De Leeuw, I., Brug, J., May, A., Buffart, L. (2020). Moderators of Exercise Effects on Cancer-related Fatigue: A Meta-analysis of Individual Patient Data. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 52(2), 303-314.
  • Edmunds, K., Reeves, P., Scuffham, P., Galvao, D., Newton, R., Jones, M., Spry, N., Taaffe, D., Joseph, D., Chambers, S., Tuffaha, H. (2020). Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Supervised Exercise Training in Men with Prostate Cancer Previously Treated with Radiation Therapy and Androgen-Deprivation Therapy. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 18(5), 727-737.
  • Kennedy, M., Bayes, S., Newton, R., Zissiadis, Y., Spry, N., Taaffe, D., Hart, N., Davis, M., Eiszele, A., Galvao, D. (2020). We have the program, what now? Development of an implementation plan to bridge the research-practice gap prevalent in exercise oncology. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 17(1), Article number 128.

Journal Articles

  • Fairman, C., Kendall, K., Hart, N., Taaffe, D., Galvao, D., Newton, R. (2019). The potential therapeutic effects of creatine supplementation on body composition and muscle function in cancer. Critical Reviews in Oncology Hematology, 133(January 2019), 46-57.
  • Fujita, E., Taaffe, D., Yoshitake, Y., Kanehisa, H. (2019). Repeated sit-to-stand exercise enhances muscle strength and reduces lower body muscular demands in physically frail elders. Experimental Gerontology, 116(February 2019), 86-92.
  • Newton, R., Galvao, D., Spry, N., Joseph, D., Chambers, S., Gardiner, R., Wall, B., Bolam, K., Taaffe, D. (2019). Exercise Mode Specificity for Preserving Spine and Hip Bone Mineral Density in Prostate Cancer Patients. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 51(4), 607-614.
  • Taaffe, D., Galvao, D., Spry, N., Joseph, D., Chambers, S., Gardiner, R., Hayne, D., Cormie, P., Shum, D., Newton, R. (2019). Immediate versus delayed exercise in men initiating androgen deprivation: effects on bone density and soft tissue composition. BJU International, 123(2), 261-269.
  • Newton, R., Christophersen, C., Fairman, C., Hart, N., Taaffe, D., Broadhurst, D., Devine, A., Chee, R., Tang, C., Spry, N., Galvao, D. (2019). Does exercise impact gut microbiota composition in men receiving androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer? A single-blinded, two-armed, randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 9(4), article no. e024872.
  • Bernard, P., Savard, J., Steindorf, K., Sweegers, M., Courneya, K., Newton, R., Aaronson, N., Jacobsen, P., May, A., Galvao, D., Chinapaw, M., Stuiver, M., Griffith, K., Mesters, I., Knoop, H., Goedendorp, M., Bohus, M., Thorsen, L., Schmidt, M., Ulrich, C., Sonke, G., Van Harten, W., Winters-Stone, K., Velthuis, M., Taaffe, D., Van Mechelen, W., Kersten, M., Nollet, F., Wenzel, J., Wiskemann, J., Verdonck-De Leeuw, I., Brug, J., Buffart, L. (2019). Effects and moderators of exercise on sleep in adults with cancer: Individual patient data and aggregated meta-analyses. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 124(September 2019), Article no.109746.
  • Luo, H., Galvao, D., Newton, R., Fairman, C., Taaffe, D. (2019). Sport Medicine in the Prevention and Management of Cancer. Integrative Cancer Therapies, 18(2019), 1-14.
  • Taaffe, D., Newton, R., Spry, N., Joseph, D., Galvao, D. (2019). Responsiveness to resistance-based multimodal exercise among men with prostate cancer receiving Androgen Deprivation Therapy. Journal of The National Comprehensive Cancer Network, 17(10), 1211-1220.
  • Sweegers, M., Altenburg, T., Brug, J., May, A., Van Vulpen, J., Aaronson, N., Arbane, G., Bohus, M., Courneya, K., Daley, A., Galvao, D., Garrod, R., Griffith, K., Van Harten, W., Hayes, S., Herrero-Roman, F., Kersten, M., Lucia, A., McConnachie, A., Van Mechelen, W., Mutrie, N., Newton, R., Nollett, F., Potthoff, K., Schmidt, M., Schmitz, K., Schulz, K., Sonke, G., Steindorf, K., Stuiver, M., Taaffe, D., Thorsen, L., Twisk, J., Velthuis, M., Wenzel, J., Winters-Stone, K., Wiskemann, J., Paw, M., Buffart, L. (2019). Effects and moderators of exercise on muscle strength, muscle function and aerobic fitness in patients with cancer: a meta-analysis of individual patient data. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 53(13), Article number 812.
  • Fairman, C., Kendall, K., Newton, R., Hart, N., Taaffe, D., Chee, R., Tang, C., Galvao, D. (2019). Examining the effects of creatine supplementation in augmenting adaptations to resistance training in prostate cancer patients undergoing androgen deprivation therapy: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. BMJ Open, 9(9), Article number e030080.

Journal Articles

  • Galvao, D., Taaffe, D., Spry, N., Cormie, P., Joseph, D., Chambers, S., Chee, R., McIntyre, C., Hart, N., Baumann, FT., Denham, J., Baker, M., Newton, R. (2018). Exercise preserves physical function in prostate cancer patients with bone metastases. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 50(3), 393-399.
  • Galvao, D., Newton, R., Girgis, A., Lepore, SJ., Stiller, A., Mihalopoulos, C., Gardiner, R., Taaffe, D., Occhipinti, S., Chambers, S. (2018). Randomized controlled trial of a peer led multimodal intervention for men with prostate cancer to increase exercise participation. Psycho-Oncology: journal of the psychological, social and behavioral dimensions of cancer, 27(1), 199-207.
  • Taaffe, D., Buffart, L., Newton, R., Spry, N., Denham, J., Joseph, D., Lamb, D., Chambers, S., Galvao, D. (2018). Time on androgen deprivation therapy and adaptations to exercise: secondary analysis from a 12-month randomized controlled trial in men with prostate cancer. BJU International, 121(2), 194-202.
  • Baumann, FT., Reike, A., Reimer, V., Schumann, M., Hallek, M., Taaffe, D., Newton, R., Galvao, D. (2018). Effects of physical exercise on breast cancer‑related secondary lymphedema: a systematic review. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 170(1), 1-13.
  • Singh, F., Galvao, D., Newton, R., Spry, N., Baker, M., Taaffe, D. (2018). Feasibility and Preliminary Efficacy of a 10-Week Resistance and Aerobic Exercise Intervention During Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation Treatment in Rectal Cancer Patients. Integrative Cancer Therapies, 17(3), 952-959.
  • Fujita, E., Yakushi, K., Takeda, M., Islam, M., Nakagaichi, M., Taaffe, D., Takeshima, N. (2018). Proficiency in pole handling during Nordic walking influences exercise effectiveness in middle-aged and older adults. PLoS One, 13(11), Article number e0208070.
  • Luo, H., Newton, R., Ma'ayah, F., Galvao, D., Taaffe, D. (2018). Recreational soccer as sport medicine for middle-aged and older adults: a systematic review. BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, 4(2018), Article no. e000336.
  • Hart, N., Galvao, D., Saunders, C., Taaffe, D., Feeney, K., Spry, N., Tsoi, D., Martin, H., Chee, R., Clay, T., Redfern, A., Newton, R. (2018). Mechanical suppression of osteolytic bone metastases in advanced breast cancer patients: a randomised controlled study protocol evaluating safety, feasibility and preliminary efficacy of exercise as a targeted medicine. Trials, 19(1), Article no.695.
  • Galvao, D., Hayne, D., Frydenburg, M., Chambers, S., Taaffe, D., Spry, N., Scuffham, P., Ware, R., Hart, N., Newton, R. (2018). Can exercise delay transition to active therapy in men with low-grade prostate cancer? A multi-centre randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 8(4), e022331.
  • Buffart, L., Sweegers, MG., May, AM., Chinapaw, MJ., Van Vulpen, JK., Newton, R., Galvao, D., Aaronson, NK., Stuiver, MM., Jacobsen, PB., Verdonck-De Leeuw, IM., Steindorf, K., Irwin, ML., Hayes, S., Griffith, KA., Lucia, A., Herrero-Roman, F., Mesters, I., Van Weert, E., Knoop, H., Goedendorp, MM., Mutrie, N., Daley, AJ., McConnachie, A., Bohus, M., Thorsen, L., Schulz, K., Short, CE., James, EL., Plotnikoff, RC., Arbane, G., Schmidt, ME., Potthoff, K., Van Beurden, M., Oldenburg, HS., Sonke, GS., Van Harten, WH., Garrod, R., Schmitz, KH., Winters-Stone, KM., Velthuis, MJ., Taaffe, D., Van Mechelen, W., Kersten, MJ., Nollet, F., Wenzel, J., Wiskemann, J., Brug, J., Courneya, K. (2018). Targeting Exercise Interventions to Patients With Cancer in Need: An Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 110(11), Article Number: djy161.
  • Duckham, R., Tait, J., Nowson, C., Sanders, K., Taaffe, D., Hill, K., Daly, R. (2018). Strategies and challenges associated with recruiting retirement village communities and residents into a group exercise intervention. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 18(1), Article number 173.
  • Newton, R., Jeffery, E., Galvao, D., McIntyre, C., Spry, N., Joseph, D., Denham, J., Taaffe, D. (2018). Body composition, fatigue and exercise in patients with prostate cancer undergoing androgen-deprivation therapy. BJU International, 122(6), 986-993.

Journal Articles

  • Hart, N., Newton, R., Spry, N., Taaffe, D., Chambers, S., Feeney, K., Joseph, D., Redfern, A., Ferguson, T., Galvao, D. (2017). Can exercise suppress tumour growth in advanced prostate cancer patients with sclerotic bone metastases? A randomised, controlled study protocol examining feasibility, safety and efficacy.. BMJ Open, 7(5), article no.e014458.
  • Beck, B., Daly, R., Fiatarone Singh, M., Taaffe, D. (2017). Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA) position statement on exercise prescription for the prevention and management of osteoporosis. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 20(5), 438-445.
  • Singh, F., Newton, R., Baker, M., Spry, N., Taaffe, D., Thavaseelan, J., Galvao, D. (2017). Feasibility of presurgical exercise in men with prostate cancer undergoing prostatectomy. Integrative Cancer Therapies, 16(3), 290-299.
  • Zopf, E., Newton, R., Taaffe, D., Spry, N., Cormie, P., Joseph, D., Chambers, S., Baumann, FT., Bloch, W., Galvao, D. (2017). Associations between aerobic exercise levels and physical and mental health outcomes in men with bone metastatic prostate cancer: a cross-sectional investigation. European Journal of Cancer Care, 26(6), Article Number: e12575.
  • Buffart, L., Kalter, J., Sweegers, M., Courneya, K., Newton, R., Aaronson, N., Jacobsen, P., May, A., Galvao, D., Chinapaw, M., Steindorf, K., Irwin, M., Stuiver, M., Hayes, S., Griffith, K., Lucia, A., Mesters, I., Van Weert, E., Knoop, H., Goedendorp, M., Mutrie, N., Daley, A., McConnachie, A., Bohus, M., Thorsen, L., Schulz, K., Short, C., James, E., Plotnikoff, R., Arbane, G., Schmidt, M., Potthoff, K., Van Beruden, M., Oldenburg, H., Sonke, G., Van Harten, W., Garrod, R., Schmitz, K., Winters-Stone, K., Velthuis, M., Taaffe, D., Van Mechelen, W., Kersten, M., Nollet, F., Wenzel, J., Wiskemann, J., Verdonck-De Leeuw, IM., Brug, J. (2017). Effects and moderators of exercise on quality of life and physical function in patients with cancer: An individual patient data meta-analysis of 34 RCTs. Cancer Treatment Reviews, 52(2017), 91-104.
  • Gunnell, A., Joyce, S., Tomlin, S., Taaffe, D., Cormie, P., Newton, R., Joseph, D., Spry, N., Einarsdottir, K., Galvao, D. (2017). Physical activity and survival among long-term cancer survivor and non-cancer cohorts. Frontiers in Public Health, 5(Feb 2017), Article no. 19.
  • Cormie, P., Lamb, S., Newton, R., Valentine, L., McKiernan, S., Spry, N., Joseph, D., Taaffe, D., Doran, C., Galvao, D. (2017). Implementing exercise in cancer care: study protocol to evaluate a community-based exercise program for people with cancer. BMC Cancer, 17(1), Article no. 103.
  • Taaffe, D., Newton, R., Spry, N., Joseph, D., Chambers, S., Gardiner, R., Wall, B., Cormie, P., Bolam, K., Galvao, D. (2017). Effects of different exercise modalities on fatigue in prostate cancer patients undergoing androgen deprivation therapy: A year-long randomised controlled trial. European Urology, 72(2), 293-299.
  • Singh, F., Newton, R., Baker, MK., Spry, N., Taaffe, D., Galvao, D. (2017). Feasibility and Efficacy of Presurgical Exercise in Survivors of Rectal Cancer Scheduled to Receive Curative Resection. Clinical Colorectal Cancer, 16(4), 358-365.
  • Wall, B., Galvao, D., Fatehee, N., Taaffe, D., Spry, N., Joseph, D., Hebert, J., Newton, R. (2017). Exercise improves VO2max and body composition in androgen deprivation therapy-treated prostate cancer patients. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 49(8), 1503-1510.

Journal Articles

  • Bolam, K., Skinner, T., Jenkins, D., Galvao, D., Taaffe, D. (2016). The Osteogenic Effect of Impact-Loading and Resistance Exercise on Bone Mineral Density in Middle-Aged and Older Men: A Pilot Study. Gerontology: international journal of experimental, clinical, behavioral, regenerative and technical gerontology, 62(1), 22-32.
  • Cormie, P., Singh, B., Hayes, S., Peake, J., Galvao, D., Taaffe, D., Spry, N., Nosaka, K., Cornish, B., Schmitz, K., Newton, R. (2016). Acute Inflammatory Response to Low-, Moderate-, and High-Load Resistance Exercise in Women With Breast Cancer–Related Lymphedema. Integrative Cancer Therapies, 15(3), 308-317.
  • Galvao, D., Taaffe, D., Spry, N., Gardiner, R., Taylor, R., Risbridger, G., Frydenberg, M., Hill, M., Chambers, S., Stricker, P., Shannon, T., Hayne, D., Zopf, E., Newton, R. (2016). Enhancing active surveillance for men with prostate cancer: The potential of exercise medicine. Nature Reviews Urology, 13(5), 258-265.
  • Bolam, KA., Skinner, TL., Sax, AT., Adlard, KN., Taaffe, D. (2016). A comparison of bone mineral density in amateur male boxers and active non-boxers. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 37(9), 694-699.
  • Schultz, AB., Taaffe, D., Blackburn, M., Logan, P., White, D., Drew, M., Lockie, R. (2016). Musculoskeletal screening as a predictor of seasonal injury in elite Olympic class sailors. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 19(11), 903-909.

Journal Articles

  • Cormie, P., Galvao, D., Joseph, D., Chee, R., Taaffe, D., Chambers, S., Newton, R. (2015). Can supervised exercise prevent treatment toxicity in patients with prostate cancer initiating androgen-deprivation therapy: A randomised controlled trial. BJU International, 115(2), 256-266.
  • Daly, RM., Duckham, RL., Tait, JL., Rantalainen, T., Nowson, CA., Taaffe, D., Sanders, K., Hill, KD., Kidgell, DJ., Busija, L. (2015). Effectiveness of dual-task functional power training for preventing falls in older people: Study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial. Trials, 16(1), Article no. 120.
  • Costigan, S., Eather, N., Plotnikoff, RC., Taaffe, D., Lubans, DR. (2015). High-intensity interval training for improving health-related fitness in adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 49(19), 1253-1261.
  • Buffart, L., Newton, R., Chinapow, MJ., Taaffe, D., Spry, N., Denham, J., Joseph, D., Lamb, D., Brug, J., Galvao, D. (2015). The effect, moderators, and mediators of resistance and aerobic exercise on health-related quality of life in older long-term survivors of prostate cancer. Cancer, 121(16), 2821-2830.
  • Wall, B., Galvao, D., Fatehee, N., Taaffe, D., Spry, N., Joseph, D., Newton, R. (2015). Reduced Cardiovascular Capacity and Resting Metabolic Rate in Men with Prostate Cancer Undergoing Androgen Deprivation: A Comprehensive Cross-Sectional Investigation. Advances in Urology, 2015(Article ID 976235), 7p..
  • Costigan, SA., Eather, N., Plotnikoff, RC., Taaffe, D., Pollock, E., Kennedy, SG., Lubans, DR. (2015). Preliminary efficacy and feasibility of embedding high intensity interval training into the school day: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Preventive Medicine Reports, 2(2015), 973-979.

Journal Articles

  • Galvao, D., Spry, N., Denham, J., Taaffe, D., Cormie, P., Joseph, D., Lamb, D., Chambers, S., Newton, R. (2014). A Multicentre Year-long Randomised Controlled Trial of Exercise Training Targeting Physical Functioning in Men with Prostate Cancer Previously Treated with Androgen Suppression and Radiation from TROG 03.04 RADAR. European Urology, 65(5), 856-864.
  • Skinner, T., Jenkins, D., Leveritt, M., McGorm, A., Bolam, K., Coombes, J., Taaffe, D. (2014). Factors influencing serum caffeine concentrations following caffeine ingestion. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 17(5), 516-520.
  • Chang, D., Joseph, D., Ebert, M., Galvao, D., Taaffe, D., Denham, J., Newton, R., Spry, N. (2014). Effect of androgen deprivation therapy on muscle attenuation in men with prostate cancer. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology, 58(2), 223-228.
  • Buffart, L., Galvao, D., Chinapaw, M., Brug, J., Taaffe, D., Spry, N., Joseph, D., Newton, R. (2014). Mediators of the Resistance and Aerobic Exercise Intervention Effect on Physical and General Health in Men Undergoing Androgen Deprivation Therapy for Prostate Cancer. Cancer, 120(2), 294-301.
  • Hasegawa, R., Islam, MM., Watanabe, R., Tomiyama, N., Taaffe, D. (2014). Effects of periodic task-specific test feedback on physical performance in older adults undertaking band-based resistance exercise. Journal of Aging Research, 2014(1), Article no. 171694.
  • Bolam, K., Beck, BR., Adlard, KN., Skinner, T., Cormie, P., Galvao, D., Spry, N., Newton, R., Taaffe, D. (2014). The relationship between BPAQ-derived physical activity and bone density of middle-aged and older men. Osteoporosis International, 25(11), 2663-2668.
  • Cormie, P., Galvao, D., Spry, N., Joseph, D., Taaffe, D., Newton, R. (2014). Functional benefits are sustained after a program of supervised resistance exercise in cancer patients with bone metastases: longitidinal results of a pilot study. Supportive Care in Cancer, 22(6), 1537-1548.
  • Cormie, P., Chambers, S., Newton, R., Gardiner, R., Spry, N., Taaffe, D., Joseph, D., Akhlil Hamid, M., Chong, P., Hughes, D., Hamilton, K., Galvao, D. (2014). Improving sexual health in men with prostate cancer: randomised controlled trial of exercise and psychosexual therapies. BMC Cancer, 14(1), Article no. 199.
  • Wall, B., Galvao, D., Fatehee, N., Taaffe, D., Spry, N., Joseph, D., Newton, R. (2014). Maximal Exercise Testing of Men with Prostate Cancer Being treated with Androgen Deprivation Therapy. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 46(12), 2210-2215.
  • Pritchard-Peschek, K., Jenkins, DG., Osborne, MA., Slater, GJ., Taaffe, D. (2014). The dose–response relationship between pseudoephedrine ingestion and exercise performance. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 17(5), 531-534.

Book Chapters

  • Taaffe, D., Daly, R., Suominen, H., Galvao, D., Bolam, K. (2013). Physical Activity and Exercise in the Maintenance of the Adult Skeleton and the Prevention of Osteoporotic Fractures. Osteoporosis (683-719). Elsevier.

Journal Articles

  • Bolam, K., Van Uffelen, J., Taaffe, D. (2013). The effect of physical exercise on bone density in middle-aged and older men: A systematic review. Osteoporosis International, 24(11), 2749-2762.
  • Cormie, P., Newton, R., Taaffe, D., Spry, N., Joseph, D., Hamid, MA., Galvao, D. (2013). Exercise maintains sexual activity in men undergoing androgen suppression for prostate cancer: a randomized controlled trial. Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases, 16(2), 170-175.
  • Spry, N., Taaffe, D., England, P., Judge, J., Stephens, D., McIntyre, C., Baker, M., Newton, R., Galvao, D. (2013). Long-term effects of intermittent androgen suppression therapy on lean and fat mass: a 33-month prospective study. Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases, 16(1), 66-71.
  • Cormie, P., Newton, R., Spry, N., Joseph, D., Taaffe, D., Galvao, D. (2013). Safety and efficacy of resistance exercise in prostate cancer patients with bone metastases. Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases, 16(4), 328-335.
  • Toivonen, MH., Pollanen, E., Ahtiainen, M., Suominen, H., Taaffe, D., Cheng, S., Takala, T., Kujala, UM., Tammi, M., Sipila, S., Kovanen, V. (2013). OGT and OGA expression in postmenopausal skeletal muscle associates with hormone replacement therapy and muscle cross-sectional area. Experimental Gerontology, 48(12), 1501-1504.
  • Pritchard-Peschek, KR., Osborne, MA., Slater, GJ., Taaffe, D., Jenkins, DG. (2013). Pseudoephedrine and preexercise feeding: Influence on performance. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 45(6), 1152-1157.
  • Skinner, TL., Jenkins, DG., Taaffe, D., Leveritt, MD., Coombes, JS. (2013). Coinciding exercise with peak serum caffeine does not improve cycling performance. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 16(1), 54-59.
  • Skinner, TL., Jenkins, DG., Folling, J., Leveritt, MD., Coombes, JS., Taaffe, D. (2013). Influence of carbohydrate on serum caffeine concentrations following caffeine ingestion. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 16(4), 343-347.
  • Cormie, P., Newton, R., Taaffe, D., Spry, N., Galvao, D. (2013). Exercise therapy for sexual dysfunction after prostate cancer. Nature Reviews, Urology, 10(12), 731-736.

Journal Articles

  • Bolam, K., Galvao, D., Spry, N., Newton, R., Taaffe, D. (2012). AST-induced Bone Loss in Men with Prostate Cancer: Exercise as a Potential Countermeasure. Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases, 15(4), 329-338.
  • Newton, R., Taaffe, D., Spry, N., Cormie, P., Chambers, S., Gardiner, R., Shum, D., Joseph, D., Galvao, D. (2012). Can exercise ameliorate treatment toxicity during the initial phase of testosterone deprivation in prostate cancer patients? Is this more effective than delayed rehabilitation?. BMC Cancer, 12(September 2012), Article number432.

Book Chapters

Research Projects

  • Optimising Care of Patients with Benign Pleural Effusions and Pleural Infections, Institute for Respiratory Health, Scholarships to Support Industry Engagement PhD Projects, 2025 ‑ 2029, $65,700.
  • Exercise medicine as adjunct therapy during RADIation for CAncer of the prostaTE to improve treatment efficacy – the ERADICATE study: a phase II randomised controlled trial, World Cancer Research Fund, Investigator initiated grants, 2024 ‑ 2027, $534,961.
  • A Multicomponent Exercise Medicine Programme in Patients with Pancreatic Cancer Undergoing Neoadjuvant Therapy (the EXPAN trial): A Two-armed Phase I Randomised Controlled Trial, National Health and Medical Research Council, MRFF - Clinical Trials Activity (Rare Cancers, Rare Diseases and Unmet Need) Initiative, 2022 ‑ 2027, $561,910.
  • Weight loss for overweight and obese prostate cancer patients: a randomised trial of a clinic-based versus telehealth delivered exercise and nutrition intervention, Cancer Council of WA Inc, Prostate Cancer Research Initiative, 2021 ‑ 2026, $472,739.
  • Enhancing circulatory myokines and extracellular vesicle uptake with targeted exercise in patients with Prostate Cancer: The MYEX Trial, World Cancer Research Fund, Pilot Grants, 2023 ‑ 2026, $117,156.
  • Exercise as a novel therapeutic approach for sensitising prostate cancer to radiotherapy, Cancer Australia, Priority-driven Collaborative Cancer Research Scheme, 2024 ‑ 2025, $97,665.
  • The effect of cognitive and exercise training on Brain Atrophy and Cognitive Decline in Breast Cancer Patients Treated with Adjuvant Chemotherapy Agents, Cancer Council of WA Inc, Collaborative Cancer Grant Scheme, 2018 ‑ 2025, $49,966.
  • Cancer suppression, cytokine levels and body composition variation across prostate cancer stage and treatments: The CYTOCOMP Study, Cancer Council of WA Inc, Suzanne Cavanagh Early Career Investigator Grants, 2024 ‑ 2025, $34,500.
  • Can Exercise Delay Transition to Active Therapy in Men with Low Grade Prostate Cancer? A Multi-Centre Randomized Controlled Trial., National Health and Medical Research Council, Project Grants, 2018 ‑ 2024, $596,084.
  • An exploratory study to determine if exercise can impact the gut microbiota composition of men receiving androgen suppression therapy for prostate cancer, Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia, Grant, 2018 ‑ 2024, $98,875.
  • Examining the effect of creatine supplementation in augmenting adaptations to resistance training in prostate cancer patients undergoing androgen deprivation therapy: a randomised, double-blind, placebo controlled trial. , Cancer Council of WA Inc, Collaborative Cancer Grant Scheme, 2019 ‑ 2023, $50,000.
  • Physical health during isolation, including chronic disease progression in older West Australians, Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation, Covid-19 Research Fund, 2020 ‑ 2023, $100,000.
  • Exercise as adjuvant therapy to increase prostate tumour oxygenation and improve effectiveness of radiotherapy , Cancer Council of WA Inc, Grant, 2020 ‑ 2022, $94,449.
  • Muscle morphology and function in women with advanced-stage ovarian cancer: Response to exercise medicine and implications for treatment, Cancer Council of WA Inc, PhD Top Up Scholarship, 2019 ‑ 2022, $30,000.
  • Exercise Medicine Prior to Open Radical Cystectomy: Feasibility and Preliminary Efficacy, ANZUP Clinical Trials Group Limited, Below the Belt Research Fund, 2017 ‑ 2021, $45,455.
  • From Research to Practice: the development, implementation and evaluation of an intervention to integrate exercise into standard of care for people with cancer, GenesisCare, Genesis Cancer Care - Grant, 2018 ‑ 2021, $5,000.
  • Feasibility and efficacy of dosing exercise medicine immediately before or after chemotherapy infusion, Edith Cowan University, ECU Industry Collaboration Grant - 2017 Open Round, 2018 ‑ 2020, $30,000.
  • Improving sexual health in men with prostate cancer: randomised controlled trial of exercise and psychosexual therapies, National Health and Medical Research Council, Project Grants, 2014 ‑ 2019, $565,380.
  • Allied Health Workforce Survey, Department of Health WA, Tender, 2016 ‑ 2017, $61,098.

Research Student Supervision

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Exercise Medicine for Survivors of Childhood Cancer: Implications for Musculoskeletal Health and Function
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Fasting mimicking diet and exercise medicine as adjuvant therapies in the treatment of patients with breast cancer.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Acute and chronic effects of eccentric exercise on executive function and attention of older adults
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Acute and chronic exercise effects on myokine expression and cancer suppression in breast cancer survivors

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy: Skeletal Consequences of Androgen Deprivation Therapy in Men with Prostate Cancer: The Role of Exercise in the management of ADT-related Side-effects
  • Doctor of Philosophy: Skeletal Consequences in Crohn’s Disease: The Muscle-Bone Relationship
  • Master by Research: Effects of a Cognitive Behavioural Intervention on Athlete’s Stress, Recovery & Performance
  • Doctor of Philosophy: Muscle Power and Functional Performance in Community-dwelling Older Adults
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The Effects of Exercise on Serum Level Myokines in Prostate Cancer Patients and Suppression of Prostate Cancer Cells Induced by Alteration of Systemic Milieu
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Exercise and Sport Medicine During Chemo(radio)therapy in Patients With Pancreatic Cancer

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Exploring the research to practice gap in exercise oncology
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Muscle morphology and function in women with advanced-stage ovarian cancer: Relevance in care and response to exercise medicine
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Exercise as adjunct therapy during treatment for men with prostate cancer

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy: Pseudoephedrine and Exercise Performance
  • Doctor of Philosophy: Effects of Caffeine Dose and Timing on Exercise Performance
  • Doctor of Philosophy: Running Workloads in Australian Football
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Exercise and nutrition induced weight loss for prostate cancer patients
  • Master of Medical and Health Science by Research, Exercise as an adjunct therapy in melanoma patients undergoing checkpoint inhibitor therapy
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Exploring demographic, clinical and prescription moderators of resistance exercise effects on objectively measured and patient-reported outcomes in men with prostate cancer
  • Master of Medical and Health Science by Research, Exercise medicine in supportive care of pregnancy associated breast cancer: Feasibility and patient preferences
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