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Dr Elizabeth Cook

Research Associate

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 2630
Campus: Joondalup  

Elizabeth is a Research Associate for the Food Environments Team, Nutrition & Health Innovation Research Institute in the School of Medical and Health Sciences, and Co-Chair of ECU’s Staff with Disability Network.


Elizabeth Cook has extensive experience in the higher education sector. She is currently a Research Associate at Edith Cowan University and serves as the Journal Manager for the open-access Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability. Her career has spanned roles in teaching, research, strategy and educational design at various Australian universities, including The University of Melbourne, the University of Southern Queensland and James Cook University.

Professional Associations

  • Australian Collaborative Education Network
  • Institute of Community Directors Australia
  • Centre for Higher Education Research and Evaluation (CHERE@LU), Lancaster University
  • Centre for Technology Enhanced Learning, Lancaster University

Awards and Recognition

Elizabeth is on the Advisory Board of the Australian Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education (ACSES) and the National Board of the Australian Collaborative Education Network (ACEN), which is the national professional association for work-integrated learning (WIL) and collaborative education.

Research Areas and Interests

  • Public health, nutrition and food environments.
  • Higher education research.
  • Work-integrated learning (WIL), employability and career development learning.
  • Evaluation and evaluative practices.
  • Research impact and community engagement in research.
  • Research methodologies.


  • PhD in Higher Education: Research, Evaluation & Enhancement, United Kingdom, 2024.
  • Master of Teaching (Secondary accelerated) by Research, The University of Melbourne, 2014.
  • Postgraduate Diploma of Teaching, Secondary, The University of Melbourne, 2012.
  • Bachelor of Science, The University of Melbourne, 2006.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Wallace, R., Sambell, R., Fu, SC., Lo, J., Cook, E., Devine, A. (2024). Enhancing nutrition information utilisation, confidence and role legitimacy and adequacy among early childhood education professionals through evidence-based online training. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 2024(Article in press), 16 pages.
  • Kumar, N., Cook, E., Fayda-Kinik, FS., Maisuradze, L. (2024). ICTs Influence on Knowledge Sharing in Higher Education: A Pre-AI Systematic Literature Review. European Journal of Education: research, development and policies, 59(4), Article number e12803.
  • Jackson, D., Cook, E. (2024). Work-integrated learning in the humanities, arts and social sciences: where to from here?. Studies in Higher Education, 2024(Article in press), TBD.
  • Cook, E., Doherty, S., Wallace, R. (2024). Preparing the Future Public Health Workforce: Fostering Global Citizenship Through the Relational Employability Framework—Insights from Two Case Studies. Education Sciences, 14(11), Article number 1245.
  • Wallace, R., Doherty, S., Cook, E. (2024). Using image-reflections to support undergraduate students’ relational employability: A practitioner reflection. Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability, 15(2), 5-17.
  • Reed, MS., Merkle, BG., Cook, E., Hafferty, C., Hejnowicz, AP., Holliman, R., Marder, ID., Pool, U., Raymond, CM., Wallen, KE., Whyte, D., Ballesteros, M., Bhanbhro, S., Borota, S., Brennan, ML., Carmen, E., Conway, EA., Everett, R., Armstrong-Gibbs, F., Jensen, E., Koren, G., Lockett, J., Obani, P., O'Connor, S., Prange, L., Mason, J., Robinson, S., Shukla, P., Tarrant, A., Marchetti, A., Stroobant, M. (2024). Reimagining the language of engagement in a post-stakeholder world. Sustainability Science, 19(4), 1481-1490.

Book Chapters

  • Jackson, D., Cook, E. (2023). Benefits of work-integrated learning for students. The Routledge International Handbook of Work-Integrated Learning (93-112). Routledge.

Journal Articles

  • Boyle, F., Cook, E. (2023). Developmental evaluation of teaching quality: Evidencing practice. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 20(1), TBD.

Journal Articles

  • Cook, E. (2022). A narrative review of graduate employability models: their paradigms, and relationships to teaching and curricula. Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability, 13(1), 37-64.


  • Harvey, A., Luckman, M., Gao, Y., Kubler, M., Tomaszewski, W., Dempsey, N., Devlin, M., Cook, E., Hill, B., Hill, A., Shore, S., Reedy, A., Holmes, K. (2022). Towards the point of return: Maximising students’ uptake of university places following deferral and leave. Australia. Department of Education, Skills and Employment.

Journal Articles

  • Cook, E. (2021). Evaluation of work-integrated learning: A realist synthesis and toolkit to enhance university evaluative practices. International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning, 22(3), 213-239.
  • Cook, E., Crane, L., Kinash, S., Bannatyne, A., Crawford, J., Hamlin, G., Judd, M., Kelder, J., Partridge, H., Richardson, S. (2021). Australian postgraduate student experiences and anticipated employability: A national study from the students' perspective. Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability, 12(2), 148-168.
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