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Empowering Education - Pre-Service Teachers Make a Difference in Indonesia

Thursday, 01 February 2024


Bachelor of Education (Primary) Pre-Service Teachers embarked on a transformative journey to Indonesia this January to engage with impoverished communities through the Humanities & Social Sciences Social Action & Sustainability Study Tour, funded by the New Colombo Program. Venturing into the heart of Indonesia, these future educators found themselves immersed in the lives of families residing on a disused landfill site. Families who, in their struggle for survival, spend their days scavenging for anything of value. Undeterred by the challenges, the tour participants set out to make a difference by delivering lessons prepared in Indonesian across six nongovernmental organisations (NGO) and not-for-profit (NFP) schools catering to age ranges from 2 to 17, with some classes spanning six different age levels. The Pre-Service Teachers also orchestrated an educational excursion for 25 underprivileged children to a facility boasting a built-in rainforest. The goal was not just to impart knowledge but to broaden the horizons of these young minds and instil a sense of wonder and possibility.

Taking a step further, our aspiring educators played a pivotal role in community development by establishing four small businesses, including a recycling venture. Their contribution extended beyond the classroom, reaching the heart of economic empowerment for the locals. Emergency relief packs were distributed to those most in need, providing immediate support and showcasing the compassion that education can inspire.

On the culminating day of their journey, the Pre-Service Teachers hosted an ‘Aussie Fun Day’ on the landfill site. The event featured a Sizzle and a pop-up Op Shop, providing essential items to the community for free. This act of kindness was complemented by a commitment to environmental stewardship, as the participants utilised the hand-pumped water supply installed by a previous Humanities & Social Sciences Study Tour.

Tour Leader and ECU Education Lecturer Wil Turner has overseen over 150 Bachelor of Education (Primary) Pre-service Teachers participating in overseas experiences in recent years. The impact is palpable, with global feedback echoing the sentiments of one January 2024 cohort member who communicated, ‘It has changed my life in more ways than one. I will be back there.’ This sentiment resonates, as more than 50% of the 2023 Humanities & Social Sciences Study Tour cohort has independently returned, perpetuating the cycle of positive change and global citizenship.

The story of these Pre-Service Teachers serves as a testament to the potential of education not just as a profession but as a force for social transformation. As they return to their studies, they carry a profound understanding of their impact on the world: one lesson, one person, one community at a time.


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