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Professor Lennie Barblett AM


Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 6733
Campus: Mount Lawley  
Room: ML16.211  

Lennie is a Professor of Early Childhood Education for the School of Education.

Professional associations

  • 2012 - WA Schools Curriculum and Assessment Authority
  • 2011 - DEEWR/ECA Professional Learning Program on the EYLF
  • 2007 - Editorial Committee and Reviewer Australasian Journal of Early Childhood
  • 1986 - Early Childhood Australia
  • 2009 - 2010 - K/P/1 Review Panel Department of Education
  • 2006 - 2008 - Early Childhood Code of Ethics national working group

Awards and recognition

  • 2021 - Winner, Engagement Australia Excellence Awards in the category of Outstanding Engagement for Research Impact. Citation: ‘Better Beginnings’: The development and impact of a State library and University partnership on a family literacy program.

Research interests

  • Play and pedagogy
  • Quality curriculum
  • Teaching standards
  • Integrated service delivery
  • Social and emotional development and learning
  • Early childhood policy.


  • PHD, Edith Cowan University.
  • Bachelor of Education Upper Second Class Honours, Edith Cowan University, 1993.
  • Bachelor of Arts, The University of Western Australia, 1990.

Research Outputs

Book Chapters

  • Hadley, F., Harrison, L., Lavina, L., Barblett, L., Irvine, S., Bobongie-Harris, F., Cartmel, J. (2025). INVOLVING FAMILIES: Lessons from updating Australia’s approved learning framework. Supporting Early Childhood Practice Through Difficult Times: Looking towards a Better Future (108-121). Taylor and Francis.

Journal Articles

  • Hadley, F., Harrison, LJ., Lavina, L., Barblett, L., Irvine, S., Bobongie-Harris, F., Cartmel, J. (2024). Engaging stakeholders to inform policy developments in early childhood education and outside school hours care. Frontiers in Education, 8(Article in press), Article number 1212952.
  • Irvine, S., Barblett, L., Waniganayake, M., Hadley, F., Andrews, R., Hatzigianni, M., Li, H., Lavina, L., Harrison, LJ., Davis, B. (2024). The quest for continuous quality improvement in Australian long day care services: getting the most out of the Assessment and Rating process. Frontiers in Education, 9(Article in press), Article number 1207059.
  • Barblett, L., Cartmel, J., Lavina, L., Hadley, F., Irvine, S., Harrison, LJ., Bobongie-Harris, F. (2024). Prioritising children’s participation in research: including children’s voices in updating a national early learning framework. International Journal of Early Years Education, 2024(Article in press), pp.
  • Roberts, P., Barblett, L. (2024). Young student's views of NAPLAN: Impact on wellbeing through drawn responses. Frontiers in Education, 9(Article in press), Article number 1443563.
  • Hill, S., Barratt-Pugh, C., Johnson, N., Barblett, L. (2024). Receptiveness of the Kindytxt Universal Early Literacy Texting Program by Parents from Low, Medium, and High Socioeconomic Communities. Early Childhood Education Journal, 2024(Article in press), 15 pages.
  • Roberts, P., Menzel, L., Adkin, B., Barblett, L. (2024). Developing an ‘ePortfolio of Evidence’ Towards Employment and Registration for Early Childhood Teachers. Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability, 15(1), 346-361.

Journal Articles

  • Franks, D., Barblett, L., Kirk, G. (2023). Teachers’ Understanding of the Major Sources of Self‑efficacy in Early Childhood. Early Childhood Education Journal, 2023(Article in press), 11 pages.
  • Cartmel, J., Irvine, S., Harrison, L., Barblett, L., Bobongie-Harris, F., Lavina, L., Hadley, F. (2023). Conceptualising the education and care workforce from the perspective of children and young people. Frontiers in Education, 8(Article in press), Article number 1167486.
  • Davis, B., Dunn, R., Harrison, LJ., Waniganayake, M., Hadley, F., Andrews, R., Li, H., Irvine, S., Barblett, L., Hatzigianni, M. (2023). Mapping the leap: differences in quality improvement in relation to assessment rating outcomes. Frontiers in Education, 8(Article in press), Article number 1155786.
  • Harrison, LJ., Andrews, R., Hadley, F., Irvine, S., Waniganayake, M., Barblett, L., Davis, B., Hatzigianni, M., Li, H. (2023). Protocol for a mixed-methods investigation of quality improvement in early childhood education and care in Australia. Children and Youth Services Review, 155(December 2023), Article number 107278.
  • Adam, H., Barblett, L., Kirk, G., Boutte, GS. (2023). (Re)considering equity, inclusion and belonging in the updating of the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia: The potential and pitfalls of book sharing. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 24(2), 189-207.
  • Harrison, LJ., Waniganayake, M., Brown, J., Andrews, R., Li, H., Hadley, F., Irvine, S., Barblett, L., Davis, B., Hatzigianni, M. (2023). Structures And Systems Influencing Quality Improvement In Australian Early Childhood Education And Care Centres. The Australian Educational Researcher, 2023(article in press), TBD.
  • Boylan, F., Barblett, L., Knaus, M. (2023). I think I can, I think I can’t: design principles for fostering a growth mindset in the early years. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 2023(Article in press), 22 pages.
  • Barblett, L., Bobongie-Harris, F., Cartmel, J., Hadley, F., Harrison, L., Irvine, S., Lavina, L. (2023). ‘We’re not useless, we know stuff!’ Gathering children’s voices to inform policy. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 48(2), 134-147.
  • Hatzigianni, M., Stephenson, T., Harrison, LJ., Waniganayake, M., Li, P., Barblett, L., Hadley, F., Andrews, R., Davis, B., Irvine, S. (2023). The role of digital technologies in supporting quality improvement in Australian early childhood education and care settings. International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy, 17(1), Article number 5.
  • Boylan, F., Barblett, L., Lavina, L., Ruscoe, A. (2023). Transforming transitions to primary school: using children’s funds of knowledge and identity. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 2023(Article in Press), 15 pages.
  • Cartmel, J., Hurst, B., Bobongie-Harris, F., Hadley, F., Barblett, L., Harrison, L., Irvine, S. (2023). Do children have a right to do nothing? Exploring the place of passive leisure in Australian school age care. Childhood: a global journal of child research, 2023(Article in press), 17 pages.


  • Barblett, L., Akifeva, R., Lavina, L., Boylan, F. (2023). Digital literacy: A review of literature. Perth, WA. Edith Cowan University.
  • Barblett, L., Ruscoe, A., Boylan, F. (2023). Transforming Transitions to School: Using Funds of Knowledge and Identity. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal. Edith Cowan University. Early Childhood Research Group.
  • Barblett, L., Ruscoe, A., Boylan, F. (2023). Transforming transitions to school: Project Report, January 2023. Edith Cowan University. Early Childhood Education Group.

Book Chapters

  • Barblett, L., Barratt-Pugh, C. (2022). Shifting the balance of power for families through a strengths- based book gifting program. Relationships with families in early childhood education and care. Beyond Instrumentalization in International Contexts of Diversity and Social Inequality (113-121). Routledge.

Journal Articles

  • Barratt-Pugh, C., Hill, S., Johnson, N., Barblett, L., Parker, A. (2022). Designing and Implementing a Family Literacy Program Through Smartphones: How Does Recruitment Method Influence Uptake and Attrition?. Early Childhood Education Journal, Article in press(Article in press), 12.
  • Barratt-Pugh, C., Barblett, L., Knaus, M., Cahill, R., Hill, S., Cooper, T. (2022). Supporting parents as their child's first teacher: Aboriginal parents' perceptions of KindiLink. Early Childhood Education Journal, 50(6), 903-912.
  • Fabry, A., Barblett, L., Knaus, M. (2022). The role of early childhood pedagogical leaders in schools: Leading change for ongoing improvement. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 47(4), 275-288.
  • Kirk, G., Barblett, L. (2022). Implementing the National Quality Standard in schools: Leadership that motivates improvement initiatives through psychological ownership. The Australian Educational Researcher, 49(2), 367-385.


Journal Articles

  • Ruscoe, A., Barblett, L., Barratt-Pugh, C. (2021). Discourses of power: Policy and curriculum demands in the first year of compulsory school. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 2021(Article in Press), 15p..
  • Knaus, M., Kirk, G., Roberts, P., Barblett, L., Adkin, B. (2021). Improving assessment accountability in initial teacher education programs through benchmarking. Benchmarking: an international journal, 28(7), 2299-2314.
  • Roberts, P., Barblett, L., Boylan, F., Knaus, M. (2021). Revitalising reflective practice in pre-service teacher education: developing and practicing an effective framework. Reflective Practice, 22(3), 331-344.

Journal Articles

  • Barblett, L., Barratt-Pugh, C., Knaus, M., Cooper, T. (2020). Supporting Aboriginal families’ and children’s developing sense of belonging at KindiLink. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 45(4), 309-321.

Journal Articles

  • Roberts, P., Barblett, L., Robinson, K. (2019). Early years teachers' perspectives on the effects of NAPLAN on stakeholder wellbeing and the impact on early years pedagogy and curriculum. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 44(3), 309-320.


  • Hadley, F., Irvine, S., Davis, B., Barblett, L., Dunn, R., Hatzigianni, M., Mulhearn, G., Waniganayake, M., Andrews, R., Li, P., Harrison, L. (2019). Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (Acecqa) Quality Improvement Research Project Phase 2 Report. Australia. AUSTRALIAN CHILDREN’S EDUCATION AND CARE QUALITY AUTHORITY (ACECQA).

Journal Articles

  • Ruscoe, A., Barblett, L., Barratt-Pugh, C. (2018). Sharing power with children: Repositioning children as agentic learners. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 43(3), 63-71.
  • Boylan, F., Barblett, L., Knaus, M. (2018). Early childhood teachers' perspectives of growth mindset: Developing agency in children. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 43(3), 16-24.
  • Barblett, L., Kirk, G. (2018). National quality standards in school: Leadership enabling power and agency. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 43(3), 43-51.
  • Rogers, S., Barblett, L., Robinson, K. (2018). Parent and teacher perceptions of NAPLAN in a sample of Independent schools in Western Australia. The Australian Educational Researcher, 45(4), 493-513.


  • Barratt-Pugh, C., Barblett, L., Cooper, T., Knaus, M., Hill, S., Ferguson, C., McLean, C. (2018). Evaluation of the KindiLink Pilot Initiative in Western Australia Volume 2: Survey Data (2016-2018). Australia. Department of Education of WA.
  • Barratt-Pugh, C., Barblett, L., Cooper, T., Knaus, M., Hill, S., Ferguson, C., McLean, C. (2018). Evaluation of the KindiLink Pilot Initiative in Western Australia Volume 3: Case Studies (2016-2018) June 2018. Australia. Department of Education of WA.
  • Barratt-Pugh, C., Barblett, L., Cooper, T., Knaus, M., Hill, S., Ferguson, C., McLean, C. (2018). Evaluation of the KindiLink Pilot Initiative in Western Australia Volume 1: Overview and Key Findings. Australia. Department of Education of WA.
  • Barblett, L. (2018). Aboriginal NAPLAN: Perspectives of Stakeholders on NAPLAN in Remote Community Schools. Australia. Association of Independent Schools in Western Australia (AISWA).
  • Barratt-Pugh, C., Barblett, L., Cooper, T., Knaus, M., Hill, S., Ferguson, C., McLean, C. (2018). Evaluation of the KindiLink Pilot Initiative in Western Australia Volume 4: Reflective Journal. Australia. Department of Education of WA.


  • Barblett, L., Kirk, G. (2017). Shared leadership to improve quality: Four public schools journey with the National Quality Standard. Australia. Department of Education of WA.
  • Robinson, K., Roberts, P., Barblett, L., Rogers, S. (2017). NAPLAN Narratives: Impact on Student Wellbeing At Years 3, 5 And 7. Australia. Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia.

Journal Articles

  • Rogers, S., Barblett, L., Robinson, K. (2016). Investigating the impact of NAPLAN on student, parent and teacher emotional distress in independent schools. Australian Educational Researcher, 43(3), 327-343.
  • Barblett, L., Knaus, M., Barratt-Pugh, C. (2016). The pushes and pulls of pedagogy in the early years: Competing knowledges and the erosion of play-based learning. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 41(4), 36-43.

Journal Articles

  • Leitao, N., Barratt-Pugh, C., Anderson, K., Barblett, L., Haig, Y. (2015). Engaging Children in Reading for Pleasure: A Better Beginnings Project Linking Libraries with Primary Schools. Libri: international journal of libraries and information services, 65(1), 15-24.

Journal Articles

  • Anderson, K., Barblett, L., Barratt-Pugh, C., Haig, Y., Leitao, N. (2013). Better Beginnings: Public Libraries making Literacy Links with the Adult Community. Libri: international journal of libraries and information services, 63(4), 272-281.


  • Leitao, N., Barratt-Pugh, C., Barblett, L. (2013). Developing the Child and Parent Centre initiative in Western Australia: Perceptions from the coordinators. Perth, W.A.. Edith Cowan University.
  • Barratt-Pugh, C., Anderson, K., Barblett, L., Haig, Y., Leitao, N. (2013). Making a Difference: Summary of the Evaluation of Four Better Beginnings Programs. Perth, W.A.. Edith Cowan University.


  • Barblett, L. (2012). Read to Me I Love It! Evaluation of the Better Beginnings program for Remote Aboriginal Communities. Perth, W.A.. Edith Cowan University.

Journal Articles

  • Barblett, L., Barratt-Pugh, C., Kilgallon, P., Maloney, C. (2011). Transition from long day care to kindergarten: Continuity or not?. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 36(2), 42-50.

Journal Articles

  • Barblett, L., Maloney, C. (2010). Complexities of assessing social and emotional competence and wellbeing in young children. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 35(2), 13-18.

Journal Articles

  • Maloney, C., Barblett, L. (2003). Describing standards for early childhood teachers:Moving the debate forward to the national level. The Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 28(2), 25-34.
  • Barblett, L. (2003). One size doesn't fit all: Patterns of pre-primary teacher policy engagement. Australian Journal of Early Childhood, 28(2), 27-31.

Journal Articles

  • Barblett, L., Maloney, C. (2002). Proving quality or improving quality: who's minding the shop. Australian Journal of Early Childhood, 27(1), 14-17.

Journal Articles

  • Barblett, L., Chadbourne, R., Maloney, C. (2001). Can vignettes capture the complexity of high quality early childhood teaching?. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 2, 209-223.
  • Maloney, C., Barblett, L. (2001). Teachers' views of the us professional standards in early childhood education. Australian Journal of Early Childhood, 8, 52-60.

Research Projects

  • Amplify 2: The Story of Three Schools, Association of Independent Schools of WA, AISWA - Grant, 2017 ‑ 2026, $30,000.
  • NAPLAN Narratives: Stakeholders’ perspectives surrounding student wellbeing (Studies 4 & 5), Association of Independent Schools of WA, AISWA - Grant, 2017 ‑ 2026, $80,000.
  • Amplify: The Story of Six Schools, Association of Independent Schools of WA, AISWA - Grant, 2016 ‑ 2026, $40,000.
  • NAPLAN Narratives: Stakeholders’ perspectives surrounding student wellbeing 2016-2018 (NAPLAN Narratives: Studies 2 and 3), Association of Independent Schools of WA, AISWA - Grant, 2016 ‑ 2026, $60,000.
  • ARC Centre of Excellence for the Digital Child - Supporting children’s digital agency with a self-administered health literacy tool , Australian Research Council, Grant - Centres of Excellence (CEE126), 2022 ‑ 2025, $26,445.
  • Dialogic Drawing as a pedagogical tool to promote and monitor engagement in school and learning, Association of Independent Schools of WA, AISWA - Grant, 2025, $24,553.
  • Transforming Transitions 2- Building for children’s engagement and success at school, Association of Independent Schools of WA, AISWA - Grant, 2022 ‑ 2025, $173,994.
  • Co-designing Playful Health-Arts, Healthway (WA Health Promotion Foundation), Healthy Communities Grant, 2023 ‑ 2025, $259,923.
  • Better Beginnings Research into Digital Literacy in the Early Years, State Library of WA, Grant, 2023 ‑ 2025, $45,323.
  • Goodstart Digital Baseline Project , Goodstart Early Learning, Grant, 2023 ‑ 2025, $86,648.
  • Transforming Transitions - Using students' social capital to recast transitions, Association of Independent Schools of WA, AISWA - Grant, 2020 ‑ 2025, $124,910.
  • 2021 Nationally Quality Framework Approved Learning Frameworks Update, Australian Children's Education Care and Quality Authority, Grant, 2021 ‑ 2024, $96,726.
  • Improving parental engagement in children's learning and school readiness through a literacy-based text messaging program. , Ian Potter Foundation, Grant, 2019 ‑ 2023, $209,000.
  • Longitudinal evaluation of the Better Beginnings Family Literacy Program, Department of Culture and the Arts, Dept of Culture and the Arts – Tender, 2016 ‑ 2022, $198,702.
  • Student wellbeing in schools - Investigating the utility of realistic avatars for avatar-based counselling, and the student experience of NAPLAN testing, Association of Independent Schools of WA, AISWA - Grant, 2022, $20,000.
  • Review and revision of the Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines (the Guidelines), development of a Kindergarten planning template, and an exemplar demonstrating how the Guidelines can be used to plan and program for the continuity of learning for a group of children, as they transition from preschool settings to Kindergarten and from Kindergarten to Pre-primary , Department of Education WA, Department of Education - Tender, 2021 ‑ 2022, $28,842.
  • ACECQA Quality improvement Research Project, Australian Children's Education Care and Quality Authority, Grant, 2019, $14,955.
  • National Quality Standard in Western Australian Government Schools, Department of Education WA, Office of Early Childhood Development and Learning Grant, 2016 ‑ 2018, $37,316.
  • Evaluation of the KindiLink Pilot for the Department of Education, Department of Education WA, Department of Education - Tender, 2016 ‑ 2018, $100,000.
  • Fostering inquiry-based science learning through play in early childhood education, Edith Cowan University, ECU Early Career Researcher Grant - 2016, 2016 ‑ 2017, $21,600.
  • NAPLAN Narratives: Stakeholders perspectives surrounding student wellbeing, Association of Independent Schools of WA, AISWA - Grant, 2015 ‑ 2017, $45,000.
  • Evaluation of four family literacy projects developed as part of the Better Beginnings program Project 1 - 4-5 years remote indigenous communities, Department of Culture and the Arts, Dept of Culture and the Arts - Grant, 2012 ‑ 2016, $187,836.
  • Evaluation of four family literacy projects developed as part of the Better Beginnings program Project 4 Adult Literacy/Research and Development of Literacy Moodle Modules, Department of Culture and the Arts, Dept of Culture and the Arts - Grant, 2012 ‑ 2016, $223,142.
  • Evaluation of the Integrated Service Model of Child Australia, Child Inclusive Learning and Development Australia Inc., Grant, 2015 ‑ 2016, $40,000.
  • Development of child and parent centre initiative WA, Department of Education WA, Department of Education - Tender, 2012 ‑ 2014, $45,455.
  • Evaluation of four family literacy projects developed as part of the Better Beginnings program Project 3 - Better Beginnings - 6-9 Years, Department of Culture and the Arts, Dept of Culture and the Arts - Grant, 2012 ‑ 2014, $57,884.
  • Evaluation of four family literacy projects developed as part of the Better Beginnings program - Project 2 - Cald Program, Department of Culture and the Arts, Dept of Culture and the Arts - Grant, 2012 ‑ 2014, $65,071.
  • Development of Kindergarten / Pre-Primary Guidelines for Western Australian Schools, School Curriculum and Standards Authority, Tender, 2012 ‑ 2013, $68,668.
  • Evaluation of the Better Beginnings Plus Pilot 2010, State Library of WA, Grant, 2010 ‑ 2013, $134,306.
  • An Investigation of Goodstart's Centre-Based Practice and Program Quality Using the National Quality Standards as the Benchmark, with a Focus on Building the Capacity of Early Learning Consultants, Charles Sturt University, Grant - Good Start Early Learning Centre Ltd, 2013, $7,000.
  • Building Pedagogical Knowledge and Leadership Capacity in Long Day Care Centres, Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Grant, 2011 ‑ 2012, $49,817.
  • The Development and testing of an Early Literacy and Numeracy Program (ELNP) for 0-4 Year Old Indigenous Children and their Families, Edith Cowan University, ECU Early Career Researcher - Grant, 2008 ‑ 2010, $25,000.
  • The Identification of Resources to Support Children Learning to Read in the Early Years of School, Department of Education and Training WA, Grant, 2007 ‑ 2008, $47,185.
  • An evaluation of the uptake and use by schools of the Kindergarten and Pre-primary Profile Package and recommendations for future directions, Department of Education and Training WA, Grant, 2007 ‑ 2008, $44,000.
  • The Identification of Resources to Support Children's Social and Emotional Development, Department of Education and Training WA, Grant, 2007, $47,185.
  • Social emotional development in the early childhood phase of schooling, Department of Education and Training WA, Grant, 2004 ‑ 2006, $43,500.

Research Student Supervision

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, What makes an exemplary infant toddler teacher? Describing exemplary infant toddler teaching in Australian Long Day Care settings

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Co-design of a digital tool to promote young children's planetary health literacy and support their digital agency

Principal Supervisor

  • Master of Education, Investigating self-efficacy: Early childhood teachers' understanding of self-efficacy
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Fostering Engagement: Building Connections with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) Families in the Early Years of School
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Who is Leading in the Early Years? An investigation of the early childhood pedagogical leadership in school settings.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Mindsets matter: Early childhood teacher perceptions of mindset
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Place Literacies Emerging from the Common Worlds of Place and Children
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Power, perspective and affordance in early childhood education
  • Doctor of Philosophy, How public libraries in Western Australia seek to support the language and literacy development of children from birth to three years
  • Master of Education, Children's knowledge, identity and right to participation in driving curriculum decision-making

Associate Supervisor

  • Master of Education, I see a spark and blow on it: Drama practice in year 1 and the new Australian curriculum in the arts
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